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SR-RRT: Selective retraction-based RRT planner

Junghwan Lee, OSung Kwon, Liangjun Zhang, Sung-eui Yoon
2012 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
05], OBRRT [Rodriguez et al. 06], RRRT [Zhang & Manocha 08], etc. 4 Retration-based RRT [Zhang & Manocha 08] • Retraction-based RRT technique handling narrow passages • Iteratively retracts a sample near  ...  2 Problem statement • Motion planning problem • • Single query • Rigid-body robot • No dynamic/kinematic constraints • 3D workspace including narrow passages 3 Sampling-based planner • PRM [Kavraki et  ...  SR-RRTSelective Retraction-based RRT • Can efficiently handle various types of problems that have or do not have narrow passages w/ narrow passages wo/ narrow passages • Bridge line-test: efficiently  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2012.6224928 dblp:conf/icra/LeeKZY12 fatcat:p4v2pj5ayfe4tocqyhacartdqm

MARRT: Medial Axis biased rapidly-exploring random trees

Jory Denny, Evan Greco, Shawna Thomas, Nancy M. Amato
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
This is difficult for current stateof-the-art sampling-based techniques as they typically focus on simply finding any path.  ...  Among such planners, Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRTs) search the planning space by biasing exploration toward unexplored regions.  ...  Selective Retraction-based RRT (SR-RRT) [10] uses simple tests to focus the retractions to narrow passages and avoid expensive growth in open areas of C f ree .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2014.6906594 dblp:conf/icra/DennyGTA14 fatcat:jnx6dgaghba7rbwuigqy5ckej4

Spark PRM: Using RRTs within PRMs to efficiently explore narrow passages

Kensen Shi, Jory Denny, Nancy M. Amato
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
We show significant speedups in computation time over RRT, Sampling-based Roadmap of Trees (SRT), and various PRM variants.  ...  Spark PRM is a general method that can be applied to all PRM variants. We study the benefits of Spark PRM with a variety of sampling strategies in a wide array of environments.  ...  Tree-based Planners Tree-based planners (e.g., RRTs [15] and Expansive-Spaces Trees (ESTs) [9] ) are especially suited for singlequery scenarios.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2014.6907540 dblp:conf/icra/ShiDA14 fatcat:rj74u5paobab3kkuz7sz3vmnhi

Faster Sample-Based Motion Planning Using Instance-Based Learning [chapter]

Jia Pan, Sachin Chitta, Dinesh Manocha
2013 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics  
Our approach is general, makes no assumption about the sampling scheme, and can be used with various sample-based motion planners, including PRM, Lazy-PRM, RRT and RRT * , by making small changes to these  ...  We present a novel approach to improve the performance of sample-based motion planners by learning from prior instances.  ...  The same idea is used in many variants of RRT, such as retraction-based planners [18] . Sun et al.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36279-8_23 fatcat:a37amgfnivagleoas7mnl5pl7u

Manipulation Planning Among Movable Obstacles

Mike Stilman, Jan-Ullrich Schamburek, James Kuffner, Tamim Asfour
2007 Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on  
This paper presents the ResolveSpatialConstraints (RSC) algorithm for manipulation planning in a domain with movable obstacles.  ...  Empirically we show that our algorithm quickly generates plans for simulated articulated robots in a highly nonlinear search space of exponential dimension.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank the InterACT program for sponsoring this joint research.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.2007.363986 dblp:conf/icra/StilmanSKA07 fatcat:godrqjkiafclvhnqfgmw7eymne

A Region-Based Strategy for Collaborative Roadmap Construction [chapter]

Jory Denny, Read Sandström, Nicole Julian, Nancy M. Amato
2015 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics  
A great deal of progress has been made in sampling-based planning, whereby a planner builds an approximate representation of the space.  ...  In the other direction, the planner displays its progress to the user and colors the regions based on their perceived usefulness to the system.  ...  Rough paths are retracted by a randomized method and then connected via a bidirectional RRT.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16595-0_8 fatcat:b2if5ulpbzhtfexdcz2l7oo3m4

Motion Planning for Mobile Manipulators—A Systematic Review

Thushara Sandakalum, Marcelo H. Ang
2022 Machines  
Mobile manipulators present a unique set of challenges for the planning algorithms, as they are usually kinematically redundant and dynamically complex owing to the different dynamic behavior of the mobile  ...  While planning separately for the mobile base and the manipulator provides convenience, the results are sub-optimal.  ...  One approach to address this constraint for sampling based planners was to project (using randomized gradient descent, tangent space sampling or retraction [92] for articulated manipulators) the random  ... 
doi:10.3390/machines10020097 fatcat:z4oozgp6xzeird2h2xnwoyz764


S. Carpin
2006 International Journal of Robotics and Automation  
Information on the configuration space is acquired by generating samples and edges between them, which are stored in a suitable data structure.  ...  to provide the numbers for a given environment.  ...  For this aim a subset of neighboring vertices are selected and the deterministic planner is run to determine if the new vertex can be connected to them.  ... 
doi:10.2316/journal.206.2006.3.206-2804 fatcat:5m3itfbigvfsba4tnu7fcrpc6e

Adapting RRT growth for heterogeneous environments

Jory Denny, Marco Morales, Samuel Rodriguez, Nancy M. Amato
2013 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
Also, we propose a novel definition of visibility for RRT nodes which can be computed in an online manner and used by Adaptive RRT to select an appropriate expansion method.  ...  In this paper, we present a novel algorithm, Adaptive RRT, that adapts RRT growth to the current exploration area using a two level growth selection mechanism.  ...  One method, Selective Retraction-based RRT [15] , filters the usage of Retraction-based RRT by applying a possibly expensive filtering test, bridge-line test, to determine whether the tree is within or  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2013.6696589 dblp:conf/iros/DennyMRA13 fatcat:mq7lnbskdvge5p4dpnambvbdom

Probabilistically Safe Corridors to Guide Sampling-Based Motion Planning [article]

Jinwook Huh, Omur Arslan, Daniel D. Lee
2019 arXiv   pre-print
spaces for selecting proper steering direction and adapting steering stepsize.  ...  In this paper, we introduce a new probabilistically safe local steering primitive for sampling-based motion planning in complex high-dimensional configuration spaces.  ...  RESULTS We evaluate SG-RRT in various environments using both a simulator and a real robot. We analyze the performance of SG-RRT by comparison with several existing RRT approaches.  ... 
arXiv:1901.00101v1 fatcat:7glp2mcq4ffx3nwuyabx4obzwy

Interactive-Rate Supervisory Control for Arbitrarily-Routed Multitendon Robots via Motion Planning

Michael Bentley, Caleb Rucker, Alan Kuntz
2022 IEEE Access  
In this work, we present a 3-phase motion-planning system for arbitrarily-routed tendon-driven robots with a Precompute phase, a Load phase, and a Supervisory Control phase.  ...  In simulated experiments, we show that our motion-planning method achieves high tip-position accuracy and generates plans at 14.8 Hz on average in a segmented collapsed lung pleural space anatomical environment  ...  Chakravarthy Reddy for clinical insights and assistance with the anatomical environment used in evaluation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3194515 fatcat:fp3qqacbgrgk5b3u4fkkax2eoi

Task constrained motion planning in robot joint space

Mike Stilman
2007 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
This paper describes a representation of constrained motion for joint space planners and develops two simple and efficient methods for constrained sampling of joint configurations: Tangent Space Sampling  ...  (TS) and First-Order Retraction (FR).  ...  The planner selects the task frame based on the object with which it is in contact.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2007.4399305 dblp:conf/iros/Stilman07 fatcat:4r4hzrxqg5drho6bopgv4sfpai

Integrating multiple soft constraints for planning practical paths

Jing Yang, Patrick Dymond, Michael Jenkin
2014 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
This approach uses an adaptive bidding strategy for each optimizer and in each round the optimizer with the best predicted performance is selected.  ...  Sampling-based algorithms are a common approach to high-dimensional real-world path planning problems.  ...  At the edge generation (node connection for roadmap-based planners or tree extension for tree-based planners) level, the local planner associates a soft-constraint with the transition between nodes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2014.6942977 dblp:conf/iros/YangDJ14 fatcat:pzdmhwzharfylojfb3trqo6tbu

Fast probabilistic collision checking for sampling-based motion planning using locality-sensitive hashing

Jia Pan, Dinesh Manocha
2016 The international journal of robotics research  
We evaluate the benefit of our probabilistic collision checking approach by integrating it with a wide variety of sampling-based motion planners, including PRM, lazyPRM, RRT, and RRT * .  ...  Our method can improve these planners in various manners, such as accelerating the local path validation, or computing an efficient order for the graph search on the roadmap.  ...  For instance, many planners like RRT need to select a local path that can best improve the local exploration in C free , i.e., a local path that is both long and collision-free.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364916640908 fatcat:ltztd6csirhkxdropspw3w2rfa

Robot Motion Planning Method Based on Incremental High-Dimensional Mixture Probabilistic Model

Fusheng Zha, Yizhou Liu, Xin Wang, Fei Chen, Jingxuan Li, Wei Guo
2018 Complexity  
Finally, the model is combined with a variety of sampling-based motion planners and is validated in multiple sets of simulations and real world experiments.  ...  The sampling-based motion planner is the mainstream method to solve the motion planning problem in high-dimensional space.  ...  This process enables the GMM to adapt quickly and accurately to environment changes. . . GMM-Based Motion Planner.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/4358747 fatcat:lhsrdwj62rgghmwl43zzbfe5cu
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