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Polytechnic Students' Academic Performance Prediction Based On Using Deep Neural Network

S. M. Abdullah Al Shuaeb, Shamsul Alam, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Abdul Matin
2021 Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science  
In this study, we have used the deep neural network for predicting students' academic final marks. The main objective of this paper is to improve students' results.  ...  This paper also explains how the prediction deep neural network model can be used to recognize the most vital attributes in a student's academic data namely midterm_marks, class_ test, attendance, assignment  ...  ’ Academic Performance Prediction Based On Using Deep Neural Network S.  ... 
doi:10.9734/ajrcos/2021/v12i430289 fatcat:oyluhadfg5cwdidgobbhygj22i

Applying Deep Learning Neural Networks in Predicting Students' Cumulative Grades

2020 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
This paper has been designed to extract knowledge describing students' performance in the courses required for graduation, in a way that helps academic advisors in providing academic advice and guidance  ...  Academic performance is affected by many factors, so it is necessary to predict student performance to determine the difference between students who are excelling in studies and students who need to exert  ...  In general, we were able to build a supervised machine learning model using the deep learning neural networks classifier to correctly predict the students' final grade based on their performance on the  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.b2084.1210220 fatcat:jj6noqh26rec7li32utsx2blwe

Recent systematic review on student performance prediction using backpropagation algorithms

Edi Ismanto, Hadhrami Ab Ghani, Nurul Izrin Md Saleh, Januar Al Amien, Rahmad Gunawan
2022 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)  
A comprehensive systematic study was carried out in order to identify various deep learning methods developed and used for predicting student academic performance.  ...  The number of papers that study and improve this method shows that there is a clear rise in deep learning-based academic performance prediction over the last few years.  ...  Therefore, the paper's main objectives are to conduct a systematic review on the current deep neural network (DNN) models proposed in the literature for predicting students' academic performance and propose  ... 
doi:10.12928/telkomnika.v20i3.21963 fatcat:tnid5hhyxfbizef27v4yngdeny

Education 4.0 using artificial intelligence for students performance analysis

2020 Inteligencia Artificial  
Hence, in this paper, Hybridized Deep Neural Network (HDNN) to predict student performance in Education 4.0.  ...  The deep neural network monitors predict, and evaluate students' performance in an education 4.0 environment.  ...  Hybridized Deep Neural Network (HDNN) In this study, Hybridized Deep Neural Network (HDNN) to predict student performance in Education 4.0.  ... 
doi:10.4114/intartif.vol23iss66pp124-137 fatcat:bz5mgalhzbexjagtwjehtxff5q


2021 Applied Computer Science  
In this paper, a career track recommender system was proposed using Deep Neural Network model.  ...  The result of the study shows that the DNN algorithm performs reasonably well in predicting the academic strand of students with a predic-tion accuracy of 83.11%.  ...  in providing financial support in attaining the objectives of the study, the National Research Council of the Philippines, and the Digital Transformation Center of STEER HUB Batangas State University for  ... 
doi:10.23743/acs-2021-29 doaj:c97d20dd0923434caef1e8913bb0d86f fatcat:vybi3spzkbe7rkbjr6r7n2rqz4

An Approach to Predict a Student's Academic Performance using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Arindam Mondal, Joydeep Mukherjee
2018 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this paper, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is used to predict a student's final result. RNN is a variant of neural network that can handle time series data.  ...  In this paper, a comparison based study is also made with Artificial Neural  ...  [13] proposed a prediction model for students' performance based on data mining methods.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2018917352 fatcat:jlvntanisrcgngn2ze7m4vsf6u

Predicting Students' Performance in Final Examination using Deep Neural Network

Md. Hanif Sikder, Md. Rakib Hosen, Kaniz Fatema, Md. Ashraful Islam
2022 Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science  
For analysis of their performance, we can use new techniques Deep Learning, Convolution Neural Networks, Data Clustering, Optimization Algorithms, etc. In machine learning.  ...  Using Deep Learning, we will predict the student's performance yearly in the form of CGPA and compare that with the real CGPA. A real dataset can boost the prediction performance.  ...  So, according to the above analysis, our model deep neural network is the one with the highest accuracy. So we can say that our model is best for predicting students' performance. Table 3.  ... 
doi:10.9734/ajrcos/2022/v14i4306 fatcat:ozb4lopilncppjusodzg44xqeu

Deep Neural Network Model for Identification of Predictive Variables and Evaluation of Student's Academic Performance

Kandula Neha, Jahangeer Sidiq, Majid Zaman
2021 Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information  
The proposed model uses Deep Neural Network (DNN) in the process of considering the predictive variables and evaluating student performance using the variables.  ...  Multiple predictive variables are taken into account for the assessment of student performance while modelling an efficient template for student performance assessment.  ...  Student Performance Analysis System (SPAS) Model is compared to the proposed Deep Neural Network for Evaluating Student Performance Assessments.  ... 
doi:10.18280/ria.350507 fatcat:dsqikzhhjre5do3uokm5de6sj4

Enhance the Educational Outcome in Higher Educational Institutes through Deep Neural Network

2020 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  
Based on the predicted results student can be monitored to improve his/her abilities. To achieve this, this study proposes a deep multilayer feed forward neural network (MFFNN) model.  ...  The proposed model is used to predict the performance of every individual for a single subject or a course with high accuracy.  ...  In this step deep neural network namely multilayer feed forward neural network (MFFNN) is proposed for model construction that can predict the students' performance and after predicting the performance  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2020/202952020 fatcat:x57wj7hy2zcfdoqtdiebulifwu

UniNet: Next Term Course Recommendation using Deep Learning [article]

Nicolas Araque, Germano Rojas, Maria Vitali
2020 arXiv   pre-print
As these techniques fail to represent the time-dependent nature of academic performance datasets we propose a deep learning approach using recurrent neural networks that aims to better represent how chronological  ...  We have shown that it is possible to obtain a performance of 81.10% on AUC metric using only grade information and that it is possible to develop a recommender system with academic student performance  ...  It has been studied that recurrent neural networks show an improvement in performance when compared with artificial neural networks for student prediction task [12] .  ... 
arXiv:2009.09326v1 fatcat:z7qzhday7zhhnnudjepvztby2m

Admission Prediction in Undergraduate Applications: an Interpretable Deep Learning Approach [article]

Amisha Priyadarshini, Barbara Martinez-Neda, Sergio Gago-Masague
2024 arXiv   pre-print
In this context, we propose deep learning-based classifiers, namely Feed-Forward and Input Convex neural networks, which overcome the challenges faced by the existing methods.  ...  Our models achieve higher accuracy compared to the best-performing traditional machine learning-based approach by a considerable margin of 3.03\%.  ...  Figure 2 : 2 Figure 2: Confusion matrices for fully-trained deep learning models, (a) Feed-Forward neural network; (b) Input convex neural network.  ... 
arXiv:2401.11698v1 fatcat:xq6pg2sl7vdx7lrahjz3kazuxm

Predicting Students' Academic Performance in Educational Data Mining Based on Deep Learning Using TensorFlow

Mussa S. Abubakari, Department of Electronics & Informatics Engineering Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia, Fatchul Arifin, Gilbert G. Hungilo, Department of Electronics & Informatics Engineering Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia, Department of Informatics Engineering, Graduate Program, University Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
2020 International Journal of Education and Management Engineering  
The study was aimed to create a predictive model for predicting students' academic performance based on a neural network algorithm.  ...  In the current study, neural network (NN) classification algorithm is implemented to create a predictive model in predicting academic performance of students in a particular academic institution by using  ...  In this study, a predictive model is created based on neural network (NN) classification algorithm in predicting academic performance of students by using students' behavioral characteristics and their  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijeme.2020.06.04 fatcat:rijvfgk33jhadkhlipqbyspode

Early educational performance prediction a deep learning approach

2022 Journal of Science & Technology  
The data is then fed into a deep neural network to predict students' performance of the 4th year based on their previous years' scores. A promising result of 77% accuracy is achieved.  ...  Another challenge for educational performance prediction is that every educational system is complex and unique. Hence, to make a prediction, it often requires a deep understanding of the system.  ...  Hence, proposed ANN remains the best model for the particular dataset.  ... 
doi:10.57001/huih5804.65 fatcat:vvsyeedvubgwfh2n5iabgtwznq

Analysis of Student Academic Performance through Expert systems

Kandula Neha, S Jahangeer Sidiq
2020 International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub  
These computing-related techniques and approaches are mainly machine learning techniques, deep learning techniques, Artificial Neural Networks & Neural Networks Convolution, etc.  ...  Predicting the performance of students is one of the most important topics required for learning contexts such as colleges and universities, as it helps to design successful mechanisms that boost tutorial  ...  A Survey has been done on many Deep Learning based algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machines , Convolution Neural Network etc to draw conclusions based on  ... 
doi:10.47392/irjash.2020.158 fatcat:7z2yy6p2rne7bdir7cxnqzsllq

Deep Regressor: Cross Subject Academic Performance Prediction System for University Level Students

Predicting the academic performance of students has been an important research topic in the Educational field.  ...  This paper presents a system which utilizes machine learning techniques to classify and predict the academic performance of the students at the right time before the drop out occurs.  ...  GauthamJ Deep Regressor: Cross Subject Academic Performance Prediction System for University level Students Deep Regressor: Cross Subject Academic Performance Prediction System for University Level Students  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.k1254.09811s19 fatcat:q5276vp54zh2hmgjhdmvt7hnh4
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