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ATRACO: Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies

C. Goumopoulos, A. Kameas, H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, M. Gardner, W. Minker, Weber, Y. Bellik, A. Meliones
2008 2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops  
We focus our efforts on seeking abstractions and mechanisms for establishing trust relationships between its members and on devising adaptation mechanisms based on system behaviour modelling, supervisory  ...  control theory of discrete event systems and type-2 fuzzy systems.  ...  Acknowledgement This work is supported in part by a grant from EU ICT/FET Proactive 2, in the context of project "ATRACO" ICT-216837.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sasow.2008.13 dblp:conf/saso/GoumopoulosKHCGMWBM08 fatcat:jxdalnemgrcdjgjvyv6kyf7nsa

Smart u-Things and Ubiquitous Intelligence [chapter]

Jianhua Ma
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Yang and Jianhua Ma), ASP, USA 1 st Int'l Wksp on Trusted and Autonomic Ubiquitous & Embedded Systems (TAUES-05, Japan, Dec. 2005) 2 nd International Workshop on Trusted and Autonomic Computing Systems  ...  Turing in "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" in 1950 -Ubiquitous Intelligence (UI) or Pervasive Intelligence ( ) from 2004, by Ma -Residing in everyday objects, environments, systems, ourselves  ...   Extreme Challenging in this research "we seem so ill equipped to understand ourselves", The Society of Mind, Minsky, 1986 Workshop on Self-Aware Computer Systems -Chaudhri & McCarthy, SRI/DARPA, 2004  ... 
doi:10.1007/11599555_75 fatcat:pvfuogqwhjb4hbrflrg6uqj44q

Risk Models for Trust-Based Access Control(TBAC) [chapter]

Nathan Dimmock, Jean Bacon, David Ingram, Ken Moody
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The importance of risk in trust-based systems is well established. This paper presents a novel model of risk and decision-making based on economic theory.  ...  Use of the model is illustrated by way of a collaborative spam detection application.  ...  This is particularly true for security and access control in emerging fields such as pervasive and autonomic computing, where existing techniques are seen as inadequate.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11429760_25 fatcat:s5obnijipbdenhfznfrov4li7a

Trusted and secure clustering in mobile pervasive environment

Madhu Sharma Gaur, Bhaskar Pant
2015 Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences  
Inspiring from such models we propose a trust computation metric based on node's impulsive behavior to become malicious node Abstract Pervasive computing has the potential to offer low-cost, high performance  ...  Inspiring from such models we propose a trust computation metric based on node's impulsive behavior to become malicious node in dynamic scenario and breach the security.  ...  Department at IIT Roorkee and Chancellor at Graphic Era University Dehradun for his valuable support and guidance in exploring relevant literature and continuous improvements in the proposed research.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13673-015-0050-1 fatcat:2hb5dffw6bfdlnk6bhn3xb63nu

Trust in Pervasive Computing [chapter]

Jim Parker, Anand Patwardhan, Filip Perich, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin
2006 The Handbook of Mobile Middleware  
However, practical solutions for protecting mobile devices, preserving privacy, evaluating trust, and determining reliability and accuracy of peer-provided data in such interactions are still lacking.  ...  Pervasive environments are comprised of resource-constrained mobile devices "limited" in their connectivity to other devices or networks due to the inherent dynamic nature of the environment.  ...  In this system, every entity has a policy that reflects its current binary trust values and exchanges them with other entities via speech acts.  ... 
doi:10.1201/9781420013153.ch21 fatcat:poyrc5s5ynbezeziwn6z4h5pfy

Adaptive Security Schemes based on Context and Trust for Ubiquitous Computing Environment: A Comprehensive Survey

G. Jagadamba, B. Sathish Babu
2017 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Objectives: To present the principle of working of some of the widely used adaptive security schemes in the domain of ubiquitous computing.  ...  Findings: The paper identified different taxonomies built for trust, context, policy and adaptive security.  ...  A model generating the trust autonomously by categorization of trust level is proposed 49 to reduce the computational processing time.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/89396 fatcat:xf5kghfkqnh3dg5lfdgzmxrqsq

Knowledge Networks [chapter]

Maurice Mulvenna, Franco Zambonelli, Kevin Curran, Chris Nugent
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
exploit them for orchestrating their activities in a type of stigmergy-based knowledge-rich system.  ...  For future network scenarios to exhibit autonomic behaviour, both networks and application components and services need to be aware of their computational and environmental context, and must tune their  ...  Acknowledgments: Work supported by the Italian MIUR in the context of the "Progetto Strategico ICT: IS-MANET: Infrastructures for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks", and by UK Invest Northern Ireland Networking Support  ... 
doi:10.1007/11687818_8 fatcat:fyutkl74kffc7ldr4jaobbqyfa

A Pervasive System Architecture That Supports Adaptation Using Agents and Ontologies

Achilles Kameas, Christos Goumopoulos, Hani Hagras, Michael Gardner, Tobias Heinroth, Wolfgang Minker, Apostolos Meliones, Dimitris Economou, Yacine Bellik, Gaëtan Pruvost
2009 2009 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks  
In the context of the EU funded R&D project ATRACO we are developing a conceptual framework and a system architecture that will support the realization of adaptive and trusted ambient intelligent systems  ...  model combined with intelligent agents and ontologies.  ...  European Community's 7 th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 216837 (project ATRACO) and from the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TRR 62 "Companion-Technology for  ... 
doi:10.1109/i-span.2009.81 dblp:conf/ispan/KameasGHGHMMEBP09 fatcat:hwxpzs2plbdr5i3qbj6c56uq44

Achieving human-agent teamwork in eHealth based pervasive intelligent environments

Matthew Ball, Vic Callaghan, Michael Gardner, Dirk Trossen
2010 Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare  
In this work-in-progress paper we argue that human-agent teamwork is vital for the adoption of future pervasive computing systems into our everyday lives; we discuss these issues, exposing the problem  ...  The majority of solutions to-date rely exclusively on either end users or autonomous agents to manage the environment, which may not be suitable for all users and in certain situations, especially in eHealth  ...  The iSpace, shown in Figure 5 , is a purpose built test-bed designed to aid in research of pervasive computing, ambient intelligence and human-computer interaction [7] .  ... 
doi:10.4108/icst.pervasivehealth2010.8889 dblp:conf/ph/BallCGT10 fatcat:bk33xdwhzracblgjnbnnvde5iu

Co-Operation in the Digital Age — Engendering Trust in Electronic Environments

A Seleznyov, M O Ahmed, S Hailes
2004 BT technology journal  
All this adds up to increased uncertainty and a need for a revision of the methods and concepts used to express and assess trust and provide assurance.  ...  The pervasive environment implies a massive increase in the scale of systems, the heterogeneity of devices and diversity in services available, making the complex task of centrally managing the environment  ...  The pressure towards critical mass has many drivers, but problems in usability act as a brake.  ... 
doi:10.1023/b:bttj.0000047124.46203.fc fatcat:wkaaanwhynhnbomwg6n6mwoaw4

Trust-based recommendation systems in Internet of Things: a systematic literature review

Venus Mohammadi, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Aso Mohammed Darwesh, Amir Sahafi
2019 Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences  
Taking into account the dynamic-heterogeneous characteristic of interconnected devices in IoT, demand for a trust model to guarantee security, authentication, authorization, and confidentiality of connected  ...  In this paper, we present a systematic literature review (SLR) of trust based IoT recommendation techniques so far.  ...  Due to the fact that required computation resources for running a fuzzy system are small, fuzzy rules quantify final crispy trust value in the IoT world.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13673-019-0183-8 fatcat:ckozm3ixungbvpc37agoxc5arm

A Survey of Trust Management in the Internet of Vehicles

Sarah Ali Siddiqui, Adnan Mahmood, Quan Z. Sheng, Hajime Suzuki, Wei Ni
2021 Electronics  
Furthermore, a threshold is specified manually that classifies the vehicles into honest and dishonest vehicles relying on the computed trust.  ...  Moreover, adversary models as an extension to trust management models in order to tackle the variants of insider attacks are being extensively emphasized in the literature.  ...  - [97] Fuzzy Logic A New Fuzzy Logic Based Model for Location Trust Estimation in Electric Vehicular Networks MATLAB, SUMO - [98] Fuzzy Logic A Fuzzy Logic-Based Control System for Detection  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics10182223 fatcat:jqghqqcdv5f4xgbc3mibc2riby

Towards Situated Awareness in Urban Networks: A Bio-Inspired Approach

Graeme Stevenson, Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Sara Montagna, Alberto Rosi, Juan Ye, Akla-Esso Tchao, Simon Dobson, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Mirko Viroli
2012 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops  
In such highly distributed scenarios, applications must gain awareness as a result of opportunistic encounters with co-located devices, a departure from traditional reasoning approaches.  ...  The possibility to have millions of computational devices interconnected across urban environments opens up novel application areas.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been supported by the EU FP7 project "SAPERE -Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems" under contract No. 256873.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sasow.2012.46 dblp:conf/saso/StevensonFMRYTDSV12 fatcat:swnphi3lzvbwxl3kxqeua4zjuq

Adaptive Information Infrastructures for the e-Society [chapter]

Mihaela Ulieru
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
for global manufacturing and emergency response management, this work exploits latest advances in information and networking technologies to set a systematic framework for the design of the information  ...  Computational intelligence techniques endow the AIIs with learning and discovery capabilities, emulating social and biological behavior.  ...  Thus, since µ S computes the quantity of information of an informational entity, say a fuzzy set, as the estimated uncertainty that the entity contains, the minimally fuzzy sets will subsequently contain  ... 
doi:10.1007/11494676_3 fatcat:4wqaumzkd5dmhdlxpcpgotzh2a

Autonomic Trust Management in Cloud-Based and Highly Dynamic IOT Applications

Suneth Namal, Hasindu Gamaarachchi, Gyu Myoung Lee, Tai-Won Um
2016 Journal of International Business Research and Marketing  
In this paper, we propose an autonomic trust management framework for cloud based and highly dynamic Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services.  ...  IoT is creating a world where physical objects are seamlessly integrated in order to provide advanced and intelligent services for humanbeings in their day-to-day life style.  ...  Their model is based on the present value as well as the history of the parameters. Chen et al. [17] have created a trust model for IoT that uses fuzzy sets.  ... 
doi:10.18775/jibrm.1849-8558.2015.15.3004 fatcat:zwmntbz5xrcmtp2fcjt3d6b7ky
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