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Sep 6, 2012 · The RFID grouping proof aims to provide a verifiable evidence that two or more RFID tags were scanned simultaneously. It extends the yoking ...
Offline RFID Grouping Proofs with Trusted Timestamps ... Therefore, we propose a protocol to generate offline RFID grouping proofs with trusted timestamps, where.
The RFID grouping proof aims to provide a verifiable evidence that two or more RFID tags were scanned simultaneously. It extends the yoking proof for two RFID ...
The RFID grouping proof aims to provide a verifiable evidence that two or more RFID tags were scanned simultaneously. It extends the yoking proof for two RFID ...
Bibliographic details on Offline RFID Grouping Proofs with Trusted Timestamps.
This protocol is based on Quadratic Residues property where the tags are only required to use XOR, 128-bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG) and Modulo ...
... offline RFID grouping proofs with trusted timestamps, where the verifier can obtain the precise transaction time, which is believed to be the first practical ...
proposed grouping-proofs that request timestamps from a trusted server. [4]. Piramuthu observed that grouping-proofs were still vulnerable to replay attacks and.
Grouping proof is a security token that proves the existence of multiple RFID tags at the same period of time. In the research field of grouping proof, ...
The grouping-proof protocol can be widely adopted to many applications that need coexistence proof to guarantee the items with RFID tags have been scanned ...