@article{carvajal-rodríguez_tipantuña_grijalva arévalo_urquiza aguiar_2022, title={Descripción general de comunicaciones habilitadas por UAV en escenarios de emergencia posterior a un desastre}, volume={10}, DOI={10.36825/riti.10.21.012}, abstractNote={Maintaining communications and providing services to users is crucial after a natural disaster due to the damage to traditional communications networks. Emergency networks using UAVs solve this problem due to their rapid deployment. This article presents an overview of the challenges and solutions related to the feasibility of emergency communication systems in different scenarios, path planning, and positioning. Besides, It describes the technologies to realize the core and implemented networks associated with UAVs.}, number={21}, publisher={Revista de Investigacion en Tecnologias de la Informacion}, author={Carvajal-Rodríguez, Jorge and Tipantuña, Christian and Grijalva Arévalo, Felipe Leonel and Urquiza Aguiar, Luis Felipe}, year={2022} }