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Rapid Cut Detection on Compressed Video [chapter]

Jurandy Almeida, Neucimar J. Leite, Ricardo da S. Torres
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we present a novel approach for video cut detection that works in the compressed domain.  ...  The proposed method is based on both exploiting visual features extracted from the video stream and on using a simple and fast algorithm to detect the video transitions.  ...  It relies on exploiting visual features extracted from the video stream and on a simple and fast algorithm to detect the video transitions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25085-9_8 fatcat:mauga5ubejgbvdocpakbbhxpka

Video shot detection and condensed representation. a review

C. Cotsaces, N. Nikolaidis, I. Pitas
2006 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine  
Shot boundary detection is the most basic temporal video segmentation task, as it is intrinsically and inextricably linked to the way that video is produced.  ...  These basic tasks are shot boundary detection and condensed video representation.  ...  A cut is then detected by comparing the interframe consistency with a probabilistically derived adaptive threshold, while dissolves are detected in a subsequent phase.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2006.1621446 fatcat:piph23alz5hgbobvqgt3xfhgt4

A Survey on the Automatic Indexing of Video Data,

R. Brunelli, O. Mich, C.M. Modena
1999 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation  
Today a considerable amount of video data in multimedia databases requires sophisticated indices for its effective use.  ...  This paper surveys several approaches and algorithms that have been recently proposed to automatically structure audio-visual data, both for annotation and access. C 1999 Academic Press  ...  Cuts, fades and dissolves can be detected by counting the entering and exiting edge pixels, while wipes can be detected by looking at their spatial distribution.  ... 
doi:10.1006/jvci.1997.0404 fatcat:hgvh6xcpgvgl5nwvoddsblky5i

A survey on the use of pattern recognition methods for abstraction, indexing and retrieval of images and video

Sameer Antani, Rangachar Kasturi, Ramesh Jain
2002 Pattern Recognition  
This paper presents a comprehensive survey on the use of these pattern recognition methods which enable image and video retrieval by content. ?  ...  Research e orts have led to the development of methods that provide access to image and video data. These methods have their roots in pattern recognition.  ...  [126] detect cuts and gradual transitions by dividing the video sequence into (overlapping) subsequence of 3 consecutive frames with a fourth predicted frame. Naphade et al.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0031-3203(01)00086-3 fatcat:byimswdaxrcjnkfnbpdsqmhbqy

Multi-scale video cropping

Hazem El-Alfy, David Jacobs, Larry Davis
2007 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia - MULTIMEDIA '07  
We then show that we can use a second shortest path formulation to find good cuts from one trajectory to another, improving coverage of interesting events in the video.  ...  We describe additional techniques to improve the quality and efficiency of the algorithm, and show results on surveillance videos.  ...  identical to those obtained by processing the longest video that could fit in memory as a whole.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1291233.1291255 dblp:conf/mm/El-AlfyJD07 fatcat:5specdydljgnxfw742ipi7say4

Comparison of automatic shot boundary detection algorithms

Rainer W. Lienhart, Minerva M. Yeung, Boon-Lock Yeo, Charles A. Bouman
1998 Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII  
The algorithms' performance is measured in terms of hit rate, number of false hits, and miss rate for hard cuts, fades, and dissolves over a large and diverse set of video sequences.  ...  Although the detection of edits is fundamental to any kind of video analysis since it segments a video into its basic components, the shots, only few comparative investigations on early shot boundary detection  ...  According to Zabih et. al. hard cuts, fades, dissolves and wipes exhibit a characteristic pattern in the ECR time series.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.333848 dblp:conf/spieSR/Lienhart99 fatcat:cik2xsycf5ftzpm5cm34vckwle

Shot-boundary detection: unraveled and resolved?

A. Hanjalic
2002 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (Print)  
Partitioning a video sequence into shots is the first step toward video-content analysis and content-based video browsing and retrieval.  ...  to shot-boundary detection.  ...  In general, we can distinguish hard cuts, which are the most common boundaries and occur between two consecutive frames, from gradual transitions, such as fades, wipes, and dissolves, which are spread  ... 
doi:10.1109/76.988656 fatcat:kev6mljdzzdcxpbals6uovnsm4

Pattern recognition methods in image and video databases: Past, present and future [chapter]

Sameer Antani, Rangachar Kasturi, Ramesh Jain
1998 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This need has spurred an interest to develop pattern recognition methods which can capture the visual information content and place them in a suitable form for database indexing.  ...  Image and video (multimedia) database systems have been on an increase in recent years.  ...  Each subsequence is separated from the other by significant changes such as scene cuts or gradual transitions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bfb0033225 fatcat:3priy44zzvcefoiu5zhuxqayny

Tiny Videos: Non-parametric Content-Based Video Retrieval and Recognition

Alexandre Karpenko, Parham Aarabi
2008 2008 Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia  
Content-based copy detection (CBCD) is evaluated on a standardized dataset, and the results are applied to related video retrieval within tiny videos.  ...  50,000 Tiny Videos: A Large Dataset for Non-Parametric Content-Based Retrieval and Recognition This work extends the tiny image data-mining techniques developed by Torralba et al. [29] to videos.  ...  Shot boundaries are difficult to detect reliably due to gradual shot transitions such as blends and wipes [11, 33, 34] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/ism.2008.53 dblp:conf/ism/KarpenkoA08 fatcat:lihkgzknhzdddatagm4gbm6fwa

Finding Untitled Goose Game's Dynamic Music in the World of Silent Cinema

Dan Golding
2021 Journal of Sound and Music in Games  
First, for an independent video game produced by a small studio, the music is dynamic and reactive to a high degree.  ...  Accordingly, this article outlines the dynamic music system at work in Untitled Goose Game and the influence drawn on for this system from non–video game approaches to musical accompaniment.  ...  Yet even this also remains ambiguous and prone to common misconception.  ... 
doi:10.1525/jsmg.2021.2.1.1 fatcat:6jlrg7r2yffvbjdsdhno37ausi

A video retrieval and sequencing system

Tat-Seng Chua, Li-Qun Ruan
1995 ACM Transactions on Information Systems  
Two proposed approaches to organise video data are the structural modelling approach [36, 43] and stratification [1].  ...  Video Retrieval and Sequencing System 3 Facilitates should be available for users to view video materials in a non-sequential manner, and to combine video clips from different sequences to form a new sequence  ...  By applying these transition techniques, transitions between shots may be sudden through the use of abrupt cuts; or more gradual by using techniques such as dissolves, fades and wipes.  ... 
doi:10.1145/211430.211431 fatcat:hjt2fnaovvhf5b5pbk2ota5pme

The art of video MashUp: supporting creative users with an innovative and smart application

Daniela Cardillo, Amon Rapp, Sergio Benini, Luca Console, Rossana Simeoni, Elena Guercio, Riccardo Leonardi
2010 Multimedia tools and applications  
This application is an easy to use tool of video editing integrated in a cross-media platform; it works taking the information from a repository of videos and puts into action a process of semi-automatic  ...  Doing so it gives vent to their creative side without them being forced to learn how to use a complicated and unlikely new technology.  ...  Acknowledgements Many thanks go to Francini Gianluca and Lepsoy Skjalg for their basic contribution to this work.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-009-0449-7 fatcat:ykh6uv6tivcwllod7kyyjtwgde

Ontology-driven Annotation and Access of Educational Video Data in E-learning [chapter]

Aijuan Dong, Honglin Li, Baoying Wang
2010 E-learning Experiences and Future  
This is because most slide transitions are abrupt cuts, and presentation videos do not have special video effects, such as fading, dissolve, and wipe.  ...  The framework provides the readers with a high-level view of the research and lays the foundation for subsequent discussions.  ...  Authors made efforts to provide theoretical as well as practical approaches to solve open problems through their elite research work.  ... 
doi:10.5772/8798 fatcat:2obk6ytrpreufkzws7tzo7k6fi

Image and video indexing using vector quantization

F. Idris, S. Panchanathan
1997 Machine Vision and Applications  
Detai led simulations Iiave bern carried oiit using a large database of images and video srquences.  ...  We propose to rmploy botli tlir spatial and temporal features for efficient indesing of video clips.  ...  Cuts 6.4.1 Scene Change Detection Video has both spatial and temporal dimensions. and licncs a good video index should capture the spatio-temporal content of the scrne.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s001380050058 fatcat:h4koy2dlmbectnzkh4cgac4c6u

Prediction of larynx function using multichannel surface EMG classification

Johnny McNulty, Kylie de Jager, Henry T. Lancashire, James Graveston, Martin Birchall, Anne Vanhoestenberghe
2021 IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics  
TLs, using a random forest (RF) classifier. 75.1 ± 6.9 % of swallows were detected within 500 ms of onset in the controls, and 63.1 ± 6.1 % in TLs. sEMG can be used to predict critical larynx movements  ...  To evaluate the efficacy of using surface electromyography (sEMG) as a control signal to predict instances of swallowing, coughing and speaking, sEMG was recorded from submental, intercostal and diaphragm  ...  of Appearances and Function Trust (RAFT, UK) and the Therapeutic Acceleration Support (TAS) Fund for additional funding of K. de Jager; and K.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmrb.2021.3122966 pmid:34901764 pmcid:PMC7612081 fatcat:ehj6hq2xyrbdphfji4k7ikbyta
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