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A Contextualized, Differential Sequence Mining Method to Derive Students' Learning Behavior Patterns

John S. Kinnebrew, Kirk M. Loretz, Gautam Biswas
2013 Zenodo  
Specifically, we employ a piecewise linear segmentation algorithm in concert with the differential sequence mining technique to identify and compare segments of students' productive and unproductive learning  ...  The core algorithm employs a novel combination of sequence mining techniques to identify differentially frequent patterns between groups of students (e.g., experimental versus control conditions or high  ...  identifying important patterns that may elucidate differences in learning behavior.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3554617 fatcat:s22hvepeqfcyrik6wd2mcfze2i

Identifying Learning Behaviors by Contextualizing Differential Sequence Mining with Action Features and Performance Evolution

John S. Kinnebrew, Gautam Biswas
2012 Educational Data Mining  
We employ a piecewise linear segmentation algorithm in concert with the action transformation and differential sequence mining techniques to identify and compare segments of students' productive and unproductive  ...  This paper extends an exploratory data mining methodology for assessing and comparing students' learning behaviors from these interaction traces.  ...  CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we extended an exploratory data mining methodology for identifying important learning behaviors with an iterative approach to action abstraction using a variety of action features  ... 
dblp:conf/edm/KinnebrewB12 fatcat:2bas3wgffjamvgvtkb6p5a2smy


Anthony Estey, Anna Russo Kennedy, Yvonne Coady
2016 Proceedings of the 21st Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education - WCCCE '16  
First, I explore whether patterns can be identified in log data to differentiate successful from unsuccessful students, with a specific focus on identifying students at-risk of failure within the first  ...  Next, I separate out only those students who struggle early in the semester, and examine their changes in programming behaviour over time.  ...  Acknowledgements xii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank: Yvonne Coady for leading by example and showing me just how much of an impact an instructor can have on students inside and outside of the  ... 
doi:10.1145/2910925.2910944 dblp:conf/wccce/EsteyKC16 fatcat:o4d4bzhfhrafzfwffltdjvkkcq

Learning Behavior Characterization with Multi-Feature, Hierarchical Activity Sequences

Cheng Ye, John S. Kinnebrew, James René Segedy, Gautam Biswas
2015 Educational Data Mining  
In this paper, we employ a differential version of MFH-SPAM to extract a small set of patterns that best differentiate students with different learning behavior profiles in the Betty's Brain system.  ...  Our results illustrate that: (1) MFH-SPAM identifies important patterns missed by traditional sequence mining approaches; and (2) the differential patterns provide additional information for characterizing  ...  Overall, these results showed the importance of behavior patterns identified by MFH-SPAM and illustrated the potential to use these patterns to better characterize and ultimately scaffold student learning  ... 
dblp:conf/edm/YeKSB15 fatcat:i3rircg4vrh5jjlauh4audwin4

Understanding Faculty Use of the Learning Management System

Jason Rhode, Stephanie Richter, Peter Gowen, Tracy Miller, Cameron Wills
2017 Online Learning  
The results identified the features that were used most frequently and how usage had changed over time.  ...  The learning management system (LMS) has become a critical tool for nearly all institutions of higher education, and a driving force in online learning.  ...  As a result, Whitmer et al. identified five course patterns which generalized broad approaches to LMS usage which ranged from supplemental use to fully integrated holistic use.  ... 
doi:10.24059/olj.v21i3.1217 fatcat:zqttsezo45d6fi3s2a4hkioqqa

The Relationship between Loneliness and Depression among College Students: Mining data derived from Passive Sensing [article]

Malik Muhammad Qirtas, Evi Zafeiridi, Eleanor Bantry White, Dirk Pesch
2023 arXiv   pre-print
capturing daily life behaviours such as physical activity, phone usage, sleep patterns, and social interactions.  ...  Using passive sensing data provides a novel approach to examine the granular behavioural indicators differentiating loneliness and depression, and the mediators in their relationship.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their gratitude to the SFI Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies (ADVANCE CRT) for providing a supportive research  ... 
arXiv:2308.15509v1 fatcat:ufavh3xjv5bennbzavkveibpoq

Visualizing Knowledge Networks in Online Courses

Marni Baker-Stein, Sean York, Brian Dashew
2014 Internet Learning  
The work describes an emergent methodology for analyzing data produced by social and conversational interactions in online learning environments, using threaded discussion data from a group of students  ...  Finally, it discusses relative strengths and weaknesses of the approach, suggesting ways it might evolve to improve our understanding of social networking and engagement in online learning environments  ...  We hope this report will contribute to a responsible evolution of online and blended teaching and learning, through an increased awareness and understanding of the social spaces in which these increasingly  ... 
doi:10.18278/il.3.2.7 fatcat:dhyk2pijx5ajxenasyuaeb2sf4

Exploring Useful Teacher Roles for Sustainable Online Teaching in Higher Education Based on Machine Learning

Yanni Shi, Fucheng Guo
2022 Sustainability  
A coevolution mechanism was thus formed, both providing guidance for lecturers in changing their overt behaviors with respect to online teaching and supporting the customization of system functionalities  ...  The findings, concerning useful teaching roles (namely, learning assessment, guiding technology usage, and learning support) and activities (such as in-class exercises, monitoring of students' attendance  ...  Data were obtained from Henan University and are available from the authors with the permission of Henan University. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su142114006 fatcat:ebdhlkjhubdojlr54oyqbehxe4

Reconsidering the Didactic Practices from the Perspective of the Respect for the Educated Person's Individuality

Dănescu Elena
2015 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The present paper approaches the problem of learning styles in the academic environment and desires for favourite the student-centered education as a program for improving learning among students.  ...  A study has been done among students from, the aim of the study being identifying the favourite students'learning styles, with the aim of making a few proposals for matching the teaching strategies to  ...  as many tries to pass over the differentiated psychology and differentiated pedagogy, under the sign of democratic humanism.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.119 fatcat:ff6loxtpbreu5dc4poj4lg6cay

Playback-centric visualizations of video usage using weighted interactions to guide where to watch in an educational context

Hyowon Lee, Mingming Liu, Michael Scriney, Alan F. Smeaton
2022 Frontiers in Education  
The characteristics of this method as a way of guiding students as to where to watch as well as a complementary tool for playback analysis, are discussed.  ...  The steady increase in use of online educational tools and services has led to a large amount of educational video materials made available for students to watch.  ...  on its usage over time.  ... 
doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.733646 fatcat:ckizhrrzkbdqvodzobmwaa6ggi

Teaching and Learning: A Linguistic Perspective

Judith L. Green, Deborah Smith
1983 The Elementary school journal  
Institute of Education, which focused on teaching as a linguistic process, are examined in this paper, along with findings from related studies.  ...  The second section combines information About features and outcomes of discourse and relates the data to student academic achievement.  ...  In addition, these approaches can help identify the conditions for learning for individuals that occur within a lesson; therefore, this type of research can explore the influence of specific types of behaviors  ... 
doi:10.1086/461322 fatcat:jajwa3qmyjfx3eq6co3szfbcbq

Self-regulated learning and self-directed study in a pre-college sample

Beau Abar, Eric Loken
2010 Learning and Individual Differences  
Profiles were also compared on independently collected, behavioral measures of study behaviors, with the highly self-regulated group tending to study more material and for a longer time than less self-regulated  ...  The current paper takes a personcentered approach to the study of SRL in a sample of 205 high-school students.  ...  ., algebra), a weighted average of overall ability was used due to differential usage patterns.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2009.09.002 pmid:20161484 pmcid:PMC2794205 fatcat:zhq2gkp7ozgtxmeqwblzcnkx7y

Empowering Instructors Through Customizable Collection and Analyses of Actionable Information

Danny Y. T. Liu, Charlotte E. Taylor, Adam J. Bridgeman, Kathryn Bartimote-Aufflick, Abelardo Pardo
2016 International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge  
The use of analytics to support learning has been increasing over the last few years.  ...  The approach provides instructors the ultimate control over the decision process to deploy various actions.  ...  We thank many instructors and student support staff for their input into the process, countless students for their enthusiasm, and the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education  ... 
dblp:conf/lak/LiuTBBP16 fatcat:d7yezjl7ujgo5edrlvmarjv3wa

What is this Substance? What Makes it Different? Mapping Progression in Students' Assumptions about Chemical Identity

Courtney Ngai, Hannah Sevian, Vicente Talanquer
2014 International Journal of Science Education  
Although chemical identity is not a concept explicitly addressed by traditional chemistry curricula, its understanding can be expected to evolve as students are asked to recognize different types of substances  ...  The goal of this contribution is to characterize students' assumptions about factors that determine chemical identity and to map how core assumptions change with training in the discipline.  ...  We expect, for example, that solid objects will always move in continuous trajectories and will persist over time (Spelke & Kinzler, 2007) .  ... 
doi:10.1080/09500693.2014.927082 fatcat:xm77m64qazdfxmqssruaac2iiy

The Integration of Corpus-Based Approach with EFL Academic Writing in the Saudi Context

Abdulaziz Ali Al-Qahtani
2021 International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies  
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgment is for the EFL Saudi academic students for their participation in this study.  ...  INTRODUCTION Teaching English for nonnative learners has been a major challenge that has evolved over history in terms of pedagogical approaches, techniques, implementation methods and educational tools  ...  It examines the writing process in terms of EFL teaching in association with corpus technology integration over a time period.  ... 
doi:10.18488/journal.23.2021.101.22.45 fatcat:fqrmhi4nfzgrrnxyaw6fxusutu
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