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Oct 15, 2015 · To address this issue, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of opportunistic piggyback marking (OPM) for IP traceback in this paper.
Abstract—IP traceback is a solution for attributing cyber attacks, and it is also useful for accounting user traffic and network diagnosis. Marking-based ...
PDF | IP traceback is a solution for attributing cyber attacks, and it is also useful for accounting user traffic and network diagnosis. Marking-based.
The design, analysis, and evaluation of opportunistic piggyback marking (OPM) for IP traceback are presented and it is demonstrated that the design ...
Abstract—IP traceback is a solution for attributing cyber attacks, and it is also useful for accounting user traffic and network diagnosis. Marking-based ...
Abstract - IP traceback is a solution for identifying the sources and traversed path of these packets. There are a number of techniques employed for ...
Abstract - IP trace back is a solution for attributing cyber attacks, and it is also useful for accounting user traffic and network diagnosis. Marking-based ...
Opportunistic piggyback marking for IP traceback ; MLA, Cheng, L., D.M Divakaran, W.Y Lim, V.L.L. Thing. "Opportunistic piggyback marking for IP traceback." IEEE ...
This paper proposes a new Hybrid Distributed Single-packet Low-storage (HDSL) IP traceback framework, which consists of three enhanced DDoS defense mechanisms.
This memo introduces new alternate marking methods that require a compact overhead of either a single bit per packet, or zero bits per packet. This memo also ...