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Coevolving solutions to the shortest common superstring problem

Assaf Zaritsky, Moshe Sipper
2004 Biosystems (Amsterdam. Print)  
The shortest common superstring (SCS) problem, known to be NP-Complete, seeks the shortest string that contains all strings from a given set.  ...  In this paper we compare four approaches for finding solutions to the SCS problem: a standard genetic algorithm, a novel cooperative-coevolutionary algorithm, a benchmark greedy algorithm, and a parallel  ...  A note about representation: We mentioned earlier that the shortest common superstring of a set of blocks is a permutation of the set's elements.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2004.05.013 pmid:15351144 fatcat:zxwpr4ucizgidhvpecrwjbi2ai

Inferring a tree from walks

Osamu Maruyama, Satoru Miyano
1996 Theoretical Computer Science  
A walk on an undirected edge-colored graph G is a path containing all edges of G.  ...  The tree inference from a walk is, given a string x of colors, finding the smallest tree that realizes a walk whose sequence of edge-colors coincides with x.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Ayumi Shinohara for a great amount of helps and suggestions in attacking problems discussed in this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0304-3975(95)00156-5 fatcat:neddyx3ljre3bnxsq72sisivsy

Relationship between superstring and compression measures: New insights on the greedy conjecture

Bastien Cazaux, Eric Rivals
2018 Discrete Applied Mathematics  
Unfortunately, SSP is known to be NP-hard even on a binary alphabet and also hard to approximate with respect to the superstring length or to the compression achieved by the superstring.  ...  A superstring of a set of words is a string that contains each input word as a substring. Given such a set, the Shortest Superstring Problem (SSP) asks for a superstring of minimum length.  ...  We denote by s A (P) the output of algorithm A with input P, and by s opt (P) an optimal superstring for this input. Note that s opt (P) also achieves a maximum compression for P.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.dam.2017.04.017 fatcat:qhrx3ekx7fgejg6f7p364sfxam

Improved Lower Bounds for the Shortest Superstring and Related Problems [article]

Marek Karpinski, Richard Schmied
2012 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce a new reduction method that produces strongly restricted instances of the Shortest Superstring problem, in which the maximal orbit size is eight (with no character appearing more than eight  ...  Based on this reduction method, we are able to improve the best up to now known approximation lower bound for the Shortest Superstring problem and the Maximal Compression problem by an order of magnitude  ...  Suppose the Shortest Superstring problem can be approximated by a factor α on instances over a binary alphabet.  ... 
arXiv:1111.5442v3 fatcat:b63l5ouhlvcnjmljfedgrimm34

Page 5706 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 93j [page]

1993 Mathematical Reviews  
{The papers will not be reviewed individually.} 93j:68225 68U15 68R15 92D20 Jiang, Tao [Jiang, Tao'] (3-MMAS-C); Li, Ming [Li, Ming'] (3-WTRL-C); Du, Ding Zhu (1-MN-C) A note on shortest superstrings with  ...  flipping.  ... 

Page 3880 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 97F [page]

1997 Mathematical Reviews  
The shortest superstring problem (SSP) is to find a shortest su- perstring of a given set of strings. The problem has many applica- tions, but is NP-hard.  ...  Burmester (4-LNDHB; Egham) 97f:68063 68Q25 Caussinus, Hervé (3-MTRL-I; Montreal, PQ) A note on a theorem of Barrington, Straubing and Thérien. (English summary) Inform. Process.  ... 

Page 1746 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 95c [page]

1995 Mathematical Reviews  
[Lee, Der Tsai] (1-NW-E; Evanston, IL) An optimal algorithm for shortest paths on weighted interval and circular-arc graphs, with applications.  ...  Vorobyov (Saarbriicken) 95c:68089 68Q20 92D20 94A29 Alexander, Kenneth S. (1-SCA; Los Angeles, CA) Shortest common superstrings for strings of random letters.  ... 

The Preservation of Favored Building Blocks in the Struggle for Fitness: The Puzzle Algorithm

A. Zaritsky, M. Sipper
2004 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation  
The shortest common superstring (SCS) problem, known to be NP-complete, seeks the shortest string that contains all strings from a given set.  ...  We show experimentally that our novel algorithm outperforms a standard genetic algorithm (GA) and a benchmark greedy algorithm on instances of the SCS problem inspired by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing  ...  Finding the shortest common superstring has applications in data compression [3] , because data may be stored efficiently as a superstring.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tevc.2004.831260 fatcat:ub2hhv56yngkppcviyxb6zmtka

NC algorithms for finding a maximal set of paths with application to compressing strings [chapter]

Zhi-Zhong Chen
1995 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In [7] , Jiang to be the following problem: Given a set $S$ of strings, find a shortest superstring-with-flipping of $S$ .  ...  with $O(\triangle^{2}(n+m)/\log n)$ processors on an EREW PRAM. On the other hand, by Lemma 2.6, the 1. 4 An application to shortest superstrings with flipping  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-60084-1_66 fatcat:zdavz3zlxfbcfnfi2ejoqjlx6a

Topological Inflation, without the Topology [article]

Nathan F. Lepora, Adrian Martin
1996 arXiv   pre-print
Such a situation happens naturally in some Grand Unified Theories --- such as supersymmetric flipped-SU(5).  ...  We describe how such a monopole may be formed and how long it inflates for --- finding it to be a random process.  ...  (53a) λ > O(10 −10 ) ⇒ SLOW REHEAT with T RH ∼ 4 × 10 15 GeV. (53b) There are two notes that one should make.  ... 
arXiv:hep-ph/9602217v2 fatcat:pvrlppixu5e5jh3fi2icfxn5oq

Classification of large N superconformal gauge theories with a dense spectrum [article]

Prarit Agarwal, Ki-Hong Lee, Jaewon Song
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We restrict ourselves to the ones without a superpotential and with a fixed flavor symmetry. We find 35 classes in total, with 8 having a dense spectrum of chiral gauge-invariant operators.  ...  We also find a criterion on the matter content for the fixed point theory to possess either a dense or sparse spectrum.  ...  Q I N −2n and the flipped fields form a dense band of spectrum between 1 < ∆ < 3. We also note that the Pfaffian operator PfA ≡ A N/2 always decouple when N is even.  ... 
arXiv:2007.16165v2 fatcat:mrydoeqv5vhdhfxj2ffekz5juq

Antenna-in-Package Design for Wirebond Interconnection to Highly Integrated 60-GHz Radios

Y.P. Zhang, M. Sun, K.M. Chua, L.L. Wai, Duixian Liu
2009 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation  
Watson Center on March 9, 2006.  ...  A chemical etching and photolithography process was used for frame fabrication. The antenna is flipped to the chip using a thermal compression flip-chip bonding technique.  ...  The length of 350 m was almost a doubled length of the shortest bondwire supported by the current technology and would thus greatly improve the yield of assembly of the chip with the AiP.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tap.2009.2029290 fatcat:uiupkto2ofbcbikklrfiplnmgm

A Historical Perspective on the Topology and Physics of Hyperspace [article]

Ian T. Durham (Mathematical Institute, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland)
2000 arXiv   pre-print
It is intended to stimulate further research and interest in the topic while also presenting a few original thoughts on certain aspects of the subject.  ...  This is largely a secondary source work intended to summarize, as briefly as possible, with enough mathematical rigor, the mathematical developments in dimensional analysis over the past 2550 years.  ...  As a note, the "super" in superstring comes from the incorporation of supersymmetry into the theory (which has profound implications on the length scale of the actual strings as we will see in coming sections  ... 
arXiv:physics/0011042v1 fatcat:knp4pz4hy5h7vdt2qyo7z3toga

In the Middle of No-When: The Long and Short of Time

Alexander E. Kaplan
2006 Optics and photonics news (Print)  
Note that the duration of a single cycle of a near-infrared laser is about 3 fs. So we set our sights on the next horizon: Can we generate controllable pulses shorter than a cycle of light?  ...  One proposed idea is to drive free electrons in a tight circle with a circularly polarized laser with terawatt to petawatt power with intensity up to 10 21 W/cm 2 .  ... 
doi:10.1364/opn.17.2.000028 fatcat:mry4d3ssbrfbhh4bv35howrtle

TASI Lectures on D-Branes [article]

Joseph Polchinski
1997 arXiv   pre-print
D-branes provide a simple description of various nonperturbative objects required by string duality, and give new insight into the quantum mechanics of black holes and the nature of spacetime at the shortest  ...  This is an introduction to the properties of D-branes, topological defects in string theory on which string endpoints can live.  ...  Acknowledgments I would like to thank Shyamoli Chaudhuri and Clifford Johnson for their collaboration on the earlier version of these notes, and Shyamoli for her careful reading of the manuscript.  ... 
arXiv:hep-th/9611050v2 fatcat:yahsewnw6vg6zceowjnpvuigu4
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