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A Markup Language for ORM Business Rules

Jan Demey, Mustafa Jarrar, Robert Meersman
2002 Redirecting ...  
In particular in this paper we adopt the well-known CM technique of ORM, which has a rich complement of business rule specification, and develop ORM-ML, an XML-based markup language for ORM.  ...  We give (in appendix) a complete formal definition ("grammar") of ORM-ML as an XML Schema, a comprehensive description of all of ORM's business rules in ORM-ML syntax and present an algorithm to map ORM  ...  Partial support for the reported work from the EC FP5 Thematic Network OntoWeb (IST-2000-29243) is hereby also gratefully acknowledged.  ... 
dblp:conf/rml/DemeyJM02 fatcat:vm4q4fbddvddrlbw62kns2bk54

A Conceptual Markup Language That Supports Interoperability between Business Rule Modeling Systems [chapter]

Jan Demey, Mustafa Jarrar, Robert Meersman
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper we adopt the well-known CM technique of ORM, which has a rich complement of business rule specification, and develop ORM-ML, an XML-based markup language for ORM.  ...  been presented at the "Rule Markup Languages for Business Rules on the Semantic Web" Workshop, 2002. 2 Author's names are in alphabetical order.  ...  Partial support for the reported work from the EC FP5 Thematic Network OntoWeb (IST-2000-29243) is hereby also gratefully acknowledged.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-36124-3_2 fatcat:u5z6trzelrdd3aes6axbrnkrfe

On Using Conceptual Data Modeling for Ontology Engineering [chapter]

Mustafa Jarrar, Jan Demey, Robert Meersman
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
To handle this first difference, we define a conceptual markup language (ORM-ML) that allows to represent ORM conceptual diagrams in an open, textual syntax, so that ORM schemes can be shared, exchanged  ...  Notice that rules can be used for e.g. enforce integrity, derivation and inference, taxonomy, etc.  ...  The authors are grateful to Jan De Bo, Peter Spyns, Sven Van Acker, Ruben Verlinden, Pieter De Leenheer, and Andriy Lisovoy for their comments and suggestions on an earlier version of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39733-5_8 fatcat:orurbeymejcbhjjcimjnau5gvy

Directly Applied ORM Constraints for Validating and Verifying Semantic Decision Tables [chapter]

Yan Tang
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We use Semantic Decision Rule Language (SDRule-L), which is an extension to the Object-Role Modeling language (ORM/ORM2) for modeling SDT commitments.  ...  With these commitments, business rule modelers can discover invalid decision rules. In this paper, we focus on how to use six SDRule-L constraints, which are directly brought from ORM/ORM2.  ...  Introduction Decision table is a means to model business rules in a tabular format.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_46 fatcat:sc2xdsiv5vdcziunj3lk2fchfe

Verbalising R2ML Rules into SBVR

Oana Nicolae, Gerd Wagner
2008 2008 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing  
Nowadays, business rules receive a lot of attention from both industry and academia, as they are considered the ideal vehicle for capturing business logic.  ...  Our paper focuses on the informal translation from R2ML derivation and integrity rules, into SBVR Structured English in order to provide means for business rules validation and authorisation.  ...  Business rules are for business people and must be specified in a declarative way, as close as possible to natural language i.e. EU-Rent reviews each corporate account at EU-Rent Headquarters 5 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/synasc.2008.30 dblp:conf/synasc/NicolaeW08 fatcat:voc5htkldrc6blenh3wkp27jza

The NORMA Software Tool for ORM 2 [chapter]

Matthew Curland, Terry Halpin
2011 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
ORM 2 provides languages and procedures for modeling and querying information systems at a conceptual level as well as mapping procedures for transforming between ORM structures and other structures, such  ...  as Entity Relationship (ER) models, class models in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), relational database models, extensible markup language schemas (XSD), and datalog.  ...  Business rules are modeled in ORM 2 as constraints or derivation rules that apply to the relevant business domain.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17722-4_14 fatcat:xs3jlbfpc5cznirablrnr3oyoq

Elements of the Modern Application Software Development

O. Moravcik, D. Petrik, T. Skripcak, P. Schreiber
2012 Journal of clean energy technologies  
It contains all business logic and is extended with check of validation and business rules. It also serves as basis for ORM database generation and manipulation.  ...  We slightly modify it to meet all our needs: 1) View XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) is used for the purpose of View implementation.  ...  He became an associated professor of the Slovak University of Technology for Applied Informatics and Automation in the year 2000.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijcte.2012.v4.601 fatcat:y4qtziuq2jegrizwqatcf5ipky

Definition of a Description Language for Business Service Decomposition [chapter]

Lam-Son Lê, Aditya Ghose, Evan Morrison
2010 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
In this paper, we analyze the landscape of service representation and discuss the needs of having a description language for business services.  ...  In this paper, we analyze the landscape of service representation and discuss the needs of having a description language for business services.  ...  However, it is not clear if ORM diagrams can express all kinds of rule defined for a description language.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14319-9_8 fatcat:sd33froxibcdzg7xzdozoqkxiy

Temporal Modeling and ORM [chapter]

Terry Halpin
2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Special attention is given to capturing the relevant business rules.  ...  This paper briefly reviews some popular approaches for modeling temporal data and operations, then provides a conceptual framework for classifying temporal information, and proposes data model patterns  ...  For a basic introduction to ORM see [13] , and for a thorough treatment see [15] . For a comparison of ORM with UML see [11] . Business rules include constraints and derivation rules.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88875-8_93 fatcat:6aye2jnbdjhslhnmepuyzbcxfm


A. Ivanova, K. Kharash, O. Olshevska, Y. Bortsova
2018 Avtomatizaciâ Tehnologičeskih i Biznes-Processov  
Applications that provide online services are becoming more popular every day and a part of desktop apps respectively decrease.  ...  Unfortunately this approach does not ensure user's data from corruption, it doesn't provide an opportunity to cooperate for joint work for researchers and bears lots of other risks which can be reduced  ...  HTML is a hypertext markup language for creating web pages. This language is interpreted by the browser and displayed as a document in a convenient and understandable by human eye form.  ... 
doi:10.15673/atbp.v10i2.971 fatcat:2uch2dix6jaqldacoo7nrme23i

Approaches of the Modern Software Development

Oliver Moravcik, Tomas Skripcak, Daniel Petrik, Peter Schreiber
2011 International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing  
After an insight into methodologies, methods, design patterns and tools, which are part of modern software development, a life cycle is presented.  ...  The second part is devoted to implementing the details of the presented modern trends within a real world application. Lastly, selected drawbacks with proposed solutions are presented.  ...  It contains all business logic and is extended with checking validation and business rules. It also serves as a basis for ORM database generation and manipulation.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijmlc.2011.v1.72 fatcat:duvhinlitza3dbysmyvxlowtqi

A Metamodel for Master Data [chapter]

Baba Piprani, Suneil Dham
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper examines a metamodel that defines what master data is, the types of master data, and criteria for determining master data.  ...  Is there a single version of the truth? Practical realities suggest that we need to continue to live with existing versions -at least until the "single version" is reached.  ...  Table 6 . 6 ORM/NIAM Schema Definitions for Metadata Management -Business Rules # Object Definition 6.1 CRUD sequencing (e.g. can it recognize cardinality rules e.g. insert supertype first then  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16961-8_66 fatcat:b4n4vkdt2vcbfabl7iupy34jxu

Mobile-cloud Cross Development (McX)

Sachin Ahuja
2013 International Journal of Business & Technology  
Without a de-facto leader in this space, it has become necessary for businesses & developers to target multiple devices & MOSs in order to establish a relevant presence within their target audience.  ...  In this paper I address these problems through creation of a Mobile-cloud Cross Development (McX) tool-chain that includes a type-safe meta-programming language, an integrated cloud node and, an active  ...  A specialized form of Masc called "Mobile app markup language" (Maml), is also provided to define user interface elements. Maml provides a much simpler way for developers to define user interfaces.  ... 
doi:10.33107/ijbte.2013.1.2.06 fatcat:ymjqpnrjzrfx5jq5dfudeovphe

DL-Based Framework for Mapping Between Object Role Modeling 2 Schemes and OWL2 Ontologism

Heba M. Wagih
2011 International Journal of Modeling and Optimization  
Since Descriptions logics provide a logical formalism for developing ontologism, thus it is considered the basis for our mapping framework between OWL2 and ORM2.  ...  The idea behind semantic Web is to create a web of data that can easily be shared, accessed and even transformed over a global scale independently of any application or domain.  ...  Among the different ontology languages that were proposed, we choose the OWL as the standard for our work. OWL is a semantic markup language for publishing and sharing ontologies on Web.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijmo.2011.v1.54 fatcat:x7n4ufcqibgllaqcmpawsrnuvm

Towards effective adaptive user interfaces design

Tomas Cerny, Michael J. Donahoo, Eunjee Song
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems on - RACS '13  
In this paper, we propose a technique that provides AUIs for production enterprise systems while reducing development and maintenance efforts to a level comparable with a single UI development, called  ...  However, very few production system provide such malleable interfaces due to the excessive cost for the development and maintenance.  ...  For example Java EE defines standards [8, 9] for the ORM, which extends the class model with additional markup. Similarly a validation [2] can be added.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2513228.2513278 dblp:conf/racs/CernyDS13 fatcat:t4df5ts5gfcanenbtao4aemdka
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