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We study self-organized cooperation in a heterogeneous robotic swarm consisting of two sub-swarms.The robots of each sub-swarm play distinct roles based on ...
Feb 28, 2024 · We study self-organized cooperation in a heterogeneous robotic swarm consisting of two sub-swarms.The robots of each sub-swarm play distinct ...
Through simulation, the combined system can find efficient paths through a cluttered environment in a distributed way, and it is shown that the system finds ...
Abstract—We present a cooperative navigation algorithm for robotic swarms. Its purpose is to let a robot find a given target robot, while being guided by ...
This work studies how a swarm robotic system consisting of two different types of robots can solve a foraging task, and is to the knowledge the first work ...
Feb 28, 2024 · Since our approach involves mutual adaptation between two sub-swarms of different robots, we refer to it as cooperative self-organization. This ...
Jul 7, 2010 · Navigation by stigmergy: A realization on an RFID floor for minimalistic robots. In Proceedings of IEEE ICRA, 2009. Google Scholar Google ...
We study how a swarm robotic system consist- ing of two different types of robots can solve a foraging task. The first type of robots are.
We study self-organized navigation in a heterogeneous robotic swarm consisting of two types of robots: small wheeled robots, called foot-bots, ...
Abstract. We study self-organized navigation in a heterogeneous robotic swarm consisting of two types of robots: small wheeled robots, called.