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A Recursive Threshold Visual Cryptography Scheme [article]

Abhishek Parakh, Subhash Kak
2009 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents a recursive hiding scheme for 2 out of 3 secret sharing.  ...  In recursive hiding of secrets, the user encodes additional information about smaller secrets in the shares of a larger secret without an expansion in the size of the latter, thereby increasing the efficiency  ...  Also seen in Recursive hiding and threshold visual cryptography The idea described in previous section can be applied to images to develop a recursive 2 out of 3 visual cryptographic scheme.  ... 
arXiv:0902.2487v1 fatcat:se4gig436jco5nkzmmimwp6kau

Recursive Information Hiding in Visual Cryptography [article]

Sandeep Katta
2010 arXiv   pre-print
Visual Cryptography is a secret sharing scheme that uses the human visual system to perform computations. This paper presents a recursive hiding scheme for 3 out of 5 secret sharing.  ...  The idea used is to hide smaller secrets in the shares of a larger secret without an expansion in the size of the latter.  ...  However, the general threshold recursive schemes in [16] [17] [18] [19] are not visual cryptography schemes.  ... 
arXiv:1004.4914v2 fatcat:nf5vmlhxyvcg5brjohypowzlve

Recursive Information Hiding of Secrets by Random Grids

Sachin Kumar, R. K. Sharma
2013 Cryptologia  
This article presents the method of recursive information hiding of secret images by random grids, which hides the additional secret information in the shares of the larger secret in a recursive manner  ...  Further, Katta [5] presented a recursive (3, 5)-threshold visual cryptography scheme, which can be extended to a (k, n)-threshold scheme.  ...  Parakh and Kak [7] extended the idea of recursive hiding of secrets in visual cryptography to a (2, n)-threshold scheme and obtained nearly 40% increases in the efficiency.  ... 
doi:10.1080/01611194.2012.739585 fatcat:2pufyhhm7jgupezgey3qxusg3m

Comparison of Secret Splitting, Secret Sharing and Recursive Threshold Visual Cryptography for Security of Handwritten Images

Sugianto Sugianto, Suharjito Suharjito, Nico Surantha
2018 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)  
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of three m ethods, i.e. secret splitting, secret sharing, and recursive threshold visual cryptography for handwritten image security in terms of execution time  ...  There are few algorithms have b een developed for secret sharing, e.g. secret splittin g, Asmuth-Bloom secret sharing protocol, visual cryptography, etc.  ...  In case of non-threshold scheme (k=n), the information stored on every bit of the share is [1/n] bit of a secret [7] . Visual cryptography is one of the result of secret sharing scheme development.  ... 
doi:10.12928/telkomnika.v16i1.6632 fatcat:k4rhn7qaird75bcfnz7zdhz5rq

Meaningful And Unexpanded Shares For Visual Secret Sharing Schemes

Mr. V.B.Phadtare, Dr. V.R. Ghorpade
2015 Zenodo  
In this work,we review visual cryptography scheme and apply them to secretly share biometric data such as fingerprint,face images for the purpose of user authentication.  ...  This work reviews and applies a perfectly secure method to secretly share biometric data,for possible use in biometric authentication and protection based on conc ept of visual cryptography.  ...  When Recursive threshold visual cryptography is used in network application, network load is reduced.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1471329 fatcat:zql2fkijmrf77nnunv3fulljaq

Diverse Visual Cryptography Schemes: A Glimpse

Sruthy K Joseph, Ramesh R
2015 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Visual cryptography scheme is a cryptographic process which allows visual information (e.g. images, printed text, and handwritten notes) to be encrypted in such a way that the decryption can be performed  ...  This paper discusses most of the visual cryptography schemes and the performance measures used to evaluate them.  ...  Recursive Threshold Visual Cryptography Scheme A recursive style of secret sharing takes into account a set of two shares which contain more than one secret.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv4is070265 fatcat:a523fpkzybb3fpjbhjia3ioem4

A Tree Based Recursive Information Hiding Scheme

A. Parakh, S. Kak
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications  
Recursive hiding of information, secret sharing, visual cryptography.  ...  This paper presents a k-out-of-n recursive information hiding scheme based on an n-ary tree data structure.  ...  RECURSIVE HIDING IN THRESHOLD VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY The idea described in [7] is applied to images to develop a recursive 2 out of 3 visual cryptographic scheme.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icc.2010.5502430 dblp:conf/icc/ParakhK10 fatcat:hf6svafxi5f2nozokzkttyta6q

A Novel Approach for Cheating Prevention through Visual Cryptographic Analysis

Morampudi Naresh kumar, Datrika Srinivas Rao, D Sravanthi
2011 International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey  
In this paper, a more secure scheme is given to solve the cheating problem without extra burdens by adopting multiple distinct secret images.  ...  In this paper we provide an overview of the emerging Visual Cryptography (VC) and related security research work done in this area. construction method of visual cryptography is redesigned and extended  ...  When Recursive threshold visual cryptography is used in network application, network load is reduced. Extended Visual Cryptography for natural images.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcses.2011.2409 fatcat:qupw3aztd5hyjlmwhj3kltnnn4

Multiple Image Encryption using Random Circular Grids and Recursive Image Hiding

Sandeep Gurung, Gaurav Ojha, M K Ghose
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications  
General Terms Visual cryptography, visual secret sharing scheme  ...  This paper proposes an improved visual secret sharing technique in which we aim to build upon the random grid approach of visual cryptography and test the feasibility of Recursive Image Hiding to hide  ...  RECURSIVE IMAGE HIDING The traditional visual cryptography scheme suffers from various drawbacks as discussed earlier.  ... 
doi:10.5120/15021-3309 fatcat:dttjdhj7t5dgre4jempyvp7pnq

Performance Analysis of Various Secret Sharing Techniques

2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
In this paper we analyze both types of secret sharing schemes and at last a secret scheme based on visual cryptography is also discussed.  ...  A secret sharing scheme allows a dealer to protect a secret among a set of participants with each participant holding one share.  ...  In secret sharing scheme based on visual cryptography no reconstruction method is required as human visual system can easily reconstruct the secret.  ... 
doi:10.21275/v5i1.nov152576 fatcat:oqgtzujldjg5heepl5pprgrhby

Extended visual cryptography schemes

Andreas Klein, Markus Wessler
2007 Information and Computation  
Visual cryptography schemes have been introduced in 1994 by Naor and Shamir.  ...  Whereas most work in recent years has been done concerning the problem of qualified and forbidden subsets of P or the question of contrast optimizing, in this paper we study extended visual cryptography  ...  Introduction A visual cryptography scheme is given by the following set up.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ic.2006.12.005 fatcat:wdz4cswekjetjnrwtiacbbohje

Information Security using Visual Secret Sharing Scheme and Solution to Potential Attacks

Jesalkumari Varolia, R.R. Sedamkar
2021 International Journal of Computer Applications  
The method used is recursive visual cryptography so many shares can be concealed in one share which gives better manageability.  ...  This paper discusses many potential attacks on visual secret sharing system and offering more safety than current method.  ...  I (2, 2) XOR-based 1x2 Resolution Visual Cryptography Scheme A (2,2) visual cryptography scheme S = (C0, C1) consists of two matrices C0 and C1 of n x m binary matrices.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2021921501 fatcat:fqf76gkkznc7pb5hqkddgw2jce

ATM Pin Transfer Using Visual Cryptography

Swati R. Shete, Pro f. Yogini C. Kulkarni
2015 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering  
The one of the Enhanced process which is nothing but visual cryptographic scheme which offers to encrypt private information in such pattern that the Human Visual System can see an original data without  ...  Second section describes different types of Visual Cryptography such as VC for general access, VC scheme for gray level, Recursive Threshold VC scheme, Extended VC Scheme for natural images, Halftone VC  ...  A. WHY TO USE VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY?  ... 
doi:10.15680/ijircce.2015.0305049 fatcat:3xkp3jzvdfawxfpobiafuykiba

Extended visual cryptography systems [article]

Andreas Klein, Markus Wessler
2003 arXiv   pre-print
Visual cryptography schemes have been introduced in 1994 by Naor and Shamir.  ...  Whereas most work in recent years has been done concerning the problem of qualified and forbidden subsets of P or the question of contrast optimizing, in this paper we study extended visual cryptography  ...  Introduction A visual cryptography scheme is given by the following set up.  ... 
arXiv:math/0302043v1 fatcat:ljndx45upzefdpu5amaoyvlf6a

Multiple Information Hiding Using Circular Random Grids

Sandeep Gurung, Mrinaldeep Chakravorty, Abhi Agarwal, M.K. Ghose
2015 Procedia Computer Science  
Visual cryptography is a new technique which provides information security using simple algorithm unlike the complex, computationally intensive algorithms used in other techniques like traditional cryptography  ...  The simple 2:2 secret sharing scheme is extended to hide more than one secret message. Thus a high data capacity is also achieved in the proposed scheme.  ...  Visual cryptography (VC) is a powerful technique that combines the notions of ciphers and secret sharing in cryptography with that of graphics.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.04.111 fatcat:gh7ei6tdkbfhhjlwpbum6wwucq
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