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In this paper, we apply recent insights from the field of variational autoencoders to the field of deep image hashing, thus achieving an improvement over the ...
In [219] , Verwilst et al. proposed an improved deep image hashing scheme by integrating variational autoencoder advancements, which shows better ...
Improved the binary bottleneck of TBH by using VAE with disentangled variables. • Improved the continuous bottleneck of TBH to use a VAE trained with a ...
Abstract—With the ever-increasing availability of data, the need for efficient and accurate image retrieval methods has become larger and larger. Deep ...
In this paper, we apply recent insights from the field of variational autoencoders to the field of deep image hashing, thus achieving an improvement over the ...
This paper proposes an efficient and adaptive code-driven graph, which is updated by decoding in the context of an auto-encoder, and introduces into the ...
This work is mostly related to the graph-based ap- proaches [43, 29, 30, 35] and deep generative models based ones [5, 8, 10, 36, 40, 50]. Unsupervised hashing ...
Incremental image retrieval method based on feature perception and deep hashing ... Deep image hashing based on twin-bottleneck hashing with variational ...
Feb 27, 2020 · In this paper, we tackle the above problems by proposing an efficient and adaptive code-driven graph, which is updated by decoding in the ...
Missing: Deep image variational