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An Approach for Modeling and Analyzing Crosscutting Concerns

Yujian Fu, Junhua Ding, Phil Bording
2009 2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics  
In order to analyze concern interactions and other properties, we developed an automated approach for formally analyzing the software design using a model checking technique.  ...  In this paper, we propose an approach for formally modeling and analyzing crosscutting concerns in software.  ...  In this paper, we developed a formal approach for modeling and analyzing AOSD design specifications.  ... 
doi:10.1109/soli.2009.5203910 fatcat:mbvqynwdjvf4pirl2zsvdmrvdq

Model-Driven Development Meets Security: An Evaluation of Current Approaches

K Kasal, J Heurix, T Neubauer
2011 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
The evaluation shows that applying special-purpose methods to particular aspects of the problem is more suitable than applying generic ones, since (i) the problem can be represented on the proper abstraction  ...  Lately, model-driven development has been proposed in order to increase the quality and thereby the security of software systems.  ...  The approach is a formal method for aspect-oriented modeling at an architectural level.  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2011.310 dblp:conf/hicss/KasalHN11 fatcat:eujsqve6ovgpbagm6nmftoi7li

Detection of Syntactic Aspect Interaction in UML State Diagrams Using Critical Pair Analysis in Graph Transformation [article]

Zaid Altahat, Tzilla Elrad, Luay Tahat, Nada Almasri
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Interference has been recently reported in Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD) by the industry.  ...  Consequently, Aspects do not always interact in a predictable manner when woven together. Intended interaction among aspects is designed by the system designer.  ...  The modular approach of software development that is followed by Aspect Oriented Software Development AOSD [42] makes susceptible to the interference problem among the independently built aspects.  ... 
arXiv:1312.6939v1 fatcat:otbjg7ry3rfodh3qhyvujzp5yu

Verification of Aspect-UML models using alloy

Farida Mostefaoui, Julie Vachon
2007 Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on Aspect-oriented modeling - AOM '07  
Aspect-oriented (A-O) programming has emerged as a promising paradigm to improve modularity by providing mechanisms to capture and execute crosscutting concerns in software applications.  ...  We propose to address these questions through the formal analysis and verification of A-O system model. More precisely, this work considers A-O models written in Aspect-UML (our UML profile).  ...  In particular [1] defines a UML profile to aspect-oriented software development where both static and dynamic views are handled, and [18] proposes a UML based design language to support AspectJ.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1229375.1229382 fatcat:7uwnpknmmnenxdphzrwnasnzzm

Interaction Analysis in Aspect-Oriented Models

K. Mehner, M. Monga, G. Taentzer
2006 14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06)  
We propose an approach for analyzing interactions and potential inconsistencies at the level of requirements modeling. We use a variant of UML to model requirements in a use case driven approach.  ...  Aspect-oriented concepts are currently introduced in all phases of the software development life cycle.  ...  In our approach, we use graph transformation as a formal technique to give the chosen UML variant a formal semantics and to analyze it rigorously.  ... 
doi:10.1109/re.2006.35 dblp:conf/re/MehnerMT06 fatcat:urjw42rumrgahhzhk5xvcuuacm

Page 108 of Journal of Comparative Psychology Vol. 46, Issue 2 [page]

1953 Journal of Comparative Psychology  
This approach is related to the supporting-habits approach in minimizing the significance of the actual stimulus charac- teristics or interference between sequences of stimulus objects.  ...  The specific aim of the investigation was to analyze the extent to which the responses to a given pair of stimulus objects would be elicited by the same stimulus objects presented again after a number  ... 

Analysis of Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving [chapter]

Katharina Mehner, Mattia Monga, Gabriele Taentzer
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We propose an approach for analyzing interactions and potential inconsistencies at the level of requirements modeling. We use a variant of UML to model requirements in a use-case driven approach.  ...  Aspects capture potentially crosscutting concerns and make it easier to formulate desirable properties and to understand analysis results than in a tangled system.  ...  It is up to future work to analyze aspect interaction on the basis of OCL. One possible solution could be to transform them to graph rules, as presented in [46] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02059-9_7 fatcat:exy5a4xsg5f6fkcmx5obqaw4om

Detecting Precedence-Related Advice Interference

Maximilian Storzer, Florian Forster
2006 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'06)  
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) has been proposed in literature to overcome modularization shortcomings such as the tyranny of the dominant decomposition.  ...  We present an interference analysis to detect and thus help programmers to avoid advice order related problems.  ...  Acknowledgements Thanks to Daniel Wasserrab for comments on the draft version of this technical report and to the anonymous reviewers of our earlier ASE paper, whose feedback also helped to improve this  ... 
doi:10.1109/ase.2006.32 dblp:conf/kbse/StorzerF06 fatcat:g2w4fnchjnfxtcn5pbay5j4oii

Concept analysis for product line requirements

Nan Niu, Steve Easterbrook
2009 Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented software development - AOSD '09  
We describe a case study applying our approach to analyze a mobile game product line's requirements, and review lessons learned.  ...  This appears to be inadequate to assess modularity, detect interferences, and analyze trade-offs.  ...  to Jia Wang for setting up and coordinating the meetings.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1509239.1509259 dblp:conf/aosd/NiuE09 fatcat:nmbx563kxvawzfgl7txvy5lx5m

Design-Level Detection of Interactions in Aspect-UML Models Using Alloy

Farida Mostefaoui, Julie Vachon
2007 Journal of Object Technology  
Hence, despite the clean separation of concerns in aspect-oriented systems, it remains difficult to predict the effect of a given aspect on this base program.  ...  Aspect-oriented (AO) programming has emerged as a promising paradigm to improve modularity by providing mechanisms to capture and execute crosscutting concerns in software applications.  ...  Figure 3 shows the verification process of aspect-oriented systems using Aspect-UML as design notation and Alloy as formal analysis tool.  ... 
doi:10.5381/jot.2007.6.7.a6 fatcat:5yjcglc3q5cpfhwaytdoap732y

Patch (1) Considered Harmful

Marc E. Fiuczynski, Robert Grimm, Yvonne Coady, David Walker
2005 USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems  
In this paper, we propose a new tool, called c4, designed to help manipulate patches at the level of their abstract syntax and semantics.  ...  Many of these patches represent crosscutting concerns in that they do not fit within a single program module and are scattered throughout the kernel sources-easily affecting over a hundred files.  ...  In the rest of this section, we present the proposed aspect-oriented language enhancements to C by example and then discuss our approach to non-interference analysis for aspects.  ... 
dblp:conf/hotos/FiuczynskiGCW05 fatcat:ormxnqcnbvfb7imqtua4bct7ee

The common aspect proof environment

Shmuel Katz, David Faitelson
2011 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)  
The scenarios and strategies employed are steps towards a methodology that includes multiple formal methods tools in aspect-oriented software development.  ...  As one example, verification aspects are used to aid in the abstraction and specification needed for formal analysis in Java Pathfinder.  ...  We also wish to thank Shahar Dag, Eyal Dror, Wilke Havinga, Yael Kalachman, Emilia Katz, Ha Nguyen, Tom Staijen, and Nathan Weston for their help in developing the CAPE and its tools.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10009-011-0191-0 fatcat:xcyxypjxcrgh5el5u7xuxy626u

On using pre and postconditions to tackle the aspect scheduling problem by rewriting systems: a design-level approach

Toufik Benouhiba, Amina Boudjedir
2014 Journal of Object Technology  
The approach will be illustrated by a case study in order to explain how it works.  ...  Many works tried to solve this problem but the proposed solutions were either limited to some simple models of aspects or used to check if a set of temporal properties is preserved when aspects are introduced  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank the Professor Djamel Meslati; the head of the Laboratory of Complex Systems Engineering "Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes COmplexes" (LISCO) for the comments  ... 
doi:10.5381/jot.2014.13.6.a1 fatcat:mmhbx5upvzcatongebfpvrwd3y

A Formal Property Verification For Aspect-Oriented Programs In Software Development

Moustapha Bande, Hakima Ould-Slimane, Hanifa Boucheneb
2018 Zenodo  
Our paper focuses on this problem and proposes a formal property verification approach for a given property from the woven program.  ...  With the emergence of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), considerable work has been done in order to better modularize the separation of concerns in the software design and implementation.  ...  In Section II, we present our formal property verification approach for aspect-oriented programs.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1474658 fatcat:zgaazelbyjfcbipgcnd5hxxepq

Model Checking Aspect-Oriented Design Specification

Dianxiang Xu, Izzat Alsmadi, Weifeng Xu
2007 Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) Proceedings of the IEEE International  
This paper presents an approach to model-checking state-based specification of aspect-oriented design.  ...  We have applied our approach to the modeling and verification of a non-trivial aspect-oriented cruise control system.  ...  Conclusions We have presented a rigorous approach to automated verification of aspect-oriented design specification.  ... 
doi:10.1109/compsac.2007.152 dblp:conf/compsac/XuAX07 fatcat:vt6ds46hr5drbgrwo6bedjhmgy
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