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A Hardware-Independent Fast Logarithm Approximation with Adjustable Accuracy

Oriol Vinyals, Gerald Friedland
2008 2008 Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia  
This article presents the realization of a novel platform-independent, fast C-language implementation of the logarithm function.  ...  Knowing of the demand to compute logarithms and other basic math functions rapidly, many hardware manufacturers provide libraries to perform calculations in hardware.  ...  Gerald Friedland was supported by a fellowship within the postdoc program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  ... 
doi:10.1109/ism.2008.83 dblp:conf/ism/VinyalsF08 fatcat:ovofgmwzu5e4robbgk5z37qswq

Cmos vlsi implementation of a low-power logarithmic converter

K.H. Abed, R.E. Siferd
2003 IEEE transactions on computers  
This 6-region approximation is shown in Fig. 9f and tracks the exact logarithm function with a high degree of accuracy.  ...  Gallagher, “A Fast, Low-Power Logarithm Approximation with CMOS VLSI Implementation,” Proc. IEEE Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems, Aug. 1999. 5} J.-M.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tc.2003.1244940 fatcat:iv57laiqljajhdnarf5ap24x2y

A Systematic Journal of Multipliers Accuracy and Performance

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
But there is a gap in literature, no one gets compared all popular multiplier technique at same platform and discuss their advantages and limitations at one place.  ...  This research work outlines the most popular five multiplier techniques (like Wallace, modified, Vedic, Russian Peasant and Logarithm) and compares them, highlights merits, demerit for further improvements  ...  That was was simple and fast in operation because it uses only mantissa's four Most Significant Bit (MSB) for adjustment. In 2006, V.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.f1184.0886s19 fatcat:cfazkb4uvbeafhjbbpgk4oh5za

A Compact and Accurate Gaussian Variate Generator

A. Alimohammad, S.F. Fard, B.F. Cockburn, C. Schlegel
2008 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
The proposed GVG has a faster Gaussian sample generation rate and higher tail accuracy with a lower hardware cost than published designs.  ...  Polynomial curve fitting is utilized along with a hybrid (i.e., combination of logarithmic and uniform) segmentation and a scaling scheme to maintain accuracy.  ...  In fact, the design can be configured to achieve higher tail accuracy with only a small cost in extra hardware.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2008.917552 fatcat:im4h5raydjgtfnhs3gnquxak3i

A Vector-Like Reconfigurable Floating-Point Unit for the Logarithm

Nikolaos Alachiotis, Alexandros Stamatakis
2011 International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing  
We integrate the datapath into a stand-alone LUT-based (Lookup Table) component, the LAU (Logarithm Approximation Unit).  ...  The VLAU is approximately twice as fast as the LAU, both under single and double precision.  ...  Furthermore, the amount of hardware resources used by a floatingpoint operator generally increases with precision/accuracy requirements.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2011/341510 fatcat:qevfo7bvazhahjxwntmtawc4mu

Implementing LNS using filtering units of GPUs

Mark Arnold, Caroline Collange, David Defour
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing  
We propose a method which reuses specialized texture filtering units to perform piecewise polynomial evaluations, which helps accelerate LNS computations and can be used in combination with hardware-based  ...  Current GPUs offer specialized graphics hardware in addition to generic floating-point processing units.  ...  Other applications that require function approximation with a high output accuracy for a low input precision could also be accelerated.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icassp.2010.5495516 dblp:conf/icassp/ArnoldCD10 fatcat:sypc3lvk4jhwpof5l5anxxq33y

High-speed function approximation using a minimax quadratic interpolator

J.-A. Pineiro, S.F. Oberman, J.-M. Muller, J.D. Bruguera
2005 IEEE transactions on computers  
Our focus is the approximation of reciprocal, square root, square root reciprocal, exponentials, logarithms, trigonometric functions, powering (with a fixed exponent p), or special functions.  ...  -A. Piñeiro is with the  ...  It is also noticeable that fast execution times can be obtained with linear approximation methods, but their hardware requirements are two to three times higher per function than those corresponding to  ... 
doi:10.1109/tc.2005.52 fatcat:kno2jv7nsnek3c2ivajlkxzuba

LNS-Madam: Low-Precision Training in Logarithmic Number System using Multiplicative Weight Update [article]

Jiawei Zhao, Steve Dai, Rangharajan Venkatesan, Brian Zimmer, Mustafa Ali, Ming-Yu Liu, Brucek Khailany, Bill Dally, Anima Anandkumar
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To address this issue, we develop a co-designed low-precision training framework, termed LNS-Madam, in which we jointly design a logarithmic number system (LNS) and a multiplicative weight update algorithm  ...  Directly training with low-precision weights leads to accuracy degradation due to complex interactions between the low-precision number systems and the learning algorithms.  ...  [8] demonstrates that Madam achieves stateof-the-art accuracy over multiple tasks with a relatively fixed learning rate η.  ... 
arXiv:2106.13914v3 fatcat:v534abox3raitp647ibh4ri2ba

Deep Neural Network Approximation for Custom Hardware: Where We've Been, Where We're Going [article]

Erwei Wang, James J. Davis, Ruizhe Zhao, Ho-Cheung Ng, Xinyu Niu, Wayne Luk, Peter Y. K. Cheung, George A. Constantinides
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this article, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of approximation methods for high-performance network inference along with in-depth discussion of their effectiveness for custom hardware implementation  ...  Existing models tend to be computationally expensive and memory intensive, however, and so methods for hardware-oriented approximation have become a hot topic.  ...  LogNet's authors quantised CNNs with weights encoded in a four-bit logarithmic format, a er which they performed retraining to recover some lost accuracy [76] . eir experiments with the ImageNet dataset  ... 
arXiv:1901.06955v3 fatcat:rkgo2oisdrgv3dtnbtlldlkpba

Silicon Technologies for Speaker Independent Speech Processing and Recognition Systems in Noisy Environments [chapter]

Karthikeyan Natarajan, Mala John, Arun Selvaraj
2008 Speech Recognition  
Hence in this case study, a hardware software based co-design is considered for the speech recognition implementation.  ...  Relative merits and demerits of conventional Filter bank based feature extraction algorithm via windowed Fourier transform method is compared with a parallel linear predictive coding based CMOS implementation  ...  A fast algorithm for evaluating the above equations is given as follows.  ... 
doi:10.5772/6362 fatcat:l3vk3smxlzakziyx4mwxlmjoie

Progressive tracking: a novel procedure to facilitate manual digitization of videos

Maja Mielke, Peter Aerts, Chris Van Ginneken, Sam Van Wassenbergh, Falk Mielke
2020 Biology Open  
We show that progressive tracking can be twice as fast as frame-wise tracking while maintaining accuracy, given that playback speed is controlled.  ...  In contrast to existing software, it allows the user to follow points of interest with a cursor in the progressing video, without the need to click.  ...  Note that accuracy A is logarithmized. In the detail plots (32×32 px), circles represent the point, with tracked positions indicated in gray.  ... 
doi:10.1242/bio.055962 pmid:33148604 pmcid:PMC7657473 fatcat:ibciaayknvhl3crixxl6enflre

A Build-in Self-Test Technique for RF Low-Noise Amplifiers

Yen-Chih Huang, Hsieh-Hung Hsieh, Liang-Hung Lu
2008 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques  
instruments, while maintaining a reasonable hardware overhead and minimum loading effects to the DUT.  ...  With fully integrated amplitude detectors and logarithmic amplifiers, the BIST module can be employed as a generic platform for gain extraction of the device-under-test (DUT) without expensive testing  ...  Using a 0.18-m CMOS process, the proposed technique has been successfully demonstrated on a 5-GHz LNA with an acceptable hardware overhead. Fig. 1 . 1 Fig. 1.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmtt.2008.921293 fatcat:2nkdrcwkhjamdi7ezyiomce4lu

MOPED: A scalable and low latency object recognition and pose estimation system

Manuel Martinez, Alvaro Collet, Siddhartha S Srinivasa
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
Using the same standard hardware, we achieve up to 30x improvement on real-world scenes. M. Martinez and A. Collet are with The  ...  We present MOPED, a fast and scalable perception system for object recognition and pose estimation.  ...  An impressive example of such a fast reacting robot is the batting robot [1] from the Kamuro Ishikawa Laboratory which uses customized vision hardware [2] with an integrated vision chip.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.2010.5509801 dblp:conf/icra/MartinezCS10 fatcat:qf6vu2iymfbmlgggrkqsc5a6ey

Optimal imaging with adaptive mesh refinement in electrical impedance tomography

Marc Molinari, Barry H Blott, Simon J Cox, Geoffrey J Daniell
2002 Physiological Measurement  
Starting with a mesh scale length of the order of the electrode separation it is shown that, for data obtained at presently achievable signal-tonoise ratios of 60 to 80 dB, one or two refinement stages  ...  In particular, the logarithm of the image gradients is chosen so that conductive and resistive deviations are treated in the same way.  ...  Blott et al (1998a) chose a logarithmic function as the image constraint.  ... 
doi:10.1088/0967-3334/23/1/311 pmid:11876225 fatcat:asavioelx5fjrep3usjabwpv2a

FPGA-based System for Real-Time Video Texture Analysis

Dimitris Maroulis, Dimitris K. Iakovidis, Dimitris Bariamis
2008 Journal of Signal Processing Systems  
Moreover, it integrates an efficient algorithm for fast and accurate logarithm approximation, required in feature calculations.  ...  The hardware is implemented on a Virtex-XCV2000E-6 FPGA programmed in VHDL.  ...  The calculation of the logarithm log 2 c ij is implemented using a fast approximation method in hardware.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11265-008-0246-y fatcat:7it5srntsraejjekiwfskvxug4
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