@article{popa_2022, title={SPECIFIC PROCEDURES TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE VARIABLE GEOMETRY CONFLICT}, volume={11}, DOI={10.53477/2284-9378-22-57}, abstractNote={The risks and threats specific to the permanent geometry change of an action/operation in the context of the current multidimensional operational environment conflict are extremely diversified and undergo permanent mutations. This situation implicitly requires that the command-and-control systems architecture must allow rapid adaptation to the requirements imposed by the frequent situation changes, in the conflict specific analysis domains, namely PMESII (political, military, economic, social, information and infrastructure). The digitization and algorithmizing of the decision-making process carried out simultaneously with the structural and functional implementation of artificial intelligence is the current way of streamlining the decision-making process by exponentially increasing the capabilities of the command and control systems regarding the volume and speed of data and information processing, the interpretation, of the capabilities of structural and functional organization of both the C2 modules and the operating force,  of the capabilities to control and evaluate the execution of the action/operation, etc. Algorithmizing and the digitization of the decision-making process combined with the experience, knowledge based intuition and talent/art (specific to the human factor) inevitably leads to making adequate decision aiming to be quickly integrated into operational plans and orders  }, publisher={Univeritatea Nationala de Aparare Carol I}, author={POPA, Cezar}, year={2022}, month={Apr} }