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A Design Complexity Evaluation Framework for Agent-Based System Engineering Methodologies [chapter]

Anthony Karageorgos, Nikolay Mehandjiev
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
An Evaluation Framework for ABS Design Complexity The proposed framework was inspired by attempts to discuss the issues involved in ABS design in a systematic manner [11] and it is based on similar work  ...  Agents are sophisticated software artefacts, associated with a large number of features and therefore Agent-Based System (ABS) engineering methodologies involve considerable design complexity.  ...  Design in Scope: This aspect refers to whether a methodology includes specific steps and guidelines for the design phase of the ABS engineering lifecycle and can be true or false.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-25946-6_17 fatcat:bliize33xvakblgxusfvm4xxmm

Knowledge based system to support the design of tools for the HFQ forming process for aluminium-based products

Nikolaos Mekras, Ioannis Artemakis, Y. Qin, T. A. Dean, J. Lin, S. J. Yuan, F. Vollertsen
2015 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Besides the presentation of the proposed tools design methodology, a prototype software system is also presented that shows how the proposed methodology has been implemented for the automatic design and  ...  In this paper a methodology and its respective implementation software system are presented that show how Knowledge Based Systems (KBS), both object-oriented and rule-based, when integrated with 3D CAD  ...  In this paper a methodology for the automatic design of forming tools is proposed, which is being developed for the HFQ (Hot Forming & Quench) process for aluminium based products within the EU FP7 Research  ... 
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20152105008 fatcat:4juk2e4ahvekdiloopdhkbzeta

RAMASD: a semi-automatic method for designing agent organisations This work has been supported by BT under a grant from the office of the Chief Technologist (No. ML816801/MH354166)

2002 Knowledge engineering review (Print)  
The ad hoc methodologies do not contain systematic techniques for analysis and design. Formal methodologies use formal techniques for specification and verification of agent behaviour.  ...  a classification scheme for agent-based system engineering methodologies, which is summarised in Figure 1 .  ...  In conclusion, formal methodologies allow automatic support for various activities in the life cycle of agent-based systems, for example validating specifications and simulating behaviour.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0269888903000572 fatcat:jyte5rjeefbv7hgmcksyb4674m

Intelligent support for retrieval and synthesis of patterns for object-oriented design [chapter]

Sandeep Purao, Veda C. Storey
1997 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we present a methodology for automating design of object-oriented systems based on intelligent retrieval and synthesis of reusable patterns.  ...  It uses a set of techniques and rules aided by heuristics from natural language processing, automated reasoning and learning that are activated, as needed.  ...  A Methodology for Retrieval and Synthesis of Patterns This section presents a methodology for intelligent retrieval and synthesis of patterns for automated design of object-oriented systems. uses a set  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-63699-4_4 fatcat:msy2wicv2vdbvckcty62sngz7i


Avi Shaked, Yoram Reich
2021 Proceedings of the Design Society  
The challenges introduced by this complexity calls for a model-based design environment. The PROVE methodology is an artifact-centric, model-based development process design methodology.  ...  Furthermore, our environment incorporates additional process design perspectives that are applied in real-time and in a completely consistent manner, based on a formally defined information model.  ...  Our formal metamodel for development process design establishes the PROVE methodology as a technically valid and feasible model-based approach.  ... 
doi:10.1017/pds.2021.110 fatcat:u7b4oaqmdbae3nhawphwjpemo4

Evaluation complexity problem in agent based software development methodology

Amin Saremi, Mostafa Esmaeili, Mahshid Rahnama
2007 2007 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems  
Consequently, deciding which methodology to select in a specific case is an important issue and it can lead to decrease software development cost and effort.  ...  To demonstrate the usage of the suggested framework, it is applied to evaluate two methodologies (MESSAGE and Prometheus) using a proper example.  ...  Shehory and Sturm [2] developed a set of criteria for feature based analysis of methodologies consist of software Engineering criteria and agent based characteristics.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iciinfs.2007.4579242 fatcat:bc25uesgavhejasqkhpnlx524y

The Integration of Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability into Model-Based Systems Engineering

Kyle Diatte, Bryan O'Halloran, Douglas L. Van Bossuyt
2022 Systems  
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) methods have developed a strong foothold in the design space in industry.  ...  Currently, there is a gap in applying a methodology to integrate the two in the design process, particularly when the design is complex.  ...  Approved for Public Release; distribution is unlimited. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/systems10040101 fatcat:o3bwslwuqneu7ktzme7oq7jhrq

Abstract state machines as an intermediate representation for high-level synthesis

R Sinha, H D Patel
2011 2011 Design, Automation & Test in Europe  
This makes the hardware synthesis transparent to the designer. We experiment our methodology with examples of a FIR, microprocessor, and an edge detecteor.  ...  We have the following advantages when using ASMs as an IR: 1) it allows the specification of both sequential and parallel computation, 2) it supports an extension of a clean timing model based on an interpretation  ...  Main Contributions The main contributions of this work are listed below: • An ASM-based IR for a HLS methodology that supports the specification of parallel computation, and a timing model. • A synthesis  ... 
doi:10.1109/date.2011.5763227 dblp:conf/date/SinhaP11 fatcat:qd4on6augjff3fpqosicln7aki

Towards a Practical Security Analysis Methodology

Alexander van den Berghe
2015 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering  
The research community has proposed numerous techniques to perform security-oriented analyses based on a software design model.  ...  Such a formal analysis can provide precise security guarantees to the software designer, and facilitate the discovery of subtle flaws.  ...  Based on these results, we identify the need for a new methodology that enables the designer to model security solutions for a broad range of concerns, and that offers precise, formal analysis techniques  ... 
doi:10.1109/icse.2015.283 dblp:conf/icse/Berghe15 fatcat:eb6beimflrg3jlzjbyvhcco3me

Towards a Classification to Facilitate the Design of Domain-Specific Visual Languages

Sándor Bácsi, Gergely Mezei
2019 Acta Cybernetica  
In the recent decade, a wide range of tools and methodologies have been introduced to support the design of DSVLs for various domains, therefore it can be a challenging task to choose the most appropriate  ...  technique for the design process.  ...  In the future, we aim to create a framework to support the design of visual-domain specific languages based on a questionnaire built upon the methodology presented.  ... 
doi:10.14232/actacyb.24.1.2019.2 fatcat:627x45jms5cvlil7ne62nwjxmy

Criteria Based Evaluation Framework for Service Oriented Methodologies [article]

Mahdi Fahmideh, Jafar Habibi, Fereidoon Shams, Sedigheh Khoshnevis
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The main goal of the service oriented methodologies is to define a process for development and maintenance of service based systems.  ...  This evaluation tool is appropriate for methodology engineers to develop new methodologies, as well as project managers to select an appropriate methodology at a specific project.  ...  In contrast, MSOAM has been designed from scratch by Erl [7] . 12-Language or Technology: A methodology could be designed based on specific concepts of a programming language or technology.  ... 
arXiv:2004.09379v1 fatcat:ut77n2twmjhbnm2nqfyeyun6je

Argumentation-based Health Information Systems: A Design Methodology

Helena Lindgren, Timotheus Kampik, Esteban Guerrero Rosero, Madeleine Blusi, Juan Carlos Nieves
2020 IEEE Intelligent Systems  
In this article, we present a design methodology for argumentation-based health information systems.  ...  This article presents a design methodology for argumentation-based health information systems that can facilitate stronger applied research in this domain in the future.  ...  This work was supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme, under  ... 
doi:10.1109/mis.2020.3044944 fatcat:zbxurbw2kbbhfeuilpej6rwdbq

Computer-Aided Requirement Management for Product Definition: A Methodology and Implementation

Mitchell M. Tseng, Jianxin Jiao
1998 Concurrent Engineering - Research and Applications  
To facilitate and demonstrate the methodology, a database system is developed to provide a computerized environment for requirement management during the product definition phase.  ...  A prototype requirement management database system is implemented for an electronics company to illustrate the feasibility and potential of the proposed methodology.  ...  It is based on the PDFR methodology to provide a framework for integrating customer and design information and for reusing this information.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1063293x9800600205 fatcat:xmob7g3plfe5znmapqu7qjy7xu

Ontology Design Approaches [chapter]

Maja Hadzic, Pornpit Wongthongtham, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang
2009 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
We took a simple DNA ontology as an example and illustrated the design of this ontology using each of the different methodologies.  ...  For example, a genetics institute wants to design an intelligent information retrieval system that will look for functions and characteristics of a particular DNA sequence.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01904-3_5 fatcat:2bviypfukzdevmg762hvmrlm2e

Integrated methodological frameworks for modelling agent-based advanced supply chain planning systems: A systematic literature review

Luis Antonio Santa-Eulalia, Georgina Halladjian, Sophie D'Amours, Jean-Marc Frayret
2011 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management  
, specification, design and implementation in an integrated manner.  ...  This paper provides a systematic literature review of recent developments in methodological frameworks for the modelling and simulation of agent-based advanced supply chain planning systems.  ...  Committee of the TÉLUQ-UQAM) for their financial support.  ... 
doi:10.3926/jiem.326 fatcat:uq5j52s4xfh4fb5xplnqo266am
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