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2,352 Hits in 5.7 sec

Towards Safe and Collaborative Robotic Ultrasound Tissue Scanning in Neurosurgery [article]

Michael Dyck, Alistair Weld, Julian Klodmann, Alexander Kirst, Luke Dixon, Giulio Anichini, Sophie Camp, Alin Albu-Schäffer, Stamatia Giannarou
2023 arXiv   pre-print
An RGB-D camera attached to the robotic arm allows for automatic object localisation with ArUco markers, and 3D surface reconstruction as a triangular mesh using the ImFusion Suite software solution.  ...  A preliminary experiment evaluates the suitability of the conceptual workflow and system components for probe landing on a custom-made soft-tissue phantom.  ...  The RGB-D camera is then rotated around the centre point/normal -capturing the phantom at multiple views.  ... 
arXiv:2312.08409v1 fatcat:tfqs75nhjfaotlhefvwo5vd35q

3D real human reconstruction via multiple low-cost depth cameras

Zhenbao Liu, Hongliang Qin, Shuhui Bu, Meng Yan, Jinxin Huang, Xiaojun Tang, Junwei Han
2015 Signal Processing  
In this paper, we propose a novel application that automatically reconstructs a real 3D moving human captured by multiple RGB-D cameras in the form of a polygonal mesh, and which may help users to actually  ...  The proposed method includes three key steps for realizing dynamic 3D human reconstruction from RGB images and noisy depth data captured from a distance.  ...  [38] summarized recent approaches for 3D human pose estimation based on 3D features reconstructed from multiple views.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2014.10.021 fatcat:stc3q5qabrdkdlnhq6c4wortna

Immersive 3D Telepresence

Henry Fuchs, Andrei State, Jean-Charles Bazin
2014 Computer  
Figure 4 . 4 Virtual views of real-time 3D room reconstructions from 10 Kinect RGB-D cameras.  ...  video displays, ever-higher-quality RGB-D cameras, and everfaster GPUs for gaming and entertainment.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2014.185 fatcat:3firevjxujcddnjgr4zk7as3x4

Gaze-contingent perceptually enabled interactions in the operating theatre

Alexandros A. Kogkas, Ara Darzi, George P. Mylonas
2017 International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery  
point in 3D space.  ...  We hypothesise that a framework that collects and utilises information -especially perceptually enabled ones-from multiple sources, could help to meet the above goals.  ...  Informed consent For this type of study, no informed consent was required.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11548-017-1580-y pmid:28397111 pmcid:PMC5509830 fatcat:t7epqrxmkvffvjz6yqx6w2uljm

HuMMan: Multi-Modal 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Sensing and Modeling [article]

Zhongang Cai, Daxuan Ren, Ailing Zeng, Zhengyu Lin, Tao Yu, Wenjia Wang, Xiangyu Fan, Yang Gao, Yifan Yu, Liang Pan, Fangzhou Hong, Mingyuan Zhang (+3 others)
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Extensive experiments on HuMMan voice the need for further study on challenges such as fine-grained action recognition, dynamic human mesh reconstruction, point cloud-based parametric human recovery, and  ...  With the advances of new sensors and algorithms, there is an increasing demand for more versatile datasets.  ...  For stage I, virtual cameras are placed around the minimally clothed body scan to render multi-view images. For stage II, the color images from multi-view RGB-D are used.  ... 
arXiv:2204.13686v1 fatcat:d6ur54bgfjbofle3htqg3firb4

SHOWMe: Benchmarking Object-agnostic Hand-Object 3D Reconstruction [article]

Anilkumar Swamy, Vincent Leroy, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Fabien Baradel, Salma Galaaoui, Romain Bregier, Matthieu Armando, Jean-Sebastien Franco, Gregory Rogez
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Importantly, the rigidity of the hand-object systems allows to tackle video-based 3D reconstruction of unknown hand-held objects using a 2-stage pipeline consisting of a rigid registration step followed  ...  However, these methods remain sensitive to the initial camera pose estimates which might be imprecise due to lack of textures on the objects or heavy occlusions of the hands, leaving room for improvements  ...  Second, we evaluate a set of baselines for the MVR-based pipeline for detailed and object-agnostic HO 3D reconstruction in RGB videos.  ... 
arXiv:2309.10748v1 fatcat:chdvulmsozewjd7ujzgcaq4ggy

Rapid 3D Modeling and Parts Recognition on Automotive Vehicles Using a Network of RGB-D Sensors for Robot Guidance

Alberto Chávez-Aragón, Rizwan Macknojia, Pierre Payeur, Robert Laganière
2013 Journal of Sensors  
Sections of the depth information on one side of the vehicle are then collected, aligned, and merged into a global RGB-D model.  ...  The work introduces a method to integrate raw streams from depth sensors in the task of 3D profiling and reconstruction and a methodology for the extrinsic calibration of a network of Kinect sensors.  ...  STPGP 381229-09, as well as the collaboration of Scintrex Trace Corp.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/832963 fatcat:abonn2tn5fdf3iv7av5htc7i34

A Study of 3D Digitisation Modalities for Crime Scene Investigation

George Galanakis, Xenophon Zabulis, Theodore Evdaimon, Sven-Eric Fikenscher, Sebastian Allertseder, Theodora Tsikrika, Stefanos Vrochidis
2021 Forensic Sciences  
We present the methodology for acquiring data for 3D reconstruction of various types of scenes.  ...  scanning modality.  ...  In the context of our investigation with digitisation tools, we developed an RGB-D scanning modality based on the state-of-the-art RGB-D SLAM and reconstruction [54] tailored for this type of sensor.  ... 
doi:10.3390/forensicsci1020008 fatcat:2y4qpjqfprdp5iav7lfz6pvqwm

Medical Robotics for Ultrasound Imaging: Current Systems and Future Trends

Felix von Haxthausen, Sven Böttger, Daniel Wulff, Jannis Hagenah, Verónica García-Vázquez, Svenja Ipsen
2021 Current Robotics Reports  
Hereafter, the literature of the past five years is subdivided into teleoperation, collaborative assistance, or autonomous systems based on LORA.  ...  Finally, future trends for robotic ultrasound systems are reviewed with a focus on artificial intelligence and virtual/augmented reality.  ...  -4/38 Kinect [Ultrasonix] [Microsoft] 3D convex probe; RGB-D camera; 4DC7-3/40 Kinect [Ultrasonix] [Microsoft] single plane mode 3D convex probe; RGB-D camera; 4DC7-3/40 Kinect [Ultrasonix]; [Microsoft  ... 
doi:10.1007/s43154-020-00037-y pmid:34977593 pmcid:PMC7898497 fatcat:yefzwbpa2bcyphhpnotb7henza

Automatic Robot-Driven 3D Reconstruction System for Chronic Wounds

Damir Filko, Domagoj Marijanović, Emmanuel Karlo Nyarko
2021 Sensors  
This paper describes an automatic wound recording system build upon 7 DoF robot arm with attached RGB-D camera and high precision 3D scanner.  ...  The system was evaluated on multiple wounds located on medical models as well as on real patents recorded in clinical medical center.  ...  Authors in [10] developed a semi-autonomous robot system for trauma assessment. The developed system uses a 7 DoF robot and a RGB-D camera for creating a 3D reconstruction of a medical model.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21248308 pmid:34960402 pmcid:PMC8703929 fatcat:mbs6svax6rf3jmbpq4g5ckwuoi

How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: a Survey [article]

Fabio Tosi, Youmin Zhang, Ziren Gong, Erik Sandström, Stefano Mattoccia, Martin R. Oswald, Matteo Poggi
2024 arXiv   pre-print
This evolution ranges from hand-crafted methods, through the era of deep learning, to more recent developments focused on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) representations  ...  It sheds light on the background, evolutionary path, inherent strengths and limitations, and serves as a fundamental reference to highlight the dynamic progress and specific challenges.  ...  GSSLAM [90] .This system employs 3D Gaussian Splatting as its only representation for online 3D reconstruction using a single moving RGB or RGB-D camera.  ... 
arXiv:2402.13255v2 fatcat:2fgmsu7wefc2nhh7cdxyxkmou4

A VR System for Immersive Teleoperation and Live Exploration with a Mobile Robot [article]

Patrick Stotko, Stefan Krumpen, Max Schwarz, Christian Lenz, Sven Behnke, Reinhard Klein, Michael Weinmann
2019 arXiv   pre-print
While being operated through the scene, a robot captures RGB-D data that is streamed to a SLAM-based live multi-client telepresence system.  ...  Here, a global 3D model of the already captured scene parts is reconstructed and streamed to the individual remote user clients where the rendering for e.g. head-mounted display devices (HMDs) is performed  ...  To provide an ascomplete-as-possible scene reconstruction for the teleoperation, the involved RGB-D camera can be moved via a manipulator, if existing on the robot.  ... 
arXiv:1908.02949v1 fatcat:nydhcf2pe5hnvhzf7bk4v6i6ei

Collaborative geometry-aware augmented reality with depth sensors

Yuhao Ma, Kyle Boos, Joshua Ferguson, Donald Patterson, Kevin Jonaitis
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication - UbiComp '14 Adjunct  
We present an approach for a collaborative augmented reality environment using an RGB-D camera and KinectFusion, collecting visual and depth data from a static environment that is used as a fiducial for  ...  multiple users.  ...  One collaborative example that we have prototyped is for multiple users to throw digital balls at a scene.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2638728.2638765 dblp:conf/huc/MaBFPJ14 fatcat:iblj7luksferla2oz27lmhiuku

RGB-D Mapping: Using Depth Cameras for Dense 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments [chapter]

Peter Henry, Michael Krainin, Evan Herbst, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox
2014 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics  
RGB-D cameras are novel sensing systems that capture RGB images along with per-pixel depth information.  ...  We present RGB-D Mapping, a full 3D mapping system that utilizes a novel joint optimization algorithm combining visual features and shape-based alignment.  ...  We would like to thank Louis LeGrand and Brian Mayton for their support with the PrimeSense camera, and Marvin Cheng for his work on visualization.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28572-1_33 fatcat:3hlg5w4gzjfkpbugvllhuzkrdu

Efficient Surfel Fusion Using Normalised Information Distance [article]

Louis Gallagher, John B. McDonald
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We present a new technique that achieves a significant reduction in the quantity of measurements required for a fusion based dense 3D mapping system to converge to an accurate, de-noised surface reconstruction  ...  The technique builds upon the ElasticFusion (EF) algorithm where we report results of the technique's scalability and the accuracy of the resultant maps by applying it to both the ICL-NUIM and TUM RGB-D  ...  For each frame we compute two NID scores, one for the RGB component of the frame, N ID rgb , and one for the depth component, N ID d .  ... 
arXiv:2108.05163v1 fatcat:7fx5jdcf3vdmxpalvnqkn6cloi
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