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546 Hits in 6.8 sec

A fast table lookup based, statistical model driven non-uniform unit selection TTS

Yao Qian, Frank. K. Soong, Xiaobo Zhou, Yundi Qian, Xiaotian Zhang
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing  
Experimental results show that the new approach can significantly reduce the search complexity while keep a high TTS voice quality.  ...  For multi-channel TTS applications, e.g. in a cloud service, it is highly desirable that high quality speech can be synthesized in low complexity.  ...  Recently, we proposed a trajectory tiling based approach to high quality speech synthesis [4] , which uses the trajectories generated by the HMM to guide unit selection for finding the best match in spectrum  ... 
doi:10.1109/icassp.2013.6639214 dblp:conf/icassp/QianSZQZ13 fatcat:2y6u3oa6jjek5nimwjgyqcbldq

ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger hardware: initial timing and energy calibration

J T Childers
2011 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger identifies high-pT objects in the Liquid Argon and Tile Calorimeters with a fixed latency of up to 2.5 µs using a hardware-based, pipelined system built with custom  ...  The BCID and energy measurement in the trigger depend on precise timing adjustments to achieve correct sampling of the input signal peak.  ...  The electromagnetic layer is shown in 2(a) with beam-1 (−η trajectory). The hadronic layer is shown in 2(b) with beam-2 (+η trajectory).  ... 
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/293/1/012061 fatcat:ucvmxctej5hkvj7qzhmibt3eya

Improving Naturalness of HMM-Based TTS Trained with Limited Data by Temporal Decomposition

Trung-Nghia PHUNG, Thanh-Son PHAN, Thang Tat VU, Mai Chi LUONG, Masato AKAGI
2013 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
To achieve this motivation, a hybrid TTS between HMM-based TTS and the modified restricted Temporal Decomposition (MRTD), named HTD in this paper, was proposed.  ...  Therefore, prosodic trajectories and MRTD event functions of the spectral trajectory generated by HMM-based TTS were kept unchanged to preserve the high and stable intelligibility of HMM-based TTS.  ...  Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (No. 25240026) and the A3 Foresight Program made available by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.e96.d.2417 fatcat:n3jwt45ktjaxtdveitup4mrbki

A deep bidirectional LSTM approach for video-realistic talking head

Bo Fan, Lei Xie, Shan Yang, Lijuan Wang, Frank K. Soong
2015 Multimedia tools and applications  
To further improve the realism of the proposed talking head, the trajectory tiling method is adopted to use the DBLSTM predicted AAM trajectory as a guide to select a smooth real sample image sequence  ...  For any unseen speech audio, whether it is original recorded or synthesized by text-to-speech (TTS), the trained DBLSTM model can predict a convincing AAM parameter trajectory for the lower face animation  ...  We proposed a real-time speech-driven talking avatar based on real-time phoneme recognition and motion trajectory generation through dynamic visemes [24] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-015-2944-3 fatcat:umzguqikxvajlgzb7vgpnl246i

Measuring a decade of progress in Text-to-Speech

Simon King
2014 Loquens  
The Blizzard Challenge offers a unique insight into progress in text-to-speech synthesis over the last decade.  ...  some conclusions about where the Blizzard Challenge has succeeded, and where there are still open problems in cross-system comparisons of text-to-speech synthesisers.  ...  The rather elegant name of 'trajectory tiling' was coined by them and featured in their 2010 entry to the Challenge (Qian et al., 2010) .  ... 
doi:10.3989/loquens.2014.006 fatcat:reyfthn4n5a2ne43a4ftir4x5m

Character index

2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo  
doi:10.1109/icme.2011.6011827 fatcat:wjy7yvkmvbbf3hj4wbyjapx5gu

How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: a Survey [article]

Fabio Tosi, Youmin Zhang, Ziren Gong, Erik Sandström, Stefano Mattoccia, Martin R. Oswald, Matteo Poggi
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Over the past two decades, research in the field of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has undergone a significant evolution, highlighting its critical role in enabling autonomous exploration  ...  advancements in radiance fields.  ...  In addition, in contrast to NeRF, which relies on computationally expensive volumetric ray sampling, 3DGS achieves real-time rendering through a tile-based rasterizer.  ... 
arXiv:2402.13255v2 fatcat:2fgmsu7wefc2nhh7cdxyxkmou4

Positioning system of the ANTARES neutrino telescope

Miguel Ardid
2009 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A : Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment  
locator system (including a pile-up veto counter), called the VELO, is described in section 5.1; the tracking system made of a Trigger Tracker (a silicon microstrip detector, TT) in front of the spectrometer  ...  A new source of CP violation beyond the Standard Model is therefore needed to solve this puzzle. With much improved precision, the effect of such a new source might be seen in heavy flavour physics.  ...  The first pass of the reconstruction will happen in quasi-real time.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.12.033 fatcat:5bimskasxvbklhymlxxzj7ugom

The LHCb Detector at the LHC

The LHCb Collaboration, A Augusto Alves, L M Andrade Filho, A F Barbosa, I Bediaga, G Cernicchiaro, G Guerrer, H P Lima, A A Machado, J Magnin, F Marujo, J M de Miranda (+881 others)
2008 Journal of Instrumentation  
The first pass of the reconstruction will happen in quasi-real time.  ...  There are two variants of the card: a TT version to process the data from the four chip hybrids of the TT and an IT version to process the data from the three chip IT hybrids.  ...  Track reconstruction In the track reconstruction software the hits in the VELO, the TT, the IT and the OT detectors are combined to form particle trajectories from the VELO to the calorimeters.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/s08005 fatcat:de4ahzxdp5gz3byfn4ljysbm6m

Concatenative sound synthesis: The early years

Diemo Schwarz
2006 Journal of New Music Research  
The most urgent and interesting problems for further work on concatenative synthesis are listed concerning segmentation, descriptors, efficiency, legality, data mining, and real time interaction.  ...  However, if the database is sufficiently large, the probability is high that a matching unit will be found, so the need to apply transformations is reduced.  ...  discussions and the beautiful music, to Mikhail Malt for sharing his profound knowledge of the history of electronic music, to all the authors of the research mentioned here for their interesting work in  ... 
doi:10.1080/09298210600696857 fatcat:xli5g2n7prg5pin2z554mgxc5m

Quantum Annealing for Industry Applications: Introduction and Review [article]

Sheir Yarkoni, Elena Raponi, Thomas Bäck, Sebastian Schmitt
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper we provide a literature review of the theoretical motivations for quantum annealing as a heuristic quantum optimization algorithm, the software and hardware that is required to use such quantum  ...  In recent years, advances in quantum technologies have enabled the development of small- and intermediate-scale quantum processors that implement the quantum annealing algorithm for programmable use.  ...  When tested in terms of time-to-solution (TTS), QAGA performed better than QA, having a smallest variance in the output.  ... 
arXiv:2112.07491v3 fatcat:3ji6gltczreubfnrvhgaacpt4a

Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future [article]

Ansh Mittal
2024 arXiv   pre-print
An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage  ...  This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit  ...  The proposed method represents a significant step in addressing these limitations, enhancing the potential of NeRFs for real-time and high-quality 3D scene representation.  ... 
arXiv:2304.10050v2 fatcat:ixgkwqkt25gqdipgq4er6pdej4

Ion Bernstein wave heating research

Masayuki Ono
1993 Physics of Fluids B Plasma Physics  
Fig. 30 . 30 PLT high power [BWH experiment. (a) A typical time evolution of ion temperatures in ._, 3/2 -QD heating. Pfr = 500 kW, f = 30 MHz, BT = 2.9T, and ne = 3 x , 1013cre3.  ...  l_ltLll_[rIcrea_s zapidly al'mr the ft' turn-on in tile central regiem of the plasma (r/a < (),5), While ion temperature lnc:'eases more gradually with the time J co_lstant of aLmut 10 ms which is roughly  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.860569 fatcat:keem44n5fnfy7ooho4yh3fdh74

Recent Advances in Antitank Guided Missile Systems

N.R. Iyer
1995 Defence Science Journal  
The recent advanc~s in tactical antitank guided missile (ATGM}systems are discussed.  ...  The main driving factors for the technological advances towards realisation of third generation A TGM systems have been the more demanding operational needs of the user services and limitations of earlier  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (iii) The paper has drawn material from a number Gl technical reports prepared by design and development teams from different work centres of the third generation A TGM under the  ... 
doi:10.14429/dsj.45.4118 fatcat:ffyhflb2hzdaziskvdcdhfqemy

LHCb detector performance

2015 International Journal of Modern Physics A  
purpose detector in the forward region.  ...  The excellent performance of the detector has allowed the LHCb collaboration to publish a wide range of physics results, demonstrating LHCb's unique role, both as a heavy flavour experiment and as a general  ...  Acknowledgments We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0217751x15300227 fatcat:5sp7cr2crncv5il2ph5hntt3fm
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