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A Multi-Agent Architecture for the Design of Hierarchical Interval Type-2 Beta Fuzzy System

Yosra Jarraya, Souhir Bouaziz, Hani Hagras, Adel M. Alimi
2019 IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems  
EVOLUTION OF THE HIERARCHICAL INTERVAL TYPE-2 BETA FUZZY SYSTEM A.  ...  Index Terms-Beta function, hierarchical representation, interval type-2 fuzzy system, multi-agent architecture, multi-objective structure learning. I.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tfuzz.2018.2871800 fatcat:gzjgded3xzclpmofyeqjktul7a

2019 Index IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 27

2019 IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems  
Multi-Agent Architecture for the Design of Hierarchical Interval Type-2 Beta Fuzzy System.  ...  ., +, TFUZZ Sept. 2019 1818-1832 A Multi-Agent Architecture for the Design of Hierarchical Interval Type-2 Beta Fuzzy System.  ...  Nonlinear filters Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Control for Discrete-Time Nonaffine Nonlinear Systems. Gil  ... 
doi:10.1109/tfuzz.2020.2966828 fatcat:pgfo5oksjrdbpa5s534ky74bie

Adapt-Traf: An adaptive multiagent road traffic management system based on hybrid ant-hierarchical fuzzy model

Habib M. Kammoun, Ilhem Kallel, Jorge Casillas, Ajith Abraham, Adel M. Alimi
2014 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies  
This paper proposes an adaptive multiagent system based on the ant colony behavior and the hierarchical fuzzy model.  ...  The proposed system is implemented and simulated under a multiagent platform in order to discuss the improvement of the global road traffic quality in terms of time, fluidity and adaptivity.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported, in part, by the General Direction of Scientific Research (DGRST) in Tunisia (ARUB program) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant no.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.trc.2014.03.003 fatcat:sahnsazdlvevvoplvgofad4hvy

Literature Review of various Fuzzy Rule based Systems [article]

Ayush K. Varshney, Vicenç Torra
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we present an overview and literature review for various types and prominent areas of fuzzy systems (FRBSs) namely genetic fuzzy system (GFS), Hierarchical fuzzy system (HFS), neuro fuzzy  ...  Fuzzy rule based systems (FRBSs) is a rule-based system which uses linguistic fuzzy variables as antecedents and consequent to represent the human understandable knowledge.  ...  Declaration of competing interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper  ... 
arXiv:2209.07175v1 fatcat:zs6qimx4czhqhenk4phiasvkxa

Review Of Trust Models In Wireless Sensor Networks

V. Uma Rani, K. Soma Sundaram
2014 Zenodo  
It describes the major design issues and their countermeasures of building trust model. It also discusses existing trust models used in various decision making process of wireless sensor networks.  ...  To solve this issue, a trust model is required to find malicious, selfish and compromised insiders by evaluating trust worthiness sensors from the network.  ...  Table IV shows several techniques to build a trust model in sensor networks with their purpose, architecture used, type of reputation calculation and so on.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1092174 fatcat:u5kvi6ozhzg6xivywxyasytawy

Reusable components for online reputation systems

Johannes Sänger, Christian Richthammer, Günther Pernul
2015 Journal of Trust Management  
In this work, we aim to foster reuse in respect of trust and reputation systems by providing a hierarchical component taxonomy of computation engines which serves as a natural framework for the design  ...  of new reputation systems.  ...  Acknowledgment The research leading to these results was supported by the Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts" as part of the FORSEC research association.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40493-015-0015-3 fatcat:geumooqjrfcr5gdb6mmg7k4j7i

Design and Analysis of Optimization based Integrated ANFIS- PID Controller for Networked Controlled Systems (NCSs)

Debashish Pal, S.K. Bhagat, Chen Peng
2020 Cogent Engineering  
In order to enhance the performance of the network, various soft computing techniques were presented in previous works for both scenarios i.e. with delay and without delay, in which Fuzzy-PID controllers  ...  Frequent occurrence of control loops in network systems leads to various issues such as packet loss, random delays, multi-packet transmission etc.  ...  Algorithm 2: The Grey wolf population is initialized Xi (i =1, 2 …, n) a, A and C are initialized The fitness of every search agent is computed X α = the finest search agent X β = the second finest search  ... 
doi:10.1080/23311916.2020.1772944 fatcat:n47i2avxknd4lluo5u5vups6du

Fuzzy Decision-Making Fuser (FDMF) for Integrating Human-Machine Autonomous (HMA) Systems with Adaptive Evidence Sources

Yu-Ting Liu, Nikhil R. Pal, Amar R. Marathe, Yu-Kai Wang, Chin-Teng Lin
2017 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
A fuzzy decision-making fuser (FDMF) is then applied in the HMA system to provide a natural adaptive framework for evidence-based inference by incorporating an integrated summary of the available evidence  ...  In contrast to patient-oriented BCIs, which are intended to restore inoperative or malfunctioning aspects of the nervous system, a growing number of BCI studies focus on designing auxiliary systems that  ...  Research was also supported by the Cognition and Neuroergonomics Collaborative Technology Alliance Annual Program Plan and the Army Research Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-10-2-0022  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2017.00332 pmid:28676734 pmcid:PMC5477567 fatcat:6hdqlhtjljbqpe4j3nrn4edwiq

Systematic Design of Trust Management Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review [article]

Raghu Vamsi. P, Krishna Kant
2014 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we attempt to present steps for a systematic design of trust management systems for WSNs. In addition, we address the techniques followed by scholars in implementing trust frameworks.  ...  Furthermore, we provide discussion on state-of-the-art research in designing trust systems with summary and comparisons.  ...  CONCLUSION In this article, systematic design of trust management system is presented with support of state-of-the-art trust systems design methods.  ... 
arXiv:1406.3204v2 fatcat:z2gdqcywwbgtla4ojysyagv2fm

A Novel Robust Smart Energy Management and Demand Reduction for Smart Homes Based on Internet of Energy

Bilal Naji Alhasnawi, Basil H. Jasim, Zain-Aldeen S. A. Rahman, Pierluigi Siano
2021 Sensors  
In this paper, a new distributed multi-agent framework based on the cloud layer computing architecture is developed for real-time microgrid economic dispatch and monitoring.  ...  A Raspberry Pi3 based model of a well-known test grid topology is modified to support real-time communication with open-source IoE platform Node-Red used for cloud computing.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21144756 fatcat:wshavhueonb43pih5tzfhtnv4m

A survey of trust computation models for service management in internet of things systems

Jia Guo, Ing-Ray Chen, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai
2017 Computer Communications  
In this paper we survey trust computation models for Internet of things (IoT) systems for the purpose of service management, i.e., whether or not to select an IoT device as a service provider.  ...  Our approach is to classify existing trust computation models for service management in IoT systems based on five essential design dimensions for a trust computation model: trust composition, trust propagation  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is supported in part by the U.S. Army Research Office under contract number W911NF-12-1-0445.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2016.10.012 fatcat:4yf6olgmf5fzjafpsw7w2v6yqm

A Review of Theoretical and Practical Challenges of Trusted Autonomy in Big Data

Hussein A. Abbass, George Leu, Kathryn Merrick
2016 IEEE Access  
Our inquiry into this topic revolves around three sub-topics: (1) reviewing and positioning the trust modelling literature for the purpose of trusted autonomy; (2) reviewing a critical subset of sensor  ...  Despite the advances made in artificial intelligence, software agents, and robotics, there is little we see today that we can truly call a fully autonomous system.  ...  trust and the other is a trust-based multi-agent architecture.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2016.2571058 fatcat:hpwzuhpzpfeejacfrzub7mzzua

Welcome message from the General Chairs

Giovanni Giambene, Boon Sain Yeo
2009 2009 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications  
This year we received a total of 153 high-quality papers from more than 20 countries. Many papers demonstrated notable systems with good analytical and/or empirical analyses.  ...  Based on these rigorous reviews, IES 2014 accepted 106 papers for inclusion in the conference program, which represents an acceptance rate of 69%.  ...  By considering product architecture with Design Structure Matrix (DSM), we can determine modular design for selective disassembly and interface type for assembly.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iwssc.2009.5286448 fatcat:wcu4uzasizhzjmdkzyekynnqwi

Artificial intelligence enabled software-defined networking: a comprehensive overview

Majd Latah, Levent Toker
2019 IET Networks  
Our study showed that the research efforts focused on three main sub-fields of AI namely: machine learning, meta-heuristics and fuzzy inference systems.  ...  In this study, we provide a detailed overview of the recent efforts to include AI in SDN.  ...  Mohammadi and Javidan [181] proposed a traffic engineering method for SDN-based video surveillance systems using adaptive,type-2 fuzzy approach, which showed better results when compared with type-1  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-net.2018.5082 fatcat:celiaiit7jhrfnufpoltuecf5y

Network-based strategies for signalised traffic intersections

Magdi S. Mahmoud, Faisal A. Al Nasser, Fouad M. Al Sunni
2013 International Journal of Systems Control and Communications  
Finally, comparison of different types of networked control systems was done using MATLAB simulation. is a Professor of Control and Automation and the Head of the Department of Systems Engineering.  ...  Also, a sufficient condition for system stability is provided based on LMI.  ...  Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at KFUPM through research group project no. RG-1105-1.  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijscc.2013.054139 fatcat:qa5xop2a7zdophpg3lhvkhdlje
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