@article{chaudhuri_guilley_hoogvorst_danger_beyrouthy_razafindraibe_fesquet_renaudin_2011, title={A Secure Asynchronous FPGA Architecture, Experimental Results and Some Debug Feedback}, abstractNote={This article presents an asynchronous FPGA architecture for implementing cryptographic algorithms secured against physical cryptanalysis. We discuss the suitability of asynchronous reconfigurable architectures for such applications before proceeding to model the side channel and defining our objectives. The logic block architecture is presented in detail. We discuss several solutions for the interconnect architecture, and how these solutions can be ported to other flavours of interconnect (i.e. single driver). Next We discuss in detail a high speed asynchronous configuration chain architecture used to configure our asynchronous FPGA with simulation results, and we present a 3 X 3 prototype FPGA fabricated in 65 nm CMOS. Lastly we present experiments to test the high speed asynchronous configuration chain and evaluate how far our objectives have been achieved with proposed solutions, and we conclude with emphasis on complementary FPGA CAD algorithms, and the effect of CMOS variation on Side-Channel Vulnerability.}, author={Chaudhuri and Guilley and Hoogvorst and Danger and Beyrouthy and Razafindraibe and Fesquet and Renaudin}, year={2011}, month={Mar} }