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A Semi-Automatic Data Cleaning & Coding Tool for Chinese Clinical Data Standardization [chapter]

Yani Chen, Qi Tian, Hailing Cai, Xudong Lu
2022 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
The semi-automatic data cleaning and coding can reduce the half time for standardization, and it was used in hospitals in Beijing.  ...  The complexity of data cleaning and coding for Chinese clinical data prompted the turn of low-effective manual coding into the computer-aided tool.  ...  Chen et al. / A Semi-Automatic Data Cleaning & Coding Tool for Chinese Clinical Data Standardization  ... 
doi:10.3233/shti220041 pmid:35672980 fatcat:3wizafjrw5c6nbqqnjwpaz7nea

A computer framework for analysing networks of locations and topics in a clinical trials database

Tamas Toth, Peter Pollner, Gergely Palla, Elek Dinya
2019 Clinical and Medical Investigations  
Our results highlight some data quality issues and show what steps were necessary for the cleaning and analysis of the data.  ...  In this article, we aim to extract information from a large online clinical research database; demonstrate the pitfalls of data quality; and create a computer framework for the visualization of the results  ...  Limitations This research provides only a snapshot of the database. Automatic update is not possible due to the need of data cleaning.  ... 
doi:10.15761/cmi.1000195 fatcat:ajod6x2tsfcxna47mpaxouvw2u

Artificial intelligence for target symptoms of Thai herbal medicine by web scraping

Chairote Yaiprasert, Gorawit Yusakul
2022 International Journal of Data and Network Science  
In addition to standard treatments, the role of complementary and alternative medicine should be mentioned.  ...  This study showed that the programming and machine learning system was appropriate for obtaining and classifying Thai herbal medicines knowledge.  ...  AI may mean the development of traditional Chinese medicine data on integrated clinical practice and patient outcomes for medical knowledge discovery and decision support system design (Zhou et al., 2010  ... 
doi:10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.1.010 fatcat:vjqbhbiomnfnvh5iqryb4jfddi

Radiology department preventive and control measures and work plan during COVID-19 epidemic-experience from Wuhan

Xi Long, Lijie Zhang, Osamah Alwalid, Ziqiao Lei, Bo Liang, Heshui Shi, Chuansheng Zheng, Fan Yang
2021 Chinese Journal of Academic Radiology  
Acknowledgements The authors would like to express the appreciation for the medical staffs for their efforts to fight against the outbreak.  ...  At present, the current data from the previous studies showed that the virus can be traced back to the Chinese Horseshoe Bat, which can be transmitted from human to human, infect medical staff, and spread  ...  Protective measures for the equipment In strict accordance with the standards [6] [7] [8] [9] , clean and disinfect medical equipment, contaminated articles, surfaces and floors, as well as air. 1.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s42058-021-00055-5 pmid:33623863 pmcid:PMC7893626 fatcat:bhceugstunc3xdzkuxeknh5oq4

Waist circumference prediction for epidemiological research using gradient boosted trees

Weihong Zhou, Spencer Eckler, Andrew Barszczyk, Alex Waese-Perlman, Yingjie Wang, Xiaoping Gu, Zhong-Ping Feng, Yuzhu Peng, Kang Lee
2021 BMC Medical Research Methodology  
Background Waist circumference is becoming recognized as a useful predictor of health risks in clinical research.  ...  Predicting waist circumference from standard physical features could be a viable method for generating this information when it is missing or mitigating the impact of inaccurate self-reports.  ...  AB cleaned data, analyzed data, interpreted data and contributed to the manuscript. AW cleaned data, analyzed data, interpreted data and contributed to the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12874-021-01242-9 pmid:33750311 fatcat:vifyir7e2vhizcon5dstdgfloq

Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019 [article]

Tiffany J. Callahan, Ignacio J. Tripodi Computational Bioscience Program, Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Here we survey the progress in the last year in systems that use formally represented knowledge to address data science problems in both clinical and biological domains, as well as on approaches for creating  ...  Knowledge-based biomedical data science (KBDS) involves the design and implementation of computer systems that act as if they knew about biomedicine.  ...  The supplemental material has been submitted in a separate word document titled: Supplementtal_Material.docx.  ... 
arXiv:1910.06710v1 fatcat:kvz5k643zvhpdiq67blc2v33wi

Applications of Robotics, AI, and Digital Technologies During COVID-19: A Review

Zhuo Zhao, Yangmyung Ma, Adeel Mushtaq, Abdul M. Azam Rajper, Mahmoud Shehab, Annabel Heybourne, Wenzhan Song, Hongliang Ren, Zion Tsz Ho Tse
2021 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness  
Technologies related to robots, artificial intelligence, and digital technology were selected from the pool of candidates, yielding a total of 50 applications for review.  ...  Many countries have enacted a quick response to the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic by utilizing existing technologies.  ...  makes it a useful tool for sanitizing indoor public areas.  ... 
doi:10.1017/dmp.2021.9 pmid:33413717 pmcid:PMC8027549 fatcat:vjqob4uq3jbkzezhtcwo3wr6wu

Modular Structure Construction Progress Scenario: A Case Study of an Emergency Hospital to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lingkun Chen, Chencheng Zhai, Lu Wang, Xiaolun Hu, Xiaoming Huang
2022 Sustainability  
The research results show that information and data interaction is the key to speedy building design and construction, with digital simulation in one stage and on-site assembly in a crammed way.  ...  This research examines the use of modular integrated construction (MiC) in developing an emergency hospital for individuals with novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP).  ...  [12] made a BIM tool that automatically picks the right parameters so that modular building parameters can be automatically extracted.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su141811243 fatcat:gcjzybfhzjac7d5hsvposp55t4

Design, Development, and Evaluation of the Blood Collection Management Workstation

Huanhuan Huang, Huimei Yin, Wenxin Xu, Qi Wang, Mingzhao Xiao, Qinghua Zhao
2022 Risk Management and Healthcare Policy  
The blood collection management workstation has shown the potential to decrease errors and improve working efficiency in a clinical setting.  ...  Subsequently, the blood collection management workstation was evaluated using the Chinese System Usability Scale (SUS) in a general ward setting from January to June 2021.  ...  highlight that, tools are always just a booster for clinical work and could never replace nurses.  ... 
doi:10.2147/rmhp.s384866 pmid:36341474 pmcid:PMC9635477 fatcat:2ivfhhz6mng5tlzgqspklrsvhu

Predicting breast cancer 5-year survival using machine learning: A systematic review

Jiaxin Li, Zijun Zhou, Jianyu Dong, Ying Fu, Yuan Li, Ze Luan, Xin Peng, Pascal A. T. Baltzer
2021 PLoS ONE  
Accurately predicting the survival rate of breast cancer patients is a major issue for cancer researchers.  ...  Further optimization of the performance of the proposed model is also needed in the future, which requires more standardization and subsequent validation.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the School of Nursing, Jilin University and Jilin Cancer Hospital for their support during this study.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0250370 pmid:33861809 fatcat:psaw6vtskvfbtfoo2yp6qme6um

Automatic and Precise Localization and Cortical Labeling of Subdural and Depth Intracranial Electrodes

Chaoyi Qin, Zheng Tan, Yali Pan, Yanyan Li, Lin Wang, Liankun Ren, Wenjing Zhou, Liang Wang
2017 Frontiers in Neuroinformatics  
Precise localization of the implanted electrodes is critical to clinical diagnosing and treatment as well as for scientific studies.  ...  The electrode coordinates were normalized to a standard space. Moreover, the probabilistic value being to a specific area or a functional network was provided.  ...  Natural Science Foundation of China (81371631, 81422024 to LW) and the Beijing Nova Program (Z141110001814068 to LW), the Thousand Youth Talents Plan (Y4HX072006 to LW), the Hundred Talent Program of Chinese  ... 
doi:10.3389/fninf.2017.00010 pmid:28261083 pmcid:PMC5314105 fatcat:voy5cnrbbfghtcg67tqvd26glu

Supporting Annotators with Affordances for Efficiently Labeling Conversational Data [article]

Austin Z. Henley, David Piorkowski
2024 arXiv   pre-print
We implemented a production-quality implementation of CAL and report a user-study evaluation that compares CAL to a standard spreadsheet.  ...  To address the concerns of effort and tedium, we designed CAL, a novel interface to aid in data labeling.  ...  In some cases, this data is relatively straightforward to label correctly, as is the case of using data from clinical trials' or log data from users' interactions.  ... 
arXiv:2403.07762v1 fatcat:egodoiuuyzahlmipjhr4mpdixm

Data Infrastructure for Medical Research

Thomas Heinis, Anastasia Ailamaki
2017 Foundations and Trends in Databases  
instruments and diagnostic tools (e.g.  ...  MRI), new sources of structured data like activity trackers, the wide-spread use of electronic health records and many others.  ...  It provides tools for loading different data types, chemical, biological and clinical data, from a range of sources.  ... 
doi:10.1561/1900000050 fatcat:fakmpm37lfcelokzvlx6tcld6m

Construction and Knowledge Mining of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ancient Books Bibliographic Abstracts Database Based on Genetic Algorithm and BP Neural Network

Yongmei Wang, Shujun Ren, Li Song, Jiang Zhang, Man Fai Leung
2022 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
With the rapid development of modern science technology and Internet technology, the establishment of a unified and standardized bibliographic summary database to realize the exchange and resource sharing  ...  medicine ancient book resources, and integrates the multimedia data with XML data.  ...  For example, the Chinese medical code has collected more than 1000 major works of traditional Chinese medicine in the past dynasties.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/6838714 fatcat:d6lrfetfubdirgxbvndazgxmbi

Datasets for Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey [article]

Yang Liu, Jiahuan Cao, Chongyu Liu, Kai Ding, Lianwen Jin
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The total data size surveyed surpasses 774.5 TB for pre-training corpora and 700M instances for other datasets.  ...  We aim to present the entire landscape of LLM text datasets, serving as a comprehensive reference for researchers in this field and contributing to future studies.  ...  The ToolBench dataset is a tool usage dataset created automatically by a model.  ... 
arXiv:2402.18041v1 fatcat:lizkw5xllrfthn6efbggy7jhh4
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