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10,393 Hits in 6.2 sec

Convergence of Bi-Virus Epidemic Models with Non-Linear Rates on Networks – A Monotone Dynamical Systems Approach [article]

Vishwaraj Doshi, Shailaja Mallick, Do Young eun
2022 arXiv   pre-print
the case of two such viruses spreading on overlaid graphs, with non-linear rates of infection spread and recovery.  ...  To the best of our knowledge, our results are the first in providing complete convergence analysis for the bi-virus system with nonlinear infection and recovery rates on general graphs.  ...  Bi-Virus Model with Non-linear rates The Bi-Virus model with non-linear infection and recovery rates is given by the following coupled system of ODEs: for all i ∈ N and t ≥ 0.  ... 
arXiv:2210.05083v1 fatcat:plmfvoexvvh2jclittlbi6qjn4

Analysis and Control of a Continuous-Time Bi-Virus Model [article]

Ji Liu, Philip E. Pare, Angelia Nedich, Choon Yik Tang, Carolyn L. Beck, Tamer Basar
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This paper studies a distributed continuous-time bi-virus model in which two competing viruses spread over a network consisting of multiple groups of individuals.  ...  the healing and infection rates.  ...  1 We say that a virus is homogeneous if all agents have the same infection rate and healing rate. Otherwise, the virus is called heterogeneous.  ... 
arXiv:1901.00765v1 fatcat:5spr4gmttza5xatkqatcimnd7a

Competing Epidemics on Graphs – Global Convergence and Coexistence [article]

Vishwaraj Doshi, Shailaja Mallick, Do Young Eun
2021 arXiv   pre-print
When it comes to competition between two such contagions spreading on overlaid graphs, their propagation is captured by so-called bi-virus epidemic models.  ...  The dynamics of the spread of contagions such as viruses, infectious diseases or even rumors/opinions over contact networks (graphs) have effectively been captured by the well known Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible  ...  A node infected by Virus 1 infects each of its susceptible neighbors with rate β 1 > 0, just like in the SIS model, but does so only to nodes which are its neighbors with respect to the graph G 1 (N ,  ... 
arXiv:2104.10872v1 fatcat:afyw3f4wevdf7d3uhxsygsrxfi

General SIS diffusion process with indirect spreading pathways on a hypergraph [article]

Shaoxuan Cui, Fangzhou Liu, Hildeberto Jardón-Kojakhmetov, Ming Cao
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Then, by the same choice of interaction function, we further extend the system and propose a bi-virus competing model on a directed hypergraph by coupling two single-virus models together.  ...  Finally, the most general model in this paper considers an abstract interaction function under single-virus and bi-virus settings.  ...  Usually, several different viruses spread simultaneously and compete with each other.  ... 
arXiv:2306.00619v3 fatcat:qosi7iourbfupjuny4tbnjw7ka

A Hierarchical Network Approach for Modeling Rift Valley Fever Epidemics with Applications in North America

Ling Xue, Lee W. Cohnstaedt, H. Morgan Scott, Caterina Scoglio, Christopher N. Mores
2013 PLoS ONE  
Rift Valley fever virus spread is assessed under various initial infection conditions (infected mosquito eggs, adults or cattle).  ...  Presented here is a general network-based mathematical model of Rift Valley fever.  ...  Linthicum for his suggestions on mosquito models, and we are thankful to Bo Norby, Doyle Fuchs, Bryanna Pockrandt, and Phillip Schumm for their help in producing this work.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062049 pmid:23667453 pmcid:PMC3646918 fatcat:pgm7tirstnhrrewgkxrv6sznae

Is presymptomatic spread a major contributor to COVID-19 transmission?

Mark K. Slifka, Lina Gao
2020 Nature Medicine  
For example, one model estimated that the transmission rate of undocumented infections per person was 55% of the transmission rate of documented infections 6 and undocumented infections were the source  ...  A study by Bi et al. measured a mean incubation period of 5.95 days based on 183 subjects 4 (Fig. 1, middle right) .  ...  For example, one model estimated that the transmission rate of undocumented infections per person was 55% of the transmission rate of documented infections 6 and undocumented infections were the source  ... 
doi:10.1038/s41591-020-1046-6 pmid:32807936 fatcat:iwzkmgu7lraete2sxs6bjt54ry

Multi-Competitive Viruses over Static and Time--Varying Networks [article]

Philip E. Paré, Ji Liu, Carolyn L. Beck, Angelia Nedić, Tamer Başar
2017 arXiv   pre-print
The idea of competing viruses has been explored recently, motivated by the spread of different ideas along different social networks.  ...  In this paper, we consider multiple competing viruses over static and dynamic graph structures, and investigate the eradication and propagation of diseases in these systems.  ...  In [24] , similar ideas to [25] are applied to the bi-virus model. In this paper we present a generalization of the bi-virus model to an arbitrary number, m, of competing viruses.  ... 
arXiv:1702.07754v3 fatcat:ktryth4dfzet5dm5zajgknybw4

Bi-SIS Epidemics on Graphs – Quantitative Analysis of Coexistence Equilibria [article]

Vishwaraj Doshi, Jie Hu, Do Young Eun
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We consider a system in which two viruses of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) type compete over general, overlaid graphs.  ...  In this paper, we prove monotonicity of the CE with respect to effective infection rates of the two viruses, and provide the first quantitative analysis of such equilibria in the form of upper bounds involving  ...  In this paper, we provide quantitative results characterizing the behaviour of CE of the bi-SIS model on general graphs with respect to effective infection rates τ 1 , τ 2 of the two competing viruses.  ... 
arXiv:2209.07304v1 fatcat:ipoolpgggnfjnbcfp7rokrais4

Early infection events highlight the limited transmissibility of hepatitis C virus in vitro

Luke W. Meredith, Helen J. Harris, Garrick K. Wilson, Nicola F. Fletcher, Peter Balfe, Jane A. McKeating
2013 Journal of Hepatology  
Comparison of cell-free and cell-to-cell virus spread demonstrated relatively poor transmission rates, with 10-50 infected producer cells required to infect a single naïve target cell.  ...  Importantly, the level of infectious virus released from cells did not predict the ability of a virus to spread in vitro, highlighting the importance of studying cell-associated viruses.  ...  Bukh for JFH-1 chimeric viruses; T. Krey for anti-E2 antibodies; F. Wong-Staal for SR-BI inhibitor and C. Rice for virus constructs and HuH-7.5 cells.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2013.01.019 pmid:23353869 fatcat:jlyfc2kiybgjhd72r44zru27iq

On the reproduction number and the optimal control of infectious diseases in a heterogenous population

A. U. Chukwu, J. A. Akinyemi, M. O. Adeniyi, S. O. Salawu
2020 Advances in Difference Equations  
We develop a model that analyses the spread of infectious diseases, and the reproduction number is determined by using the next generation matrix method.  ...  The continuing surfacing of the infectious diseases gives the stakeholders a great concern. In this paper, the nature of the spread of Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa in 2014 is studied.  ...  Still on the model formulation of infectious disease, a model with nonlinear incidence to analyse the transmission of Zika virus was formulated by [3] .  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13662-020-03050-9 fatcat:ydgzxab44zghldbbieijtz4voy

Virus Spread in Networks

P. Van Mieghem, J. Omic, R. Kooij
2009 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
The influence of the network characteristics on the virus spread is analyzed in a new-the -intertwined Markov chain-model, whose only approximation lies in the application of mean field theory.  ...  The -intertwined model has been compared with the exact -state Markov model and with previously proposed "homogeneous" or "local" models.  ...  Most likely, this underestimation is a general property of "homogeneous" virus spread models.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2008.925623 fatcat:5pdqvethqbh3dj635wjc2ldype

Generalized Epidemic Mean-Field Model for Spreading Processes Over Multilayer Complex Networks

Faryad Darabi Sahneh, Caterina Scoglio, Piet Van Mieghem
2013 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
In this paper, the existing models are generalized to develop a class of spreading models which includes the spreading process in multilayer complex networks.  ...  Several examples of epidemic models are presented, including spreading of virus and information in computer networks, and spreading of multiple pathogens in a host population.  ...  As a result, we impose a similar structure of independent competing processes to the generalized spreading model.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2013.2239658 fatcat:sbaojbs5mngm3oxhcl7woxdxne

Analysis, Online Estimation, and Validation of a Competing Virus Model [article]

Philip E. Pare, Damir Vrabac, Henrik Sandberg, Karl H. Johansson
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper we introduce a discrete time competing virus model and the assumptions necessary for the model to be well posed. We analyze the system exploring its different equilibria.  ...  To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to study competing virus models in discrete-time, online identification of spread parameters from time series data, and validation of said models using  ...  two competing US Department of Agriculture (USDA) farm subsidy programs. We employ that dataset here but use a two-competing virus (bi-virus) model.  ... 
arXiv:2001.10532v1 fatcat:77fwrjdlfvhpbljku3kd5c2mnq

The Risk of Contagion Spreading and its Optimal Control in the Economy

Olena Kostylenko, Helena Sofia Rodrigues, Delfim F. M. Torres
2019 Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing  
The process of modelling the spread of a virus is commonly used in epidemiology. Conceptually, the spread of a disease among a population is similar to the contagion process in economy.  ...  The effect of infection by a systemic spread of risks in the network of national banking systems of countries is tested.  ...  The model (1)-(2) describes that the contagion begins with a country that spreads a disease by infecting its neighbours, where the number of new infectious countries generated by the initial one is called  ... 
doi:10.19139/soic.v7i3.833 fatcat:t3hbyhs2hrasniher46vivq6ny

The risk of contagion spreading and its optimal control in the economy [article]

Olena Kostylenko, Helena Sofia Rodrigues, Delfim F. M. Torres
2018 arXiv   pre-print
The process of modelling the spread of a virus is commonly used in epidemiology. Conceptually, the spread of a disease among a population is similar to the contagion process in economy.  ...  The effect of infection by a systemic spread of risks in the network of national banking systems of countries is tested.  ...  The model (1)-(2) describes that the contagion begins with a country that spreads a disease by infecting its neighbours, where the number of new infectious countries generated by the initial one is called  ... 
arXiv:1812.06975v1 fatcat:33ykw6hkpjbphcywokk2lmttwu
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