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A new form of DOS attack in a cloud and its avoidance mechanism

Huan Liu
2010 Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop - CCSW '10  
We have verified that such an attack could be carried out in practice in one cloud infrastructure. We also describe a mechanism to detect and avoid this new form of attack.  ...  They need to build in counter-measures to ensure that the application is secure and it meets its performance requirements.  ...  We also propose a novel available bandwidth estimation tool that works accurately and reliably in high-speed networks.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1866835.1866849 dblp:conf/ccs/Liu10 fatcat:ir2xvipatvbrxlo5uk6syltope

A Smart Collaborative Policy for Mobile Fog Computing in Rural Vitalization

Yutong Zhou, Wei Shi, Fei Song
2018 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Mobile Fog Computing (MFC), as a crucial supplement to cloud computing, has its own special traits in many aspects.  ...  In this paper, we propose a smart collaborative policy for MFC scenarios by considering the target of rural vitalization.  ...  The reasonable responses for previous requirements can be generated from different points of view based on novel mechanisms, emerging technologies, and up to date equipment.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/2643653 fatcat:7amqsw2uofgxfnlickib72fclq

A Deep Learning Approach to Dynamic Passive RTT Prediction Model for TCP

Desta Haileselassie Hagos, Paal E. Engelstad, Anis Yazid, Carsten Griwodz
2019 2019 IEEE 38th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC)  
We validate extensively our prediction methodology in a controlled experimental testbed and in a realistic scenario on the Google Cloud platform.  ...  We propose and evaluate a novel deep learning-based model capable of dynamically predicting at real-time the RTT between the sender and receiver with high accuracy based on passive measurements collected  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to sincerely thank Professor Øivind Kure for his comments on the final draft of our paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ipccc47392.2019.8958727 dblp:conf/ipccc/HagosEYG19 fatcat:tjp5upilbzdondw2skpxmjgkua

MITTS: Memory Inter-arrival Time Traffic Shaping

Yanqi Zhou, David Wentzlaff
2016 2016 ACM/IEEE 43rd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)  
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud systems, and even general purpose multicores optimized for application throughput or fairness all benefit from the ability to control and schedule memory access  ...  Having the ability to precisely provision, schedule, and isolate memory bandwidth and latency on a per-core basis is particularly important when different memory guarantees are needed on a per-customer  ...  A QoS-aware memory controller for dynamically balancing GPU and CPU bandwidth [45] uses a novel mechanism to track progress of GPU workloads.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isca.2016.53 dblp:conf/isca/ZhouW16 fatcat:2zturrinjbg4hkufutauvqpgf4


Yanqi Zhou, David Wentzlaff
2016 SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud systems, and even general purpose multicores optimized for application throughput or fairness all benefit from the ability to control and schedule memory access  ...  Having the ability to precisely provision, schedule, and isolate memory bandwidth and latency on a per-core basis is particularly important when different memory guarantees are needed on a per-customer  ...  A QoS-aware memory controller for dynamically balancing GPU and CPU bandwidth [45] uses a novel mechanism to track progress of GPU workloads.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3007787.3001193 fatcat:tkfzm3w7qbgtzf7kmfbgb57qoq

Collaborative streaming of on demand videos for mobile devices

Mingyang Zhong
2016 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops)  
The number of mobile users with a variety of applications that require on demand video content is growing rapidly.  ...  mechanism.  ...  Bandwidth Estimation for Mobile Networks Available bandwidth is one of the most important metrics for applications that rely on Internet access.  ... 
doi:10.1109/percomw.2016.7457086 dblp:conf/percom/Zhong16 fatcat:kzwbaeykubfclchuazl26n5yba

On Queue Length and Link Buffer Size Estimation in 3G/4G Mobile Data Networks

2014 IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing  
We develop a novel sum-of-delays algorithm which incorporates the effect of bandwidth variations into its estimation.  ...  The emerging mobile data networks fueled by the world-wide deployment of 3G, HSPA, and LTE networks created new challenges for the development of Internet applications.  ...  An early version of this work covering only link buffer size estimation was published in the 7 th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2011  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmc.2013.127 fatcat:vy66xm2m4fbyvk4n2z4o7ym4l4


Ahmed Saeed, Nandita Dukkipati, Vytautas Valancius, Vinh The Lam, Carlo Contavalli, Amin Vahdat
2017 Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication - SIGCOMM '17  
We present Carousel, a framework that scales to tens of thousands of policies and flows per server, built from the synthesis of three key ideas: i) a single queue shaper using time as the basis for releasing  ...  It also conforms 10 times more accurately to target rates, and consumes two orders of magnitude less memory than existing approaches.  ...  We thank Yuchung Cheng, Brutus Curtis, Eric Dumazet, Van Jacobson and Erik Rubow for their insightful discussions; Marco Paganini for assisting in several rounds of Carousel experiments on Bandaid servers  ... 
doi:10.1145/3098822.3098852 dblp:conf/sigcomm/SaeedDVLCV17 fatcat:32fx52ysfbfivdukzntelzo6za

Master Graduation Thesis: A Lightweight and Distributed Container-based Framework [article]

Qifan Deng, Rajkumar Buyya
2021 arXiv   pre-print
It provides a mechanism for scheduling heterogeneous IoT applications and implements several scheduling policies.  ...  Compared to cloud computing, edge/fog servers have fewer resources, but they can be accessed with higher bandwidth and less communication latency.  ...  The emergence of real-time IoT applications indicates that cloud computing cannot solely provide efficient services for latency-sensitive IoT applications due to its high access latency and low bandwidth  ... 
arXiv:2108.03562v1 fatcat:tuwsu7ycrrbn7ei4hgtcv4aauq

Passive Mobile Bandwidth Classification Using Short Lived Tcp Connections

Foivos Michelinakis, Gunnar Kreitz, Riccardo Petrocco, Boxun Zhang, Joerg Widmer
2015 Zenodo  
A key requirement for achieving this goal is estimating the available bandwidth of mobile devices. Ideally, this should be done quickly and with low overhead.  ...  In this paper, we propose a novel method that passively estimates the currently available bandwidth by monitoring the minimal traffic generated by such connections.  ...  y Cajal grant RYC-2012-10788 and grant TEC2014-55713-R, and from the European Union H2020-ICT grant 644399 (MONROE).  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.51785 fatcat:z7vlbg2vargitobtqc54hl2gde


Adit Ranadive, Ada Gavrilovska, Karsten Schwan
2009 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on System-level Virtualization for High Performance Computing - HPCVirt '09  
Active monitoring of virtual machine (VM) behaviors and their utilization of different resource types is critical for effective management of high end cluster machines, data centers, and cloud computing  ...  Experimental results demonstrate that IBMon can asynchronously monitor VMM-bypass operations with acceptable accuracy, and negligible overheads, including for larger number of VMs, and for VMs with dynamic  ...  [12] develop a framework for virtual memory introspection and virtual disk monitoring for the Xen hypervisor. Other approaches to memory introspection include the use of additional hardware.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1519138.1519142 fatcat:x3awv2twn5abdjo66dshezp7ui

SQP: Congestion Control for Low-Latency Interactive Video Streaming [article]

Devdeep Ray
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents the design and evaluation of SQP, a congestion control algorithm (CCA) for interactive video streaming applications that need to stream high-bitrate compressed video with very low end-to-end  ...  SQP uses frame-coupled, paced packet trains to sample the network bandwidth, and uses an adaptive one-way delay measurement to recover from queuing, for low, bounded queuing delay.  ...  it suitable for wireless AR streaming and cloud gaming applications.  ... 
arXiv:2207.11857v1 fatcat:ejtu4zweubgbxcb3nl5gzmgyaa


Simranjeet kaur
2018 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science  
With the changes and advancement in technology Cloud Computing is playing a pivotal role in field of Technology with a remarkable growth.  ...  The proposal of the central balancer to balance the load on the cloud is introduced and weigh against existing load balancing methods .The foremost intention of these efforts is to initiate as well as  ...  CLOUD computing is a replica for validating universal, appropriate, on demand grid ingress to a equity pool of configurable computing -amenity (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services  ... 
doi:10.26483/ijarcs.v9i2.5587 fatcat:mcvq2ntqunai7elmigyffukksi

Assessing a Methodology for Evaluating the Latency of IPv6 with SCHC Compression in LoRaWAN Deployments

Emiliano Sisinni, Dhiego Fernandes Carvalho, Alessandro Depari, Paolo Bellagente, Alessandra Flammini, Marco Pasetti, Stefano Rinaldi, Paolo Ferrari
2023 Sensors  
IP acts as a "glue" for interconnecting end devices (on the field side) and end users, leveraging on very diverse lower-level and upper-level protocols.  ...  The original proposal includes a mapping phase, for identifying information flows, and a subsequent evaluation phase, in which flows are timestamped and time-related metrics are computed.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors would thank Acklio for providing access to the SCHC stack and software used in the experiments of this work.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s23052407 pmid:36904611 pmcid:PMC10007078 fatcat:v44z2inhzvce3ignwko2ebcysu

A Cloud-to-Edge Approach to Support Predictive Analytics in Robotics Industry

Simone Panicucci, Nikolaos Nikolakis, Tania Cerquitelli, Francesco Ventura, Stefano Proto, Enrico Macii, Sotiris Makris, David Bowden, Paul Becker, Niamh O'Mahony, Lucrezia Morabito, Chiara Napione (+3 others)
2020 Electronics  
Empowered by the aforementioned points, this paper discusses a novel methodology for remaining useful life (RUL) estimation enabling predictive maintenance of industrial equipment using partial knowledge  ...  over its degradation function and the parameters that are affecting it.  ...  To that end and towards overcoming the aforementioned limitations, this work proposes a novel methodology for RUL estimation.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics9030492 fatcat:bvevom2qjzbcbkr63trzudxkhm
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