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6,663 Hits in 4.4 sec

Fully Secure Broadcast Encryption for Inner-Product Predicates

Sun Jin, Hu Yu-pu
2012 Procedia Engineering  
According to the broadcast encryption scheme with wide applications in the real world without considering its security and efficiency in the model simultaneously, a fully secure broadcast encryption for  ...  Furthermore, the scheme is proved by using a non-interactive static assumption and the analysis results indicated that the scheme is fully secure.  ...  encryption, a fully secure broadcast encryption for inner-product predicates was brought forward.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.714 fatcat:suuinqf4m5esrkweogaud6airq

Full Secure Attribute-Based Broadcast Encryption Achieved through Selective Techniques

Jin SUN, Yu-pu HU
2016 DEStech Transactions on Environment Energy and Earth Science  
According to the broadcast encryption scheme couldn't consider its security and efficiency in one model simultaneously, a full secure attribute-based broadcast encryption achieved through selective techniques  ...  By utilizing the prior techniques to prove selective security for functional encryption systems as a direct ingredient in devising proofs of full security, it is proved by combining the dual system encryption  ...  , CP-ABE and the broadcast encryption, we propose a full secure attribute-based broadcast encryption scheme achieved through selective techniques. (3) In order to obtain a new proof of full security that  ... 
doi:10.12783/dteees/seeie2016/4528 fatcat:pnocps3oqbcftdt5c6kkzs3qj4

An Approach to Secure Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud

Gagan Jain G C, Venkataravana Nayak K, Krishna Gudi
2014 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
In this paper, we propose a secure data sharing scheme for dynamic subgroups in the cloud.  ...  By using group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques, only privileged cloud user can store and share data.  ...  [7] proposed secure provenance scheme based on the ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption technique [8] , which allows any member in a group to share data with others.  ... 
doi:10.9790/0661-1633140145 fatcat:dtxth5zxcza5xkxpteycynr33e

Security and Privacy Challenges in Cloud Computing Environments

Hassan Takabi, James B.D. Joshi, Gail-Joon Ahn
2010 IEEE Security and Privacy  
group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques.  ...  To overcome this problem, a sharing secure data scheme among multiple users among a dynamic group is proposed so that any user within a group can share the data in a secure manner by leveraging both the  ...  RELATED WORK Junod and Karlov [1] , propose a "CP-ABE based broadcast encryption" scheme that supports direct user revocation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2010.186 fatcat:oyqbvlgbzfb55fankcm7xhcsqq


Shlomi Dolev, Niv Gilboa, Marina Kopeetsky
2011 Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '11  
The procedure is based on Cipher-text Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE).  ...  We propose a new and efficient scheme for broadcast encryption.  ...  A powerful technique for public-key, broadcast encryption systems, is Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) (e.g., [5] , [12] ).  ... 
doi:10.1145/2046707.2093486 fatcat:uq47as4hxncsdnwu7broos5oba

An Efficient Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Constant Ciphertext Length

Changji Wang, Jianfa Luo
2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a new cryptographic primitive which provides a promising tool for addressing the problem of secure and fine-grained data sharing and decentralized access control.  ...  Key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) is an important type of ABE, which enables senders to encrypt messages under a set of attributes and private keys are associated with access structures that  ...  Acknowledgments This research is jointly funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 61173189) and the Guangdong Province Information Security Key Laboratory Project.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/810969 fatcat:jp2467xlrfh3lkxxte2ktjxxfi

Recipient Anonymous Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Broadcast Encryption

Leyou Zhang, Hongjian Yin
2018 International Journal of Network Security  
The ciphertext-policy (CP) attribute-based broadcast encryption (CP-ABBE) is a more flexible broadcast encryption (BE), in which the broadcaster encrypts the data with an access policy and a receiver set  ...  The proposed scheme achieves full security based on the dual system encryption and constant size ciphertexts.  ...  In recent years, there have been many broadcast encryption schemes such as identity-based BE [15] , attribute-based BE [18] , and anonymous identity-based BE [23] .  ... 
dblp:journals/ijnsec/ZhangY18 fatcat:cn4h4fyybjbxrmifl5gj4bekgy

Efficient Methods for Integrating Traceability and Broadcast Encryption [chapter]

Eli Gafni, Jessica Staddon, Yiqun Lisa Yin
1999 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In particular, we present a method for adding any desired level of broadcasting capability to any traceability scheme and a method for adding any desired level of traceability to any broadcast encryption  ...  Broadcast encryption schemes enable the center to prevent certain users from recovering the information that is broadcast in encrypted form, while traceability schemes enable the center to trace users  ...  Clearly, security is an important attribute of broadcast encryption schemes. Two commonly used measures of security are resiliency [9] and traceability [7, 17, 12] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-48405-1_24 fatcat:l6wasrqjhvaqjo4tat7zkb66jq

SmartVeh: Secure and Efficient Message Access Control and Authentication for Vehicular Cloud Computing

Qinlong Huang, Yixian Yang, Yuxiang Shi
2018 Sensors  
The attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic technique which provides fine-grained access control for encrypted data [7] .  ...  To ensure the origin of a message, message authentication schemes based on identity based signature (IBS) and attribute-based signature (ABS) in VCC have been studied.  ...  References Conclusions This paper proposes a secure and efficient message access control and authentication scheme for VCC based on HABE and ABS.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s18020666 pmid:29495269 pmcid:PMC5856098 fatcat:4rvd2ffparbwha6ucshxvdnjxa

A conditional access system with efficient key distribution and revocation for mobile pay-TV systems

Lo-Yao Yeh, Jiun-Long Huang
2013 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP)  
In this article, we introduce a scalable access control scheme to integrate the merits of broadcasting regardless of group size and sound security assurance, including fine-grained access control and collusion  ...  Through the performance evaluation and functionality comparison, the proposed scheme should be a decent candidate to enhance the security strength and transmission efficiency in a mobile pay-TV system.  ...  Based on a novel attribute-based encryption, the broadcast virtue is no longer confined to the group size limitation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2487268.2487271 fatcat:esj6itux4zditpf4u3grdgbqci

Encryption Techniques to Ensure Data Confidentiality in Cloud

Attribute-Based Encryption, Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption, Searchable Encryption, Homomorphic Encryption, Fully Homomorphic Encryption and so on.  ...  In order to share valuable data confidentially on the cloud in a secured way, various encryption techniques are available starting from Identity-Based Encryption, Attribute-Based Encryption, Hierarchical  ...  Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption (IDBBE) In this method, the data owner can encrypt the data once and then can broadcast the data in encrypted form to a selected group of users.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.k1215.09811s19 fatcat:ns5irdtdlvh5bbfzaxeg4mbvny

Generalized Identity Based and Broadcast Encryption Schemes [chapter]

Dan Boneh, Michael Hamburg
2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
One application of these results gives the first broadcast HIBE system with short ciphertexts. Broadcast HIBE solves a natural problem having to do with identity-based encrypted email.  ...  We provide a general framework for constructing identitybased and broadcast encryption systems.  ...  Acknowledgement Special thanks to Adam Barth for helpful discussions on multi-authority email encryption.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89255-7_28 fatcat:i4jt74uzorc7xcj5svvqgcextu

On efficient ciphertext-policy attribute based encryption and broadcast encryption

Zhibin Zhou, Dijiang Huang
2010 Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '10  
Each ciphertext in CCP-ABE requires only 2 elements on a bilinear group. Based on CCP-ABE, we further proposed an Attribute Based Broadcast Encryption (ABBE) scheme.  ...  Compared to existing Broadcast Encryption (BE) schemes, ABBE is more flexible because a broadcasted message can be encrypted by an expressive access policy, either with or without explicit specifying the  ...  -ABBE : Based on CCP-ABE, we present an Attribute Based Broadcast Encryption (ABBE) scheme.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1866307.1866420 dblp:conf/ccs/ZhouH10 fatcat:wrjs6jlrjjcipfv323cc26xmdi

Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Broadcast Encryption with Small Keys [chapter]

Benjamin Wesolowski, Pascal Junod
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Essentially, our scheme is a combination of the Boneh-Gentry-Waters broadcast encryption and of the Lewko-Sahai-Waters revocation schemes; the former is used to express attribute-based access policies  ...  We describe in this paper an efficient ciphertext-policy attribute-based broadcast encryption scheme (CP-ABBE) supporting negative attributes and able to handle access policies in conjunctive normal form  ...  Attribute-Based Broadcast Encryption Transforming an ABE encryption scheme for using it in a broadcast scenario is a natural question, as in practice, broadcasters are most of the time addressing sets  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-30840-1_4 fatcat:esyknb74erbypcqh4hhamrs45u

A Scalable and Secure Group Key Management Method for Secure V2V Communication

Hayotjon Aliev, HyungWon Kim, Sunghyun Choi
2020 Sensors  
To address the providing confidentiality of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) broadcasting, we propose a group key management and message encryption method that is secure, lightweight, and scalable.  ...  In addition, the proposed method employs a lightweight matrix-based encryption algorithm that can be easily applicable with the proposed group key management method.  ...  A lightweight attribute-based encryption protocol is proposed to guarantee access control to the purchased services, derived from the elliptic curve integrated encryption scheme (ECIES).  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20216137 pmid:33126693 fatcat:movv5iwt2jetnodveirrnftxlu
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