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Synthesis of power-optimized and area-optimized circuits from hierarchical behavioral descriptions

Ganesh Lakshminarayana, Niraj K. Jha
1998 Proceedings of the 35th annual conference on Design automation conference - DAC '98  
We present a fast and efficient algorithm for mapping multiple behaviors onto the same RTL module during the course of synthesis, thus allowing our synthesis system to explore previously unexplored regions  ...  We present a technique for synthesizing power-as well as area-optimized circuits from hierarchical data flow graphs under throughput constraints.  ...  Introduction High-level synthesis is the process of deriving an optimized register-transfer level (RTL) architecture from a behavioral description, usually specified as a data flow graph (DFG) for datadominated  ... 
doi:10.1145/277044.277167 dblp:conf/dac/LakshminarayanaJ98a fatcat:ycml4nt5r5eedoexi6hkdl3f3e

Partitioning and optimizing controllers synthesized from hierarchical high-level descriptions

Andrew Seawright, Wolfgang Meyer
1998 Proceedings of the 35th annual conference on Design automation conference - DAC '98  
This paper describes methods for partitioning and optimizing controllers described by hierarchical high-level descriptions.  ...  to control the synthesis process.  ...  For example, a particular node might represent the sequencing of the sub-behaviors or the concurrent execution of the sub-behaviors, etc.  ... 
doi:10.1145/277044.277239 dblp:conf/dac/SeawrightM98 fatcat:f2zg4dbxrrbtjio57vqorkjiku

Resource sharing in hierarchical synthesis

Bringmann, Rosenstiel
1997 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) ICCAD-97  
This paper presents a new approach to hierarchical high-level synthesis with respect to internal register-transfer structures of complex components.  ...  As a result, the presented methodology offers a high degree of optimization to hierarchically specified designs. * This work is partially supported by the DFG. ent hierarchical levels, with respect to  ...  A Concept for Hierarchical Synthesis In this section, we explain in more detail our hierarchical synthesis concept. First, the identification of complex components is described.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccad.1997.643537 dblp:conf/iccad/BringmannR97 fatcat:wsodr5bgxnc5dhatqu3nux5aii

Survey On Scheduling And Allocation In High Level Synthesis

M Chinnadurai
2012 International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey  
This paper presents the detailed survey of scheduling and allocation techniques in the High Level Synthesis (HLS) presented in the research literature.  ...  It also presents the methodologies and techniques to improve the Speed, (silicon) Area and Power in High Level Synthesis, which are presented in the research literature.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank to the anonymous reviewers for their numerous insightful and constructive comments. Authors Dr.M.Joseph received his PhD degree in Computer Engineering from National  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcses.2012.3503 fatcat:4uehu4ufxfbmdiozesymmzavpy

A methodology and algorithms for the design of hard real-time multitasking ASICs

Miodrag Potkonjak, Wayne Wolf
1999 ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  
Our hierarchical approach starts from an incompletely-specified preliminary solution and uses, interchangeably, operating system and behavioral synthesis techniques to derive increasingly more detailed  ...  The optimal algorithm uses several heuristics to speed up the average run time of an exhaustive branch-and-bound search. Force-directed optimization is the core of the heuristic synthesis method.  ...  This design methodology is a basis for an optimal worst-case exponential time branch-and-bound synthesis algorithm as well as a fast heuristic synthesis algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.1145/323480.323491 fatcat:pbubnlrrmzgdnerlvg55qqapwq

Synthesis-for-testability using transformations

Miodrag Potkonjak, Sujit Dey, Rabindra K. Roy
1995 Proceedings of the 1995 conference on Asia Pacific design automation (CD-ROM) - ASP-DAC '95  
Optimization is done using a new randomized branch and bound steepest descent algorithm.  ...  We address the problem of transforming a behavioral specification so that synthesis of a testable implementation from the new specification requires significantly less area and partial scan cost than synthesis  ...  synthesis system for teStability optimization).  ... 
doi:10.1145/224818.224961 dblp:conf/aspdac/PotkonjakDR95 fatcat:vtyplftcwjfp3h56e4nsfdozzq

Design of the Hadamard Coprocessor with the Alliance CAD System Carried by Post-Graduating Students [chapter]

A. Zerrouki, J. Dunoyer, F. Wajsbürt, A. Derieux
2000 Microelectronics Education  
The Choice of the Hadamard Coprocessor Although it is rarely used for image processing given its poor efficiency, this algorithm is still a very interesting example for education for various reasons.  ...  A behavioral description such as Mat or Counters is directly processed by the boolean optimizer. A new behavioral description is generated and mapped by SCMAP.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-015-9506-3_61 fatcat:zehx7jbnpbb3rhn5hv7fdzmlae

Matisse: an architectural design tool for commodity ICs

K. Kucukcakar, Chih-Tung Chen, Jie Gong, W. Philipsen, T.E. Tkacik
1998 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
To implement a block in the hierarchy (for example, Data ALU in Figure 2d ) by behavioral synthesis, the designer writes the algorithmic specification in an algorithmic subset of a hardware description  ...  For example, sometimes the structural design is created from a scheduled algorithmic behavior. Sometimes the schedule is created from an algorithmic behavior and a target structure.  ... 
doi:10.1109/54.679205 fatcat:te2s27bmtncafafa6zdorzqo4m

Architectural Synthesis with Interconnection Cost Control [chapter]

Christophe Jego, Emmanuel Casseau, Eric Martin
2000 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Keywords: Architectural synthesis tools map algorithms to architectures under various constraints and quickly providc estimations of area and performance.  ...  A way to control costly interconnections during the architcctural proccss is prcscnted in this paper.  ...  A behavioral synthesis tool : GAUT The behavioral synthesis tool we use for this work is called GAUT.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35498-9_45 fatcat:4cpglcvadfhdddnboxd3jvnnyy

LLVM-C2RTL: C/C++ Based System Level RTL Design Framework Using LLVM Compiler Infrastructure

Tamon Sadasue, Tsuyoshi Isshiki
2023 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology  
In addition to supporting a single module generation, we extended our framework to support the hierarchical module description for efficient system design.  ...  We proposed a design framework that uses the C language as a register transfer level descriptive language.  ...  Figure 20 shows a simple code example for hierarchical RTL generation.  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjtsldm.16.12 fatcat:jhsink5rojgxvp7psjwrl6guje

Recent developments in high-level synthesis

Youn-Long Lin
1997 ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  
We then describe some basic techniques for various subtasks of high-level synthesis.  ...  We survey recent developments in high level synthesis technology for VLSI design. The need for higher-level design automation tools are discussed first.  ...  proposed a problem-space genetic algorithm (PSGA) for datapath synthesis.  ... 
doi:10.1145/250243.250245 fatcat:rtry5zc5y5gjbftnhetwxvvn7a

High-Level Synthesis for Embedded Systems [chapter]

Michael Dossis
2012 Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology  
optimization algorithms.  ...  First a bipartite graph is generated which contains two disjoint sets, e.g. one for variables and one for registers, or one for operations and one for functional units.  ...  High-Level Synthesis for Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems -Theory and Design Methodology, Dr.  ... 
doi:10.5772/38370 fatcat:olgvo4yrcfa4ti37aqefduubfi

High-level Synthesis for Low-power Design

Zhiru Zhang, Deming Chen, Steve Dai, Keith Campbell
2015 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology  
Along this line, high-level synthesis (HLS) is a promising technology to improve design productivity and enable new opportunities for power optimization for higher design quality.  ...  We provide an in-depth coverage of HLS low-power optimization techniques and synthesis algorithms proposed in the last decade.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank the editorial committee for their helpful comments.  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjtsldm.8.12 fatcat:enmfcevf55bcnak3vxmlmt3eu4

Channel-based behavioral test synthesis for improved module reachability

Yiorgos Makris, Alex Orailoğlu
1999 Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe - DATE '99  
We introduce a novel behavioral test synthesis methodology that attempts to increase module reachability, driven by powerful global design path analysis.  ...  Subsequently, the proposed behavioral test synthesis scheme eliminates, during scheduling, allocation and binding, as many reachability bottlenecks, as possible.  ...  synthesis optimization decisions for pathrelated design attributes, such as testability.  ... 
doi:10.1145/307418.307506 fatcat:z6pzt3rfsndd7probdmmxitfku

Formal ESL Synthesis for Control-Intensive Applications

Michael F. Dossis
2012 Advances in Software Engineering  
Then, a prototype HLS compiler tool that has been developed by the author is presented, which utilizes compiler-generators and logic programming to turn the synthesis into a formal process.  ...  The focus in this work is on application-specific design, which can deliver optimal, and customized implementations, as opposed to platform or IP-based design, which is bound by the limits and constraints  ...  In the synthesis algorithm, the cost function (for optimization) can be area, power, or energy.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2012/156907 fatcat:f55w3dv6crflzfqinksfrcahnu
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