@article{m s_v_2021, title={RECONFIGURABLE INTELLIGENT SURFACES FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: BEYOND 5G}, DOI={10.33564/ijeast.2021.v06i04.048}, abstractNote={The advancement in the technology has led to the tremendous variance in the 5G domain. Development in some of the physical layer technologies would help think beyond 5G. One such technology is Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS). IRS caters to focusing the reception of the signal, only to the intended receiver, without loss of power. This otherwise termed as beamforming. In this a new and vast dimension, the wireless environment, in which signal propagates, to be tuned, for reliable transmission. The paper deals about what are Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces, features, false ideas, and critical analysis of how IRS can be a part of future beyond 5G.}, publisher={IJEAST}, author={M S, Chandrala and V, Dr. Kiran}, year={2021}, month={Aug} }