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A Pessimistic Approximation for the Fisher Information Measure

Manuel S. Stein, Josef A. Nossek
2017 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
While the Fisher information measure F(θ) forms a classical tool for such a problem, direct computation of the information measure can become difficult in various situations.  ...  With various examples, we show that S(θ) provides a good conservative approximation for F(θ) and outline different estimation theoretic problems where the presented information bound turns out to be useful  ...  However, S(θ) still allows to obtain a pessimistic characterization for the Fisher information measure F (θ). V.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsp.2016.2617824 fatcat:wpinz3wyhfba3mjo7io35zww4q

A Lower Bound for the Fisher Information Measure

Manuel Stein, Amine Mezghani, Josef A. Nossek
2014 IEEE Signal Processing Letters  
The problem how to approximately determine the absolute value of the Fisher information measure for a general parametric probabilistic system is considered.  ...  Having available the first and second moment of the system output in a parametric form, it is shown that the information measure can be bounded from below through a replacement of the original system by  ...  So, the Fisher information of the original system p y (y; θ) always dominates the information measure calculated for the equivalent pessimistic system q y (y; θ). VI.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lsp.2014.2316008 fatcat:24ygrhjyzfbk3nnsryx2byvxiu

Measurement-driven quality assessment of nonlinear systems by exponential replacement

Manuel Stein, Josef A. Nossek, Kurt Barbe
2016 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings  
We show this by proving that an equivalent exponential family distribution in general exhibits a lower Fisher information measure than the original system model.  ...  method for nonlinear measurement systems.  ...  Fisher Information Bound It can be shown that the approximation (7) provides a pessimistic system model in an estimation theoretic sense.  ... 
doi:10.1109/i2mtc.2016.7520370 dblp:conf/i2mtc/SteinNB16 fatcat:sq6dyugltrajxpqto6dfxrqyhu

DOA Parameter Estimation with 1-bit Quantization - Bounds, Methods and the Exponential Replacement [article]

Manuel Stein, Kurt Barbé, Josef A. Nossek
2016 arXiv   pre-print
For 1-bit signal processing, this allows to circumvent calculation of the general orthant probability and gives access to a conservative approximation of the receive likelihood.  ...  The 1-bit DOA performance analysis based on the pessimistic CRLB points out that a low-complexity radio front-end design with 1-bit ADC is in particular suitable for blind wireless DOA estimation with  ...  The associated pessimistic approximation for the Fisher information measure allows to analyze the achievable DOA estimation accuracy for arrays with K > 2 in a conservative manner.  ... 
arXiv:1602.05462v1 fatcat:kcowy6etrfgrxecxskhuouhiqu

Euclid preparation: XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis [article]

S. Ilić, N. Aghanim, C. Baccigalupi, J.R. Bermejo-Climent, G. Fabbian, L. Legrand, D. Paoletti, M. Ballardini, M. Archidiacono, M. Douspis, F. Finelli, K. Ganga (+197 others)
2021 arXiv   pre-print
With some assumptions on the specifications of current and future CMB experiments, the predicted constraints are obtained both from a standard Fisher formalism and a posterior-fitting approach based on  ...  The combination and cross-correlation of the upcoming Euclid data with cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements is a source of great expectation, since it will provide the largest lever arm of epochs  ...  , the Romanian Space Agency, the State Secretariat for  ... 
arXiv:2106.08346v1 fatcat:7ihzoymskjbk7hsfel45t67eby

Euclid: The importance of galaxy clustering and weak lensing cross-correlations within the photometric Euclid survey

I. Tutusaus, M. Martinelli, V. F. Cardone, S. Camera, S. Yahia-Cherif, S. Casas, A. Blanchard, M. Kilbinger, F. Lacasa, Z. Sakr, S. Ilić, M. Kunz (+79 others)
2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
The data from the Euclid mission will enable the measurement of the angular positions and weak lensing shapes of over a billion galaxies, with their photometric redshifts obtained together with ground-based  ...  We follow the Fisher matrix formalism and make use of previously validated codes.  ...  This work started in the cross-correlation group, led by A. Blanchard, M. Kunz, and F. Lacasa, of the Inter-Science Working Group Task-force for forecasting of the Euclid Consortium. I.  ... 
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038313 fatcat:tmta6wybovbzjdrtpwav5fzy2y

21cmfish: Fisher-matrix framework for fast parameter forecasts from the cosmic 21-cm signal [article]

Charlotte A. Mason, Julian B. Muñoz, Bradley Greig, Andrei Mesinger, Jaehong Park
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Here we introduce 21cmfish, a Fisher-matrix wrapper for the semi-numerical simulation 21cmFAST. 21cmfish facilitates efficient parameter forecasts, scaling to significantly higher dimensionalities than  ...  These simulations use approximate techniques such as excursion-set and perturbation theory to model the 3D evolution of the intergalactic medium, at a fraction of the computational cost of hydrodynamic  ...  constraints are already comparable to the UV LF information. • A principal component analysis demonstrates that at least 7 combinations of the parameters could be well-measured by HERA.  ... 
arXiv:2212.09797v1 fatcat:m653jauc6nawnhiam45yhti7se

Euclid: The importance of galaxy clustering and weak lensing cross-correlations within the photometric Euclid survey [article]

I. Tutusaus, M. Martinelli, V.F. Cardone, S. Camera, S. Yahia-Cherif, S. Casas, A. Blanchard, M. Kilbinger, F. Lacasa, Z. Sakr, S. Ilić, M. Kunz (+78 others)
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The data from the Euclid mission will enable the measurement of the photometric redshifts, angular positions, and weak lensing shapes for over a billion galaxies.  ...  In particular, we aim at understanding the amount of additional information that XC can provide for parameters encoding systematic effects, such as galaxy bias or intrinsic alignments (IA).  ...  , the Gaussian approximation on which the Fisher matrix analysis relies breaks down.  ... 
arXiv:2005.00055v1 fatcat:xmlg7g5gs5a6xmjcgayfhnn22q

Accessing the high-ℓ frontier under the Reduced Shear Approximation with k-cut Cosmic Shear [article]

Anurag C. Deshpande and Peter L. Taylor and Thomas D. Kitching
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The k-cut method – applying a redshift-dependent ℓ-cut after making the Bernardeau-Nishimichi-Taruya transform – can reduce sensitivity to baryonic physics; allowing Stage IV surveys to include information  ...  The maximum cut required for biases from the reduced shear approximation to be below the threshold of significance is at k = 5.37 h Mpc^-1.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Eric Huff for providing the theoretical galaxy distribution for a hypothetical TF-Stage III kinematic lensing survey.  ... 
arXiv:2009.01792v1 fatcat:x5xymo5z3jazxdvaugb6qu6csu

Euclid preparation. XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis

S. Ilic, N. Aghanim, C. Baccigalupi, J. R. Bermejo-Climent, G. Fabbian, L. Legrand, D. Paoletti, M. Ballardini, M. Archidiacono, M. Douspis, F. Finelli, K. Ganga (+7 others)
2021 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
With some assumptions on the specifications of current and future CMB experiments, the predicted constraints are obtained from both a standard Fisher formalism and a posterior-fitting approach based on  ...  The combination and cross-correlation of the upcoming Euclid data with cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements is a source of great expectation since it will provide the largest lever arm of epochs  ...  para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Netherlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, the Norwegian Space Agency  ... 
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141556 fatcat:xkkoekoij5hqxjoqe3lbupazcq

Euclid: Forecasts from the void-lensing cross-correlation

M. Bonici, C. Carbone, S. Davini, P. Vielzeuf, L. Paganin, V. Cardone, N. Hamaus, A. Pisani, A.J. Hawken, A. Kovacs, S. Nadathur, S. Contarini (+9 others)
2022 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
To this aim, we implemented a Fisher matrix approach tailored for voids from the Euclid photometric dataset and we present the first forecasts on cosmological parameters that include the void-lensing correlation  ...  We examined two different probe settings, pessimistic and optimistic, both for void clustering and galaxy lensing.  ...  AK has been supported by a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación fellowship with project number IJC2018-037730-I, and funding for this project was also available in part through SEV-2015-0548 and AYA2017-89891  ... 
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244445 fatcat:za5jygxouffy7bep5uc6h5mlda

Euclid: Forecasts from the void-lensing cross-correlation [article]

M. Bonici, C. Carbone, P. Vielzeuf, L. Paganin, V. Cardone, N. Hamaus, A. Pisani, A.J. Hawken, A. Kovacs, S. Nadathur, S. Contarini, G. Verza (+119 others)
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To this aim, we implement a Fisher matrix approach tailored for voids from the Euclid photometric dataset and present the first forecasts on cosmological parameters that include the void-lensing correlation  ...  We examine two different probe settings, pessimistic and optimistic, both for void clustering and galaxy lensing.  ...  AK has been supported by a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación fellowship with project number IJC2018-037730-I, and funding for this project was also available in part through SEV-2015-0548 and AYA2017-89891  ... 
arXiv:2206.14211v1 fatcat:564nuyvnhzfslo323knjzxzoea

Accessing the high- ℓ frontier under the reduced shear approximation with k -cut cosmic shear

Anurag C. Deshpande, Peter L. Taylor, Thomas D. Kitching
2020 Physical Review D  
We find that the k-cut cosmic shear procedure suppresses the w 0 w a CDM cosmological parameter biases expected from the reduced shear approximation for Stage IV experiments, when l-modes up to 5000 are  ...  The maximum cut required for biases from the reduced shear approximation to be below the threshold of significance is at k ¼ 5.37 h Mpc −1 .  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Eric Huff for providing the theoretical galaxy distribution for a hypothetical TF-Stage III kinematic lensing survey. A. C.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevd.102.083535 fatcat:c4wukgxakjgcbfn532h4hvl37e

Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes [article]

Euclid Collaboration, A. Blanchard, S. Camera, C. Carbone, V.F. Cardone, S. Casas, S. Ilić, M. Kilbinger, T. Kitching, M. Kunz, F. Lacasa, E. Linder, E. Majerotto (+133 others)
2019 arXiv   pre-print
The validated numerical implementations can now be reliably used for any setup. We present results for an optimistic and a pessimistic choice of such settings.  ...  We estimate the required accuracy for Euclid forecasts and outline a methodology for their development.  ...  Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, the Norvegian Space Center, the Romanian Space Agency, the State Secretariat for Education  ... 
arXiv:1910.09273v1 fatcat:nrzop7bayngnvnm66eyyaqkmca

Performance Analysis for Time-of-Arrival Estimation with Oversampled Low-Complexity 1-bit A/D Conversion [article]

Manuel S. Stein
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Key to this result is the employment of a lower bound for the Fisher information matrix which enables us to approximate the estimation performance for coarsely quantized receivers with correlated noise  ...  models in a pessimistic way.  ...  With a pessimistic approximation of the Fisher information measure, an asymptotic performance analysis based on the classical CRLB was presented which includes the case where oversampling is used and the  ... 
arXiv:1703.02072v1 fatcat:lqjktke27jcobhjfco3pulzvqi
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