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Conference PaperPDF Available. FV-MSB: A Scheme for Reducing Transition Activity on Data Buses. December 2003; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2913:44-54. DOI ...
Abstract. Power consumption becomes an important issue for modern processors. The off-chip buses consume considerable amount of total power [9,7].
Up till now, the most effective technique in reducing the switching activities on the data buses is Frequent Value Encoding (FVE) that exploits abundant ...
Bibliographic details on FV-MSB: A Scheme for Reducing Transition Activity on Data Buses.
FV-MSB: A Scheme for Reducing Transition Activity on Data Buses. from www.researchgate.net
In this article, we propose improved frequent value data bus-encoding techniques aimed at reducing more switching activity and, hence, power consumption. We ...
In this paper, the authors proposed tunable bus encoding (TUBE) scheme to reduce the power consumption in the data buses, which exploits repetition in ...
transition activity on the data buses. ... call this scheme as FV-MSB-LSB scheme. 4 OUR ... found that the transition activity in the lower order bits of the data.
Oct 30, 2003 · Since the bus power consumption is proportional to the switching activity, reducing the bus switching is an effective way to reduce bus power.
contiguous bit positions in data values to reduce the transition activity in the off-chip data buses. In this paper, we propose TUnable Bus. Encoding (TUBE) ...