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12,719 Hits in 4.6 sec

An Innovative Virtual Enterprise Approach to Agile Micro and SME-Based Collaboration Networks [chapter]

Tobias Münch, Robert Buchmann, Johannes Pfeffer, Patricia Ortiz, Conny Christl, Jan Hladik, Jens Ziegler, Oscar Lazaro, Dimitris Karagiannis, Leon Urbas
2013 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
This paper demonstrates a lightweight and highly decentralized collaboration infrastructure approach for virtual enterprises and describes its added-value in the customer-oriented production domain.  ...  The European research project ComVantage [5] is funded by the European Commission on the grant number 284928.  ...  We envision a process that explicitly omits the complexity of developing ontologies from scratch for each partner.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40543-3_13 fatcat:zv2jqssb2va3vgdy2w6rn5pgpm

Model-Based Software Engineering to Tame the IoT Jungle

Brice Morin, Nicolas Harrand, Franck Fleurey
2017 IEEE Software  
First, in large IoT applications, distribution occurs across many heterogeneous nodes, which play different complementary roles to process data close to the sources and respond in a decentralized way.  ...  The first is distribution over a large range of processing nodes. The second is high heterogeneity of the processing nodes and the protocols used between them.  ...  Figure 3 . 3 A pressure compensation algorithm expressed as a ThingML CEP (complex event processing) stream.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ms.2017.11 fatcat:exi7adi6tveg3jyq4m3agqpsti

Grid and P2P middleware for wide-area parallel processing

Fatos Xhafa, Sabri Pllana, Leonard Barolli, Evjola Spaho
2010 Concurrency and Computation  
Grid computing emerged as a paradigm for high-performance computing and massive parallel processing.  ...  A common feature of all these applications is that they are embarrassingly parallel, that is, they can be split into a set of independent or loosely coupled tasks, which are processed in parallel.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fatos Xhafa's research work is supported by a grant from the General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Education, Spain.  ... 
doi:10.1002/cpe.1657 fatcat:dzhx5oivxjh7fjkbgcayl4mw2a

Automatic deployment of distributed software systems: Definitions and state of the art

Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Raja Boujbel, Sébastien Leriche
2015 Journal of Systems and Software  
process that consists in making software available for use and then keeping it operational.  ...  Then, it proposes an analytical framework and reviews recent research works on automatic deployment with reference to this framework, and synthesizes the results.  ...  The QUIET framework supports distributed, decentralized and parallel deployment of a single component (SUIPM and then MS Windows application) over a network of PCs.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jss.2015.01.040 fatcat:jbbqaelbmnedhp4go5jvaxb6ba

Evolution of data management systems

Abdelkader Hameurlain
2012 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services - IIWAS '12  
The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004. P.  ...  Czajkowski, et al., "Grid information services for distributed resource sharing", Proc of the 10th IEEE Symp. on HPDC, IEEE CS, 2001, pp. 181-194. • C.Huang, et al., "Dart: A Framework for Grid-Based Database  ... 
doi:10.1145/2428736.2428738 dblp:conf/iiwas/Hameurlain12 fatcat:ayoxhgsd7nfcrk6pbph3s6psy4

A Decentralized Compositional Framework for Dependable Decision Process in Self-Managed Cyber Physical Systems

Peng Zhou, Decheng Zuo, Kun-Mean Hou, Zhan Zhang
2017 Sensors  
Further, two decentralized decision process strategies are proposed based on our framework, and we compare the reliability with the static strategy and the centralized processing strategy.  ...  Based on the relative time solution, a formal reference framework is introduced for self-managed CPSs, which includes a compositional FSM-based actor model (subsystems of CPS), actor-based advice and runtime  ...  A possible solution for decentralized decision process based on our framework. Figure 10 . 10 Figure 10. A possible solution for decentralized decision process based on our framework.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s17112580 pmid:29120357 pmcid:PMC5713012 fatcat:23cvjedhlff2jpgugnxp7sdo5i

Monitoring of Grid Scientific Workflows

Bartosz Balis, Marian Bubak, Bartłomiej Łabno
2008 Scientific Programming  
Scientific workflows are a means of conducting in silico experiments in modern computing infrastructures for e-Science, often built on top of Grids.  ...  We propose a Grid monitoring architecture for scientific workflows.  ...  the Domestic Grant for Young Scientists.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2008/849354 fatcat:7syumxpg6vd6vdjicatxivafqq

An Approach to Mobile Grid Platforms for the Development and Support of Complex Ubiquitous Applications

Carlo Bertolli, Daniele Buono, Gabriele Mencagli, Marco Vanneschi
2010 International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing  
Several complex and time-critical applications require the existence of novel distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic platforms composed of a variety of fixed and mobile processing nodes and networks.  ...  of a novel programming model for the target platforms and applications.  ...  Pervasive Grid applications include data-and compute-intensive processing (e.g. forecasting and decision support models) not only for off-line centralized activities, but also for on-line and decentralized  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijapuc.2010100102 fatcat:xltlbrta4jbxnbn7jaj7i5n4kq

A Decentralized and Ontology-Based Approach to Infrastructure Monitoring

Florian Fuchs, Michael Berger
2008 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik  
As a foundation for designing ontology-based infrastructure monitoring systems, we present a layered functional architecture and illustrate potential deployment scenarios.  ...  Decentralization aggravates the issue of semantic interoperability, which we propose to tackle with a system information model based on formal ontologies.  ...  Decentralizing information storage, however, is at the cost of increased effort for processing this information.  ... 
dblp:conf/mkwi/FuchsB08 fatcat:vrtma3d6lnanrdb242zafzqt3q

Scalable Deep Learning on Distributed Infrastructures: Challenges, Techniques and Tools [article]

Ruben Mayer, Hans-Arno Jacobsen
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this survey, we perform a broad and thorough investigation on challenges, techniques and tools for scalable DL on distributed infrastructures.  ...  This incorporates infrastructures for DL, methods for parallel DL training, multi-tenant resource scheduling and the management of training and model data.  ...  If the infrastructure becomes more heterogeneous, this must be reflected in DL tools that can not only just deal with such heterogeneity, but even exploit it to optimize the training process.  ... 
arXiv:1903.11314v2 fatcat:y62z7mteyzeq5kenb7srwtlg7q

SMART: An Application Framework for Real Time Big Data Analysis on Heterogeneous Cloud Environments

Julio C.S. dos Anjos, Marcos D. Assuncao, Jean Bez, Claudio Geyer, Edison Pignaton de Freitas, Alexandre Carissimi, Joao Paulo C. L. Costa, Gilles Fedak, Felix Freitag, Volker Markl, Paul Fergus, Rubem Pereira
2015 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing  
to data warehouses, focusing on service composability for a number of domains.  ...  SMART offers a framework for efficient development of Big Data analysis services suitable to small and medium-sized organizations, considering very heterogeneous data sources, from wireless sensor networks  ...  Storm [6] , [9] , one of the most popular frameworks for real-time processing, offers very low latency and has mechanisms that guarantee that all events are processed, as well as an extension called  ... 
doi:10.1109/cit/iucc/dasc/picom.2015.29 dblp:conf/IEEEcit/AnjosABGFCCFFMF15 fatcat:pp3t6xrdzzb6df5fwalnyglwoe

2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Vol. 32

2022 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
., +, TPDS April 2021 975-987 Parallel processing A GPU Acceleration Framework for Motif and Discord Based Pattern Mining.  ...  ., +, TPDS Oct. 2021 2582-2593 Computational complexity A Distributed Framework for EA-Based NAS.  ...  Graph coloring Feluca: A Two-Stage Graph Coloring Algorithm With Color-Centric Paradigm on GPU. Zheng, Z., +,  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2021.3107121 fatcat:e7bh2xssazdrjcpgn64mqh4hb4

Worldwide Computing: Adaptive Middleware and Programming Technology for Dynamic Grid Environments

Carlos A. Varela, Paolo Ciancarini, Kenjiro Taura
2005 Scientific Programming  
Programming models and systems for adaptive parallelism Adaptive parallelism refers to parallelism that may change at runtime based on resource availability.  ...  Middleware and infrastructure for Grid computing Globally distributed computing Several research groups are trying to achieve distributed computing on a large scale.  ...  All of them were peer-reviewed and we thank the following people for volunteering their time to make this a truly special issue: Sibel Adali, Kento Aida, Marian Bubak, Rajkumar Buyya, Travis Desell, Jim  ... 
doi:10.1155/2005/132359 fatcat:tq2wrezzyzfevfdmj2bcazwgri

GLIDE: A Grid-Based Light-Weight Infrastructure for Data-Intensive Environments [chapter]

Chris A. Mattmann, Sam Malek, Nels Beckman, Marija Mikic-Rakic, Nenad Medvidovic, Daniel J. Crichton
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
To address these limitations, we present GLIDE, a prototype light-weight, data-intensive middleware infrastructure that enables access to the robust data and computational power of the grid on DREAM platforms  ...  environments: they are designed primarily for highly complex scientific problems, and therefore require powerful hardware and reliable network connectivity; additionally, they provide no application design  ...  JXTA [13] is a framework for developing distributed applications based on a peer-to-peer topology.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11508380_9 fatcat:oqvfkvwhpjeinbokhqhu3nvir4

Automating testing of service-oriented mobile applications with distributed knowledge and reasoning

James Edmondson, Aniruddha Gokhale, Sandeep Neema
2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA)  
The models of the tests are subsequently mapped onto a portable testing framework, which uses a distributed knowledge and reasoning engine to process and disseminate testing events, successes, and failures  ...  testing infrastructures to support both heterogeneous systems and distributed control.  ...  cumbersome as tests become more complex, especially when services need to be launched in parallel with different timing delays.  ... 
doi:10.1109/soca.2011.6166261 dblp:conf/soca/EdmondsonGN11 fatcat:kduoph5pcbabja7asr4af22hea
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