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Comparing multilateral and bilateral exchange models for content distribution. Abstract: Users of peer-to-peer systems are often incentivized to contribute ...
Comparing Multilateral and Bilateral Exchange. Models for Content Distribution. Christina Aperjis. Stanford University. Michael J. Freedman. Princeton ...
An alternative is to use multilateral exchange to match user demand for content to available supply at other peers in the system. Multilateral exchange can be ...
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We show that multilateral exchanges satisfy several desirable efficiency and robustness properties that bilateral exchanges do not, e.g., equilibria in ...
we compare bilateral and multilateral exchanges for peer-assisted content distribution. We provide a formal comparison of P2P system designs with bilateral ...
Most prevalent exchange systems are bilateral: downloading possible in return for uploading to the same peer. • In this talk we explore the use of prices ...
This work rigorously analyze the efficiency and robustness gains that are enabled by price-based multilateral exchange and shows that multilateral exchanges ...
produced by the two models. Christina Aperjis ... Data-driven comparison. What if we sample a random graph from the BT distribution? ... Bilateral vs. Multilateral ...
We provide a formal comparison of peer-to-peer system designs based on bilateral exchange with those that enable multilateral exchange via a price-based market ...