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Decision-Making Under Uncertainty for the Deployment of Future Hyperconnected Networks: A Survey

Néstor Alzate-Mejía, Germán Santos-Boada, José Roberto de Almeida-Amazonas
2021 Sensors  
This work, by means of a systematic literature review, focuses on sensor-based Internet of Things scenarios such as Smart Spaces and Industry 4.0.  ...  According to our conclusions, it is mandatory to establish a means for modeling the human behavior context in order to improve resource assignment and management.  ...  This may include administrative and technical support, or donations in kind (e.g., materials used for experiments). Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21113791 pmid:34070841 fatcat:p2qqa2qfybhb7ilebmh4ecrici

Analyzing the Efficiency of Travel and Tourism in the European Union [chapter]

Petra Barišić, Violeta Cvetkoska
2019 Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics  
These methods can be constructed under the multilevel Monte Carlo framework proposed in Giles(2008). In  ...  Abstract: A simulation model to determine a runway exit location is proposed in the paper.  ...  Decision makers should take this into consideration when choosing a method for solving MCDM problems. Keywords: PROMETHEE, TOPSIS, VIKOR, Comparative analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-21990-1_10 fatcat:mkkhegc3hjgzzfra66ccabhw44


Gift Nwabueze, Joel Ogbonna, Chijioke Nwaozuzu
2020 International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research  
This paper performs cost-benefit analysis of a pipeline infrastructure project based on a given natural gas demand in order to estimate the net present value and payback time for natural gas pipeline investment  ...  The result of the cost-benefit analysis indicates a positive net revenue and net present value (NPV) at the current regulated transport cost and availability factor for gas pipelines in Nigeria.  ...  Puska et al (2017) highlighted the Simple Additive method (SAM), Topsis method and Vikor method of multi-criteria investment selection analysis.  ... 
doi:10.29121/ijetmr.v7.i9.2020.780 fatcat:ytczws3p4zbzxnbn2hun3uttty

Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Approach in the Assessment of Medical Waste Management Systems in Nigeria

Mmemek-Abasi Etim, Sunday Academe, PraiseGod Emenike, David Omole
2021 Sustainability  
The validation of results using fuzzy TOPSIS and a sensitivity analysis shows a high degree of the consistency, stability, and robustness of the model.  ...  The applicability of the framework was examined on seven designated public and private-owned hospitals in Ota.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors appreciate the Chancellor and Management of Covenant University for supporting the article publication charge and making this medium available for research publications.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su131910914 fatcat:5unktrqijnfuxnd3b5bincgrlq

Visible Light-Assisted Soft-Chemistry Route to Silver Nanomaterials at Room Temperature

Yi Wu, Xin Liu, Zi Huang, Xiang Fei He, Xi Yang, Qing Li
2019 Key Engineering Materials  
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesizd by a light-assisted liquid phase reduction method with sodium hypophosphite as a reducing agent. DTAB was used to perform as the surfactant.  ...  The effect of temperature on the morphology and properties of silver nanoparticles was investigated.  ...  Among 4 papers which considered the weights of DMs, 2 papers selected VIKOR, 1 paper chose an integration of TOPSIS and QUALIFLEX, and the last one used a score function based method.  ... 
doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.807.165 fatcat:xara5sxzf5fsvbib2dy6vrl7j4


2022 2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)  
A maximum of 92.90% classification accuracy is obtained using the features of IMF-4 with 10-fold cross-validation. The results conclude that the proposed method can detect AD patients efficiently.  ...  The selected features from EEG recordings of 23 subjects (AD-12 and NC-11) are used to train and test the Leastsquare support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier with three different kernel functions.  ...  The proposed approach for raking the photovoltaic panels is based on the SWARA method to get a relative weight of each criterion, then integrate the VIKOR method to rank the alternatives (PV panels).  ... 
doi:10.1109/dasa54658.2022.9765271 fatcat:ttqppf4j3navnaxe653mrzmezi

A participatory multicriteria approach to evaluate strategic projects for local sustainable development

Hannia Gonzalez-Urango, Mónica García-Melón
2020 Zenodo  
In particular, it focuses on the participation of different stakeholders and on the approach to sustainable local development.  ...  The dilemma of development and sustainability in the local context generates multiple interests and concerns.  ...  Works with this approach started in 2013. iv. Allocation of resources: only one work was found.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3992673 fatcat:6yfhbwa3j5fadjpeuur33hwgbi

A comparative approach of economic sectors in Sinaloa, Mexico, based on multicriteria decision aiding

Juan Carlos Leyva López, Diego Alonso Gastélum Chavira, Margarita Urías Ruiz
2016 EconoQuantum  
The approach uses the ELECTRE-III method to construct a valued outranking relation and then a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to exploit the relation to obtain a recommendation.  ...  In this paper, a multicriteria approach for ranking the performance of the economic sectors of the Sinaloa economy is proposed, and the most attractive sectors are identified.  ...  Three fuzzy MCDM methods were applied in this study: VIKOR (Kaya and Kahraman 2011) , TOPSIS (Yu and Hu, 2010) , and ARAS (Turskis and Zavadskas, 2010) .  ... 
doi:10.18381/eq.v13i1.4873 fatcat:y6lsdwswuffn3iz2xraw2kd22e

Introducing a product sustainability budget at an automotive company—one option to increase the use of LCSA results in decision-making processes

Peter Tarne, Annekatrin Lehmann, Michael Kantner, Matthias Finkbeiner
2018 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment  
First, an approach to select social indicators and to focus primary data collection in S-LCA. Second, a method to interpret LCSA results for decision makers.  ...  They were calculated based on the relative performance of a component in the respective LCSA dimension (LCA, LCC and S-LCA) to the rest of the components of the assessed vehicle.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Jan Steckel and Hauke Ward at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) for their support in the MRIO database analyses  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11367-018-1576-z fatcat:oct4dk53evcf7kfalpisxor454

Competitiveness of Mutual Agrarian Foreign Trade of the Post-Soviet Countries

Irena Benešová, Luboš Smutka, Jana Hinke, Adriana Laputková
2020 E & M Ekonomie a Management  
on efficiency assessment of production units" of  ...  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4) (2) references Acknowledgement: The paper was supported by the grant scheme VEGA 1/0843/18 "Methodological aspects of DEA application  ...  The model examined on some common MADM methods alike TOPSIS, COPRAS, VIKOR and ELECTRE. Mukhametzyanov and Pamučar (2018) proposed a new sensitivity model for MADM methods.  ... 
doi:10.15240/tul/001/2020-3-004 fatcat:tkvrn3y7wvajhdwdxrn43xzt6e

Community level emission reduction with carbon capturing : a life cycle thinking based approach

Ravihari Kaumadi Kotagoda Hetti
A scenario-based method was employed to assess the performance of selected CCSU technologies along with other compatible alternative energy choices.  ...  Initially, the CCSU technologies that are technically viable for medium to large scale energy systems were selected using a hybrid rule-based and data-envelopment assessment.  ...  TOPSIS and VIKOR methods select the best alterative based on the shortest distance to the ideal solution.  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0394186 fatcat:chp5tsmt6vg6vbnalkp6o4gp6q

Interactive optimization for supporting multicriteria decisions in urban and energy system planning

Sébastien Cajot
On the map of your empire, Ô Great Khan, there must be room both for the big, stone Fedora and the little Fedoras in glass globes.  ...  been until yesterday a possible future became only a toy in a glass globe.  ...  In particular, I wish to thank: My three supervisors, who helped steer this research in a balanced and productive way:  ... 
doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-8925 fatcat:thlifljqxfeelpelk5iyvnvybi

Strategic Logistics Outsourcing:Integrated Models for Evaluating and Selecting Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) Upstream/Downstream Supply Chain Comparison

SFS Al-Khatib
A comparative literature review was used in order to identify crucial factors and methods that are used in logistics literature in fragmented ways and therefore, to establish and design a conceptual framework  ...  Based on the outcomes of both cases, decision makers can use independent factors alone to evaluate and select the best LSP, which simplified the logistics outsourcing process in our study.  ...  To develop a fuzzy DEMATEL-TOPSIS techniques for evaluating and selecting LSPs based on their logistics performance, resources and services: a.  ... 
doi:10.24377/ljmu.t.00004406 fatcat:byzcf4as2rejjphn6b3wjcxm5q

A Distributed Simulation Approach for Contractor Company Performance Management in the Construction Industry

Ronald Ekyalimpa
Acquiring and sustaining an advantage over competitors in an era that is characterized by more complex and massive projects, scarce resources, more stringent client requirements, and higher expectations  ...  A simulation-based performance management application was developed in this study. A number of insights were gained in the course of developing the application.  ...  In the same year, Cristobal (2012) conducted a study in which he used both TOPSIS and VIKOR in the selection of a suitable contractor for a road project based on different criteria such as experience in  ... 
doi:10.7939/r31387 fatcat:xgyu5iv7oncofg7g5ssncwvjgi

Thermochemical conversion of municipal solid waste into hydrogen : a life cycle thinking based evaluation

Sachindra Chamode Wijayasekera
Thus, this study aimed to introduce a methodical framework based on life cycle thinking for assessing the sustainability of WTH processes.  ...  A parametric analysis is also performed to evaluate the effect of volatile market conditions and processing capacities on the life cycle cost of waste-derived H₂.  ...  Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to sincerely acknowledge my supervisors, Drs. Kasun Hewage  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0421718 fatcat:dbt6me7udfhslor3fm6szg353i
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