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A novel method for harmonic geometric transformation model based on wavelet collocation

Y.Y. Tang, X.C. Feng, Xinge You, Z.W. Liao, L. Sun
Object recognition supported by user interaction for service robots  
In fact, it is represented by partial differential equation with a given boundary condition. In this paper, a novel wavelet-based method is presented to handle the harmonic model.  ...  Harmonic model is a very important one, which can cover other linear and nonlinear geometric models.  ...  (1) and (2) , plays a key role in the geometric restoration. This paper proposes a novel approach based on wavelet analysis to handle the harmonic transformation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2002.1044586 dblp:conf/icpr/TangFYLS02 fatcat:32yqkw2ehzcjdg4iqlhahhxxqq

Integral Equation-Wavelet Collocation Method for Geometric Transformation and Application to Image Processing

Lina Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, Xiang Chu Feng, Lu Sun
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
In this paper, a novel wavelet-based method is presented, which consists of three phases.  ...  Once the distorted image is approximated by a certain geometric transformation model, we can apply its inverse transformation to remove the distortion for the geometric restoration.  ...  Therefore, solving the harmonic equation (5) plays a key role in the geometric restoration. This paper proposes a novel approach based on wavelet analysis to handle the harmonic transformation.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/798080 fatcat:vvmyy2c5p5d7hgxegmxi4ylcoy

The Chebyshev Wavelet Method for Numerical Solutions of A Fractional Oscillator

E. Hesameddini, S. Shekarpaz, Habibolla Latifizadeh
2012 International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research  
The method is based on discrete wavelet transform, using Chebyshev Wavelet Method (CWM) which can be used for solving fractional differential equations.  ...  In wavelet methods, the geometric region and functions are represented in terms of wavelet series defined in a certain domain.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijamr.v1i4.316 fatcat:o2hbt6n2hjg3zjrq5pvmk3b6s4

Proceedings 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition

2002 Object recognition supported by user interaction for service robots  
Xu A Novel Method for Harmonic Geometric Transformation Model Based on Wavelet Collocation Kiniuru and T.  ...  Sublurnig An Area-Based Alignment Method for 3D Urban Models 61 B. Debuque, G. Stumon. and M.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2002.1044572 fatcat:3yvquccps5aqdmizmzyhbkybwi

Numerical computation of nonlinear normal modes in mechanical engineering

L. Renson, G. Kerschen, B. Cochelin
2016 Journal of Sound and Vibration  
Full terms of use are available: Abstract This paper reviews the recent advances in computational methods for nonlinear normal modes (NNMs).  ...  Different algorithms for the computation of undamped and damped NNMs are presented, and their respective advantages and limitations are discussed.  ...  , e.g., the Hilbert or wavelet transforms).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2015.09.033 fatcat:6di2dbkderbofaayaa2tq7omxa

Fast Numerical Methods for Non-local Operators

Wolfgang Hackbusch, Stefan Sauter, Christoph Schwab
2004 Oberwolfach Reports  
Schwab gave a presentation on numerical solution of operator equations based on stochastic data.  ...  Progress in the application of wavelets to (time-harmonic) electromagnetic problems for high wave numbers and for high-dimensional problems has been presented by the talks of R. Schneider, J.  ...  The transmission problem (1) models the propagation of time-harmonic sound waves impinging on a penetrable object [6, Sect. 2.1].  ... 
doi:10.4171/owr/2004/33 fatcat:y2fti3akzrbrxjf7i3h7nnv7oa

Leak Detection through Hydraulic Transient Analysis [chapter]

Lennart Jönsson, Magnus Larson
1992 Fluid Mechanichs and its Application  
This paper presents a literature review on major aspects of hydraulic transient-based leak detection in pipe systems over the past three decades.  ...  It describes the trends, status and pinpoints the areas with a need for further investigation in the future.  ...  Torres, Besançon [16] Title: Multi-leak estimator for pipelines based on an orthogonal collocation model Analysis approach: Hydraulic modeling Optimization Technique: N/A Domain: Time Network  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-017-2677-1_22 fatcat:n46n56kz6zeldaahs2rqei2pnu

A unified framework for document restoration using inpainting and shape-from-shading

Li Zhang, A.M. Yip, M.S. Brown, Chew Lim Tan
2009 Pattern Recognition  
Used either piecewise or in its entirety, this framework can correct a variety of distortions including shading, shadow, ink-bleed, show-through, perspective and geometric distortions, for both camera-imaged  ...  Our framework is based on two components: 1) an image inpainting procedure that can separate non-uniform illumination (and other) artifacts from the printed content; and 2) a Shape-from-Shading (SfS) formulation  ...  Acknowledgment This research is supported in part by National University of Singapore URC grant R252-000-202-112 and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) grant 0421010085.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2009.03.025 fatcat:a7i2jw3mc5aancvhsp46ijerle

A review of research and recent trends in analysis of composite plates

Pravin Kulkarni, Ashwinkumar Dhoble, Pramod Padole
2018 Sadhana (Bangalore)  
This article also presents a discussion on the new methods of plate analysis such as region-by-region modeling, hierarchic modeling and mixed FE and neural network based modeling.  ...  The comparative analysis of various solution approaches is done based on a review of research work in the structural analysis of plates.  ...  They proposed a wavelet multi-elements method based on C1 type B-spline Kirchhoff plate (C1BKP) element (having 81 nodes and 121 DOFs) with a novel assembly algorithm for these elements.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12046-018-0867-1 fatcat:d5ng3kcypnd6nl5z53ntp4hzxy

Free vibration analysis of functionally graded double-beam system using Haar wavelet discretization method

Gwanghun Kim, Poknam Han, Kwangil An, Dongson Choe, Yonguk Ri, Hyonil Ri
2020 Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal  
A lot of new results have been proposed, such as the frequency characteristics of FGDBS under arbitrary boundary conditions which can be provided as reference data for future research.  ...  the Haar wavelet series and their integral.  ...  Acknowledgments The author would like to express his gratitude to the unknown referees for carefully reading the paper and their helpful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jestch.2020.07.009 fatcat:w7rexfuauzfbrdxuzouhbpudwa

CoSyR: a novel beam dynamics code for the modeling of synchrotron radiation effects [article]

C.-K. Huang, F.-Y. Li, H. N. Rakotoarivelo, B. Shen, J. Domine, B. Carlsten, G. Dilts, R. Garimella, T. Kwan, R. Robey
2021 arXiv   pre-print
A novel beam dynamic code is developed based on a Lagrangian method for the calculation of the particles' radiation near-fields using wavefront/wavelet meshes via the Green's function of the Maxwell equations  ...  CoSyR has been used to evaluate the transverse and longitudinal coherent radiation effects on the beam and to investigate beam optics designs proposed for mitigation of beam brightness degradation in a  ...  CONCLUSION In this work, we have developed a novel beam dynamics simulation code, CoSyR, for the modeling of selfconsistent synchrotron radiation effects on a high brightness beam.  ... 
arXiv:2109.14901v1 fatcat:x6lmmjiidfgfzaqkhutqswy7u4

P-wave and S-wave decomposition in boundary integral equation for plane elastodynamic problems

Emmanuel Perrey-Debain, Jon Trevelyan, Peter Bettess
2003 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering  
The method of plane wave basis functions, a subset of the method of Partition of Unity, has previously been applied successfully to finite element and boundary element models for the Helmholtz equation  ...  First, the governing equation is now a vector equation and second multiple wave speeds are present, for any given frequency. The formulation has therefore a number of novel features.  ...  We are very grateful to EPSRC for this support for Dr. Emmanuel Perrey-Debain.  ... 
doi:10.1002/cnm.643 fatcat:vkwcuyhcpvgobmfae4rfdcr6ni

Natural Frequencies of Beams with Axial Material Gradation Resting on Two Parameter Elastic Foundation

Saurabh Kumar
2022 Trends in Sciences  
The formulation is based on Timoshenko beam theory and energy method along with Hamilton's principle is used to derive the governing equations.  ...  Free vibration analysis is carried out on axially inhomogeneous beams resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation.  ...  Another novel approach was presented by Shahba and Rajasekaran [5] called differential transform element method which was derived from differential transform method to study the free vibration and stability  ... 
doi:10.48048/tis.2022.3048 fatcat:w2i5wevt3ve7zi3qvsol5l57vi

Validation practices for satellite-based Earth observation data across communities

Alexander Loew, William Bell, Luca Brocca, Claire E. Bulgin, Jörg Burdanowitz, Xavier Calbet, Reik V. Donner, Darren Ghent, Alexander Gruber, Thomas Kaminski, Julian Kinzel, Christian Klepp (+4 others)
2017 Reviews of Geophysics  
Different technical approaches have been developed in the Earth Observation (EO) communities to address the validation problem which results in a large variety of methods as well as terminology.  ...  Different technical approaches have been developed in the Earth Observation (EO) communities to address the validation problem which results in a large variety of methods as well as terminology.  ...  Wavelet-Based Approaches A second approach is given by the wavelet transform (WT). In contrast to conventional Fourier analysis, wavelets are localized waveforms and functions in both time and scale.  ... 
doi:10.1002/2017rg000562 fatcat:wfxk5n6pzreitnmo4txabkfvoq

2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Vol. 69

2021 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author's name.  ...  Neural Network Method for Nonconvex Optimization and its Application on Parameter Retrieval; TSP 2021 3383-3398 Yang, Y., Han, L., Liu, Y., Zhu, J., and Yan, H., A Novel Regularized Model for Third-Order  ...  ., +, TSP 2021 1859-1873 Generic FRI-Based DOA Estimation: A Model-Fitting Method.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsp.2022.3162899 fatcat:kcubj566gzb4zkj7xb5r5we3ri
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