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A Dynamical Model of Priming and Repetition Blindness

Daphne Bavelier, Michael I. Jordan
1992 Neural Information Processing Systems  
We describe how these dynamical processes can account for several aspects of word recognition, including repetition priming and repetition blindness.  ...  The model utilizes a new representation for written words, based on dynamic time warping and multidimensional scaling.  ...  CLASSICAL REPETITION PRIMING The facilitation observed in classical repetition priming is due to the dynamics of the threshold ().  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/BavelierJ92 fatcat:oxqbeobkjfe2pkb362jsxidj6a

The perceptual wink model of non-switching attentional blink tasks

Patrice Rusconi, David E. Huber
2017 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review  
In developing the perceptual wink model, we extended the nROUSE model of perceptual priming to explain the results of two new experiments combining the AB and identity repetitions.  ...  On this account, the immediate benefit following T1 (lag-1 sparing) reflects positive repetition priming and the subsequent deficit (the blink) reflects negative repetition priming for the realization  ...  Specifically, in the trials in which the distractor was repeated there was not a significant difference between performance at Lag 1 (M = .77, SDE = .03) and at Lag 6 (M = .79, SDE = .03), P = .340, and  ... 
doi:10.3758/s13423-017-1385-6 pmid:29030758 fatcat:cmr3xrksnbdmzc55vvewqdiza4

Immediate priming and cognitive aftereffects

David E. Huber
2008 Journal of experimental psychology. General  
The success of this account in explaining the dynamics of repetition priming, associative-semantic priming, and forward masking effects suggests that habituation is a useful mechanism for reducing source  ...  Implications are considered for visible persistence, repetition blindness, attention-based negative priming, attentional blink, inhibition of return, the negative compatibility effect, affect priming,  ...  predictions of this dynamic model.  ... 
doi:10.1037/0096-3445.137.2.324 pmid:18473662 fatcat:bon2zouucjafhj5lbwwf66kpku

Page 777 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 92, Issue 3 [page]

2005 Psychological Abstracts  
—The authors examine the repetition blindness effect—the failure to report one of the occur- rences of a word presented twice in a rapid list.  ...  The authors present several kinds of evidence against that account, including observations that repetition blindness (a) does not occur when repetitions are not embedded in a list of familiar orthographic  ... 

When Words Collide: Facilitation and Interference in the Report of Repeated Words From Rapidly Presented Lists

Michael E. J. Masson
2004 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition  
Inhibited encoding is the basis of some accounts of repetition blindness-impaired report of the second occurrence of a repeated word in a rapidly presented word sequence.  ...  The sensitivity of the effects of repetition to postlist cues supports a construction rather than an encoding inhibition account of repetition blindness.  ...  Another account of repetition blindness that uses the notion of evidence attribution is the responding optimally with unknown sources of evidence (ROUSE) model of short-term repetition priming developed  ... 
doi:10.1037/0278-7393.30.6.1279 pmid:15521804 fatcat:qumrkelqa5fjbaknzmmom4ucma

Comparing different kinds of words and word-word relations to test an habituation model of priming

Cory A. Rieth, David E. Huber
2017 Cognitive Psychology  
They developed a neural dynamics habituation model, explaining the finding that short duration primes produce positive priming whereas long duration primes produce negative repetition priming.  ...  The model contains three layers of processing, including a visual input layer, an orthographic layer, and a lexical-semantic layer.  ...  This dynamic occurred for repetition priming in Experiment 1 (there is a hint of this in the model, with a slight lessening of negative priming), but it was not as pronounced considering that repetition  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cogpsych.2017.04.002 pmid:28458050 fatcat:wj52txf3hfgltgf7ryptin4orq

Repetition learning of vibrotactile temporal sequences: An fMRI study in blind and sighted individuals

Harold Burton, Alvin Agato, Robert J. Sinclair
2012 Brain Research  
The significant findings in occipital cortex of blind indicated that perceptual processing of tactile inputs in visually deprived cortex is dynamic as response amplitudes changed with practice.  ...  In blind only, occipital/temporal and parietal/somatosensory cortices showed practice induced reductions in positive BOLD amplitudes that possibly reflected repetition induced learning effects.  ...  However, finding practice effects throughout occipital cortex of early blind would suggest a more general and dynamic involvement in somatosensory processing.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.11.039 pmid:22154406 pmcid:PMC3249477 fatcat:kotf6cczkvfftnvnv6bm6wgqgm

Temporal Integration of Information in Orthographic Priming

Jonathan Grainger, Arthur M. Jacobs
1999 Visual Cognition  
This framework is expressed as a set of six processing principles, five of which are derived directly from the interactive activation model of orthographic processing (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981) , and  ...  The validity of these principles are evaluated with respect to data obtained from different variants of the orthographic priming paradigm, and related paradigms.  ...  Some static models may be superficially dynamic.  ... 
doi:10.1080/135062899395064 fatcat:uj4zpdi7qnfxtbfpxyicxrcuna

The dynamics of integration and separation: ERP, MEG, and neural network studies of immediate repetition effects

David E. Huber, Xing Tian, Tim Curran, Randall C. O'Reilly, Brion Woroch
2008 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  
As predicted by a dynamic neural network model with habituation, repeated words produced less of a perceptual response, and this effect diminished with increased prime duration.  ...  Using dynamics that best accounted for the behavioral transition from positive to negative priming with increasing prime duration, the model correctly predicted the time course of the event-related potential  ...  In a series of experiments that parametrically varied prime duration, masking, and the type of priming (repetition versus associative), Huber (2008) tested not only the dynamics of this model but also  ... 
doi:10.1037/a0013625 pmid:19045982 fatcat:4clwi4l56fcnfmge4yyswh5t4i

Page 192 of Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Vol. 20, Issue 1 [page]

2008 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience  
Selective attention modulates neural substrates of repetition priming and “implicit” visual memory: Suppressions and enhancements revealed by fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 1245-1260.  ...  Oxtord, UK: Longmans, Green Naccache, | Imaging unconscious repetition priming reveals an abstract , & Dehaene, S. (2001). The priming method: representation of number in the parietal lobes.  ... 

Page 421 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 93, Issue 2 [page]

2006 Psychological Abstracts  
—This study compared the mono and bicultural models of acculturation in a sample of West Indian people.  ...  The Dynamic Constructivist cultural priming paradigm was used to examine how attitudes about accul- turation effect bicultural competence and mental health.  ... 

The Rise and Fall of the Recent Past [chapter]

David E. Huber
2014 The psychology of learning and motivation  
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation BCS-0843773 and by the National Institute of Mental Health MH063993-04.  ...  Weidemann, Piotr Winkielman, and Brian Woroch.  ...  levels of the model that vary as a function of repetitions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-800090-8.00005-6 fatcat:su5wk5x6frgmvngr73abygabxi

A delay in processing for repeated letters: Evidence from megastudies

Iliyana V. Trifonova, James S. Adelman
2019 Cognition  
It remains to be seen whether the appropriate adjustment should occur in the representation of letter position and identity, or in a more precise description of earlier visual processes.  ...  Repetitions of letters in words are frequent in many languages. Here we explore whether these repetitions affect word recognition.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust (Project Grant RPG-2013-408) and an Early Career Fellowship awarded to the first author by the Institute of Advanced Study, University of  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2019.04.005 pmid:31005639 fatcat:bev5yunrwzdrtgdajz5ltru62m

Perceptual inhibition of expected inputs: The key that opens closed minds

William A. Johnston, Kevin J. Hawley
1994 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review  
Evidence for suppressed data-driven processing of expected inputs is drawn from studies of perceptual habituation, semantic satiation, memory inhibition, inhibition of return, repetition blindness, primed  ...  A diverse literature and a computational model converge on the following resolution to this paradox: The former bias is conceptually driven and actually suppresses data-driven processing of expected inputs  ...  The phenomenon of repetition blindness suggests that the answer is "yes."  ... 
doi:10.3758/bf03200761 pmid:24203414 fatcat:fwaa5xyqnre4bbzju2wdctiiue

Page 4144 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 85, Issue 10 [page]

1998 Psychological Abstracts  
Fox, 1991) to test how fully pictorial stimuli must be processed in order to support repetition priming in a picture-naming para- digm.  ...  Judgments of the crossability of gaps by blind- folded Ss were unimpaired by preventing contact with the far side of the gap and they were not impaired when Ss wielded only a flashlight that triggered  ... 
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