@article{hsieh_saripalli_sukhatme_kumar_2016, title={Toward a Science of Autonomy for Physical Systems: Aerial Earth Science}, abstractNote={Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with LiDAR, electro-optical and infrared cameras, SAR and atmospheric sensors have transformed the way we acquire high spatio-temporal resolution data. For example, UAVs equipped with these sensors have been able to obtain topography at resolutions of less than one meter, revolutionizing earth sciences. Surface processes act at spatial scales on the order of a meter to produce intricate landforms and UAVs equipped with these sensors are able to measure the three dimensional spatio-temporal geometry of the earths surface and overlying anthropogenic features and vegetation at resolutions appropriate to document these processes. In addition, surface changes due to erosion, transport and sedimentation, as well as earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes can be quantified with this data.}, author={Hsieh and Saripalli and Sukhatme and Kumar}, year={2016}, month={Sep} }