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Based on these premises, we propose a method to build a higher-resolution 3D face model from 3D data acquired by a low-resolution scanner. This face model is ...
Aug 16, 2016 · Based on these premises, we propose a method to build a higher resolution 3D face model from 3D data acquired by a low-resolution scanner. This ...
Abstract—Performing face recognition across 3D scans with different resolution is now attracting an increasing interest thanks.
Based on these premises, we propose a method to build a higher resolution 3D face model from 3D data acquired by a low-resolution scanner. This face model is ...
This work proposes a method to build a higher resolution 3D face model from 3D data acquired by a low-resolution scanner, built using data acquired when a ...
In this context, reconstructing a higherresolution model out of a sequence of low-resolution depthframes is a plausible way to bridge the gap between low- ...
Based on these premises, we propose a method to build a higher resolution 3D face model from 3D data acquired by a low-resolution scanner. This face model is ...
The proposed approach shares the idea of reconstructing a high-resolution face model from a sequence of low-resolution depth frames with our previous work in [3] ...
Performing face recognition across 3D scans with different resolution is now attracting an increasing interest thanks to the introduction of a new ...