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A Particle Filter Track-Before-Detect Algorithm Based on Hybrid Differential Evolution

Chaozhu Zhang, Lin Li, Yu Wang
2015 Algorithms  
In this paper, we address the problem of detecting and tracking targets with a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by exploiting hybrid differential evolution (HDE) in the particle filter track-before-detect  ...  Thirdly, we combine the systematic resampling approach to enhance the performance of the proposed algorithm. Then, an improved PF-TBD algorithm based on the HDE method is proposed.  ...  Conclusions In this paper, a novel particle filter track-before-detect algorithm based on hybrid differential evolution was developed.  ... 
doi:10.3390/a8040965 fatcat:e7rifsxm55enfhdikzvrtrsmce

Particle Filter and Visual Tracking: a Hybrid Resampling approach to improving robustness in cluttered and occluded environments

Diego A. L. Cordoba, Carla M. C. C. Koike, Flavio de Barros Vidal
2016 Learning and Nonlinear Models  
In order to increase robustness in such situations this article presents a method for visual tracking using a Particle Filter with Hybrid Resampling.  ...  Our approach consists of using a particle filter to estimate the state of the tracked object, and both particles' inertia and update information are used in the resampling stage.  ...  Methodologies for motion detection based on differential techniques can be modified to perform object tracking in a sequence of images [6] .  ... 
doi:10.21528/lnlm-vol14-no2-art1 fatcat:4jqdgbfk6nf6bjhpyem4ssgnva

An evolutionary computation based algorithm for calculating solar differential rotation by automatic tracking of coronal bright points

Ehsan Shahamatnia, Ivan Dorotovič, Jose M. Fonseca, Rita A. Ribeiro
2016 Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate  
Further, it exploits the flexibility and efficiency of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a stochastic population based optimization algorithm.  ...  In this paper a prototype of a modular framework for solar feature detection, characterization, and tracking is presented.  ...  This work was partially supported by Grants SFRH/BPD/44018/2008 (I.D.) and SFRH/BD/ 62249/2009 (E.S.) from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), MCTES, Portugal, and by FCT Strategic Program UID  ... 
doi:10.1051/swsc/2016010 fatcat:qnfuo5aambgtxl5agrl6whiyfy

Tracking-by-detection of multiple persons by a resample-move particle filter

Iker Zuriarrain, Alhayat Ali Mekonnen, Frédéric Lerasle, Nestor Arana
2013 Machine Vision and Applications  
Based on these insights, this paper presents a particle filter for multiple person tracking designed for an FPGA-based smart camera.  ...  We propose a new joint Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based particle filter (MCMC-PF) with short Markov chains, devoted to each individual particle, in order to sample the particle swarm in relevant regions  ...  Section 4 recalls some basic concepts about PF and MCMC-based methods; it then depicts our hybrid MCMC-based particle filtering framework.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00138-013-0534-9 fatcat:xrharjvbsvegzpgfme2z4pxphq

Collaborative Differential Evolution Filtering for Tracking Hand-Object Interactions

Dongnian Li, Yang Guo, Chengjun Chen, Zhengxu Zhao
2020 IEEE Access  
Based on the proposed CoDEF algorithm, we develop a model-based tracking system with 3D graphic techniques.  ...  The proposed CoDEF algorithm integrates the differential evolution (DE) algorithm into a particle filtering (PF) framework to accelerate the convergence of particles.  ...  CoDEF integrates the differential evolution (DE) algorithm into a particle filtering (PF) framework.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3015834 fatcat:tzwqyutlobbbxgc5tjvhdi2hkq

Application of the Particle Filter to Tracking of Fish in Aquaculture Research

Tomasz Pinkiewicz, Ray Williams, John Purser
2008 2008 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications  
The system is based on the particle filter tracking algorithm augmented by an adaptive partition scheme and using a Global Nearest Neighbour approach for data association.  ...  In this paper we describe a tracking system which can automatically detect and track two fish in a video sequence in a small aquaculture tank.  ...  They include the Kernel Particle Filter [13] and the more recent hybrid colour particle filter [14] which originates from the track-before-detect concept [6] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/dicta.2008.28 dblp:conf/dicta/PinkiewiczWP08 fatcat:bdvizapfvvesddzpjuos6t2liu

Taking Aim at Moving Targets in Computational Cell Migration

Paola Masuzzo, Marleen Van Troys, Christophe Ampe, Lennart Martens
2016 Trends in Cell Biology  
A major driver in the advance of cell migration research has been the evolution of instrumentation (microscopes and cameras) and the corresponding development of experimental tools and biological models  ...  This review therefore primarily focuses on the quantification of cell migration in in vitro setups, while we refer the reader to specific literature on in vivo work [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] .  ...  Many of the proposed particle filters for cell tracking in video sequences rely on a single feature.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2015.09.003 pmid:26481052 fatcat:yi6aghqtybfmxl3iznz6yhwyoq

Multi-grid cellular genetic algorithm for optimizing variable ordering of ROBDDs

Cristian Rotaru, Octav Brudaru
2012 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation  
This paper presents a cellular genetic algorithm for optimizing the variable order in Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams. The evolution process is inspired by a basic genetic algorithm.  ...  The population evolves on a bidimensional grid and is implicitly organized in geographical clusters that present a form of structural similarity between individuals.  ...  Particle Swarm Optimisation for Feature Selection A Filter Based Approach 233, Mitchell Yuwono, Steven W.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cec.2012.6256590 dblp:conf/cec/RotaruB12 fatcat:4ly3nrktw5habc6lf5err7d5py

OKPS: A Reactive/Cooperative Multi-Sensors Data Fusion Approach Designed for Robust Vehicle Localization

Adda Redouane Ahmed Bacha, Dominique Gruyer, Alain Lambert
2016 Positioning  
The OKPS is compared to the EKF filter and to filters using particles (PF and SPF) on real data from our equipped vehicle.  ...  The OKPS filter innovates by fitting its particles with a capacity of self-diagnose by means of the EKF covariance uncertainty matrix.  ...  Uncertainties of the evolution model A. R. Ahmed Bacha et al.7 Figure 3 . 3 SPF algorithm based on PF/PSO hybridization. A. R. Ahmed Bacha et al.9 Figure 4 . 4 OKPS algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.4236/pos.2016.71001 fatcat:hlbnnliohfbotgo7wchc3bqfdu

Robust nanomanipulation control based on laser beam feedback

Nabil Amari, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira
2014 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
To overcome this problem, the Particle Filter (PF) algorithm is used to estimate the position of laser beam.  ...  The main idea is to guide and track the beam with a hybrid micro/nanomanipulator which is driven by a control signal generated by processing the beam intensity sensed by a four-quadrant photodiode.  ...  Then, efficient robust algorithms are proposed to track the handling position variations due to beam exposition (electrostatic forces, Brownian motion, scattering) based on the Particle Filter (PF) algorithm  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2014.6943226 dblp:conf/iros/AmariFF14 fatcat:273y5py2crfxtorncrhqadgz3a

Robust Tracking Using Particle Filter with a Hybrid Feature

Xinyue ZHAO, Yutaka SATOH, Hidenori TAKAUJI, Shun'ichi KANEKO
2012 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
using a hybrid feature-based observation model in a particle filtering framework.  ...  Xinyue ZHAO †a) , Yutaka SATOH † †b) , Hidenori TAKAUJI † † †c) , Nonmembers, and Shun'ichi KANEKO †d) , Member SUMMARY This paper presents a novel method for robust object tracking in video sequences  ...  Related Works Tracking Algorithms In this section we focus on various observation models and techniques for object tracking based on particle filter.  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.e95.d.646 fatcat:76rtbh43h5delg2htfkjijyhny

Stochastic Systems 2014

Weihai Zhang, Xuejun Xie, Suiyang Khoo, Guangchen Wang, Wuquan Li, Ming Gao
2015 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
This special issue is focused on the stochastic-control systems and their applications to stability, control, filtering, communication, and fault detection.  ...  differential game, and (v) applications of stochastic-control theory to finance, economics, fault detection, and so forth.  ...  As the Lead Guest Editor of this special issue, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my five coeditors for helping me to undertake this project with a wonderful accomplishment.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2015/210630 fatcat:pbytk4dnvve6vcppytnv4xeokm

Conditional Monte Carlo Dense Occupancy Tracker

Lukas Rummelhard, Amaury Negre, Christian Laugier
2015 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems  
An alternative to a classic object model framework is the occupancy grid filtering domain.  ...  The most common approaches involve the modeling of moving objects, through Detection And Tracking of Moving Objects (DATMO) methods.  ...  A Bayesian filtering methodology, based on a prediction/correction loop is used to filter the grid and estimate a velocity probability distribution for each cell, in the form of a neighbourhood transition  ... 
doi:10.1109/itsc.2015.400 dblp:conf/itsc/RummelhardNL15 fatcat:k3qzqcxpgjafzbu4drnunjuyxi

Particle observers for state estimation and adaptation in deterministic systems with random piecewise constant inputs

Silvere Bonnabel, Jean-Jacques Slotine
2018 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)  
Godsill for useful discussions, while the first author was visiting the University of Cambridge as a fellow of Sidney Sussex College.  ...  Based on this approach to modeling the tracking task, S.  ...  This way, we obtain a hybrid filter which is able to detect the jumps, and to reconverge to the true state between jumps.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cdc.2018.8619296 dblp:conf/cdc/BonnabelS18 fatcat:rywzcspwtzdlnalmubqnvu2hmy

Flexible joint parameters identification method based on improved tracking differentiator and adaptive differential evolution

Chuanming Song, Qinjun Du, Shuxin Yang, Han Feng, Hao Pang, Cunhe Li
2022 Review of Scientific Instruments  
Then, a hybrid tracking differentiator based on an improved Sigmoid function is designed to track the differential signals of joint motion parameters, and the Lyapunov function is designed to prove its  ...  Finally, a feedforward control structure based on identification is designed to compensate for the model deviation.  ...  Future research should further improve the convergence accuracy and speed of the identification algorithm and study the tracking differentiator with finite time convergence ability.  ... 
doi:10.1063/5.0099485 pmid:36050089 fatcat:wk2w64f6rfezrn2kxwzrm577d4
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